Volume V (2000) - Flora of New Zealand Gramineae
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Leersia Sw.

Leersia Sw., 1788 nom. cons.

Type species: L. oryzoides (L.) Sw.

Perennials or annuals, rhizomatous, stoloniferous or tufted. Ligule membranous, entire or lacerate, usually glabrous. Leaf-blade flat, scabrid. Culm erect, or decumbent and straggling, terete or compressed. Panicle open or contracted, enclosed by leaf-sheaths or exserted, terminal or axillary. Spikelets 1-flowered, ⚥, strongly laterally compressed; lower lemmas suppressed, rachilla modified to a short callus-like segment at base of deciduous floret; disarticulation above rudimentary glumes. Lemma chartaceous to coriaceous, keeled, 5-nerved with the outer lateral nerves ± at margins, usually awnless, keel and margins stiffly toothed. Palea similar in texture to lemma, much narrower, margins tightly enclosed by lemma margins. Stamens 6, or 3, 2, or 1.

c. 18 spp. of tropical and subtropical regions. Naturalised sp. 1.

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