Pleurosorus rutifolius (R.Br.) Fée
Grammitis rutaefolia R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 146.
Gymnogramme rutaefolia Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. 1829, t. 90.
Ceterach rutaefolia Mett. Fil. Hort. bot. lips. 1856, 80.
Gymnogramme pozoi var. rutaefolia Hook. et Baker Syn. Fil. 1873, 379.
Rhizome short, erect, clad in dark brown lanceolate paleae; stipites tufted. Stipes slender, 1-5 cm. long, densely clad in patent ferruginous hairs, sometimes glandular. Rhachis slender, similarly clad, bearing about 8 alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina (1)-2-6-(10) × 1-2.5 cm., membr., dark green, narrow-oblong, obtuse, densely to rather sparsely pilose on both surfaces, some hairs gland-tipped. Pinnae shortly stalked, obovate to flabellate, 3-5-(15) × 3-10 mm., crenately lobed to crenulate to subentire, obliquely cuneate at base; veinlets flabellate. Sori oblong, c. 2 mm. long, often confluent and covering most of lower surface.
DIST.: N., S. Coastal to montane, mostly of rock-crevices in exposed situations, from lat. 38º 30' to 45º 30', east of divide in S. Also in Australia and Tasmania.
Gymnogramme alpina Potts in T.N.Z.I. 10, 1878, 361, based on specimens collected by "Mr. Gray in the Upper Ashburton district", is described as having "fronds silvery green above . . . densely villous, soft, thick in substance . . . sori ovate, numerous . . . fronds crowded, pinnae far less distant". Collected at 900 m. altitude, it appears to be a reduced form due to the habitat.