Catillaria spodophana (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Lecidea spodophana Nyl. Lich. N.Z.: 84 (1888).
Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, H-NYL 18233!
Thallus olivaceous, greyish or greenish-yellow ± translucent, minutely isidiate-furfuraceous, microphylline, not delimited by a marginal prothallus. Apothecia dark red-brown or ± blackened, matt or shining, 0.2-0.8 mm diam., concave to ± plane, margins thick, entire, concolorous with disc. Epithecium pale olivaceous-brownish, 22 µm thick. Hymenium colourless, 40-45 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellow-brown, 40-50 µm thick. Paraphyses free, filiform, nonseptate, capitate at apices. Ascospores biseriate, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, ends rounded or pointed, slightly constricted at septum, straight, (13.6-)15-17(-19) × (5.1-)6-8.3 µm.
N: Wellington. Known only from the type collection.
The type is labelled "Lecidea rhypoderma Kn." in Knight's hand.