Zotovia colensoi (Hook.f.) Edgar & Connor
≡Ehrharta colensoi Hook.f., Fl. N.Z. 1: 288, t. 65A (1853)
≡Microlaena colensoi (Hook.f.) J.C.Sm., T.N.Z.I. 43: 253 (1911)
≡Petriella colensoi (Hook.f.) Zotov, T.R.S.N.Z. 73: 236 (1943) comb. illeg.;
Holotype: K! Colenso 1568 N. Zealand, [dry short grass, growing in tufts near top of Ruahine Range].
Perennial, (4)-15-(45) cm, forming narrow tufts with yellow-green, papery leaves from long, trailing culms, narrowly branching intravaginally and bare below except for remains of old sheaths. Leaf-sheath smooth, cross-veinlets ± visible, cream. Ligule 0.1-0.2 mm, a truncate minutely ciliolate rim. Leaf-blade 4-10 cm × 1.5 mm, ± erect, linear, flat, becoming inrolled, ribs and cross-veinlets cream, abaxially smooth, adaxially minutely scabrid on ribs, long-tapering to acicular tip, margins minutely scabrid. Panicle (1)-3-5-(7) cm, loosely spike-like, curved or drooping; branches smooth to slightly scabrid. Spikelets (6)-7-10 mm, shortly pedicelled. Glumes obtuse to acute, to truncate and shortly mucronate, margins finely ciliate above; lower 2-3.7 mm, upper 2.5-4 mm. Ø lemmas abaxially smooth, sometimes cross-veinlets visible, ± scabrid on keel, adaxially minutely pubescent above, awn 2-3 mm, scabrid; callus hairs dense, 2-3 mm; lower Ø lemma 5-6-(8) mm; upper Ø lemma (5)-6-9 mm. ⚥ lemma 4-5.5 mm, obtuse tip ciliolate, occasionally obliquely truncate and very shortly mucronate, keel smooth. Palea 2.5-4 mm. Rachilla prolongation to 0.7 mm, minutely hairy at apex, or reduced to a minute knob tipped by fine hairs. Lodicules 1-1.5 mm, cuneate, erose to lacerate. Anthers c. 2 mm. Gynoecium: ovary to 1 mm; stigma-styles to 1.5 mm. Caryopsis c. 2.5 × 1 mm. 2 n =c. 48.
N.: Pouakai Range, Taranaki, north-eastern and southern mountains; S.: west of Main Divide extending east into Canterbury and Otago. Snow-tussock grassland, on margins of snow-patch areas and at forest margins, often hanging down damp rocks near streams or on wet shaded banks or cliffs, occasionally in herbfields; 1000-2000 m. FL Nov-Feb. FT Jan-May.
The leaf-blades are shorter and narrower than usual, 1-3 cm × 0.4-0.7 mm, in two collections from Nelson in rock crevices: CHR 180026 M. J. A. Simpson 5091 Fifth Basin, Travers Range, 14 Feb 1967; CHR 204960 M. J. A. Simpson 5705 Waiau Pass, Spenser Range, 12 Jan 1970. The spikelets in these plants are small, c. 6 mm, with all parts proportionally smaller than usual.
There are five Petrie sheets of Z. colensoi with rather short leaves and emerging panicles collected from the Longwood Range, Southland: WELT 76455a,b, CHR 4077, CHR 6802, CHR 292290. These create the impression of a local population of such plants, but all are identical and undoubtedly from a single plant.