Biatorella desmaspora (C.Knight) Hellb.
Lecidea (Sporostatia) desmaspora Knight, T.N.Z.I. 16: 403 (1883).
Lectotype: New Zealand, Sine loco (?Wellington). Charles Knight 6/8/1883, BM!
Thallus pale greenish-white or greyish-white, granular, cobwebby, floury sorediate, corticolous, in irregular delimited patches, to 2.5 cm diam. Apothecia small, 0.1-0.5(-0.8) mm diam., convex, hemispherical when wet, disc immarginate, brown or brownish-black, scattered, frequent, solitary or often confluent. Ascospores very numerous, minute, globose, 1 µm diam.
N: ?Wellington. Known only from the type collection, on the bark of trees ? Melicytus, amongst epiphytic mosses.