Solorina Ach.
Thallus foliose, lobate, dorsiventral, heteromerous, terricolous. Lobes rounded, margins slightly raised. Upper surface smooth to scabrid, matt or slightly shining. Photobiont green, Coccomyxa, in a continuous layer below upper cortex. Cephalodia internal, Nostoc, in a zone above the lower cortex. Lower surface tomentose and obscurely veined. Apothecia lecideine, innate or appressed, laminal. Ascospores brown, ellipsoid to fusiform, 1-septate, sometimes warted, 2-8 per ascus.
Solorina is a genus of c. 10 species included in the family Peltigeraceae. Two species are found in New Zealand in the mountains of South I., east of the Main Divide [Murray T.R.S.N.Z. 88: 398 (1960)] and in north west Nelson. Both species are bipolar.