Sagenidium citrinum Follmann
Holotype (fide Follmann loc. cit.): New Zealand, Canterbury, Arthur's Pass National Park, Woolshed Hill, 1400 m. Visch C 62, BM!
Thallus bright yellowish or lemon-yellow, whitish marginally, felted or woolly, spongy, to 5 mm thick and to 5 cm diam., spreading irregularly or ± orbicular, without soredia or isidia. Apothecia numerous or lacking, superficial or apical, subpedicellate, to 1 mm diam., densely white-pruinose, disc black below pruina. Ascospores fusiform, straight or curved, 6-septate, 25-30 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Schizopeltic and lepraric acids and two unidentified compounds.
S: Canterbury (Woolshed Hill), Southland (Dusky Sound), s.l. to 1500 m, on Nothofagus bark, rarely collected.