Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Kurzia hippuroides (Hook.f. & Taylor) Grolle

Kurzia hippuroides var. ornata J.J.Engel & Merrill

Kurzia hippuroides var. ornata J.J.Engel & Merrill, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 80: 228. 1996. 

Holotype: New Zealand, South Is., Southland Prov., Mt. Burns, ca. 5000 ft., Child H3351 (F).

[Fig. 79: 2]

Leaf disc 4–6 cells high; lobes acute, 4–6 cells wide at widest point, contracted and ± ventrally sulcate at base; sinus bases dilated and reflexed, the lobe margins and abaxial face of the disc variously elaborated with basiscopic spines or vertical lamellae.

Distribution and Ecology : Endemic to New Zealand: South Island (25–1525 m), North Island (1265–1320 m).

The var. ornata occurs in scattered stations, for the most part in forests of Nothofagus menziesii or of N. solandri var. cliffortioides above 500 m and may be found on soil over shaded, vertical cliff faces, at times forming very loose, felt-like mats lining the pockets of the cliff faces. Also in the alpine zone; for example, on the plateau and slopes below Mt. Burns (Fiordland) it occurred over soil under grass overhang of a steep slope (1225–1320 m). Known from one station in the North Island: under rather thick layer of tussock blades at 1265–1320 m in a mosaic of stunted Olearia colensoi and tussock with occasional Coprosma spp. (Urewera Natl. Park, Huiarau Ra., summit area of Te Rangaakapua). The type (Mt. Burns) occurred as a damp sward between tussocks at 1525 m.

Comments : The reflexed sinus bases and laminar outgrowths of the lobes and abaxial face of the disc (Fig. 79: 2) distinguish this expression. In addition, the lobes are broader than those of the typical form and ± contracted at the base. The armature of the leaves is somewhat reminiscent of that in Lepidozia ornata (compare Fig. 79: 2 with Fig. 35: 2, 3 of L. ornata).

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