Scleranthus biflorus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Hook.f.
Mniarum biflorum J. R. et G. Forst. Char. Gen. Pl. 1776, 2, t. 1.
Ditoca muscosa Banks et Sol. ex Gaertn. Fruct. 2, 1791, 196, t. 126.
Type locality: "Noua Zeelandia" (Forst. f. Prodr. 1786, 2), probably Queen Charlotte Sound. Type: P, 3.
Perennial closely branched, us. yellowish, herb forming low but not very tight mat several cm. across, attached by central root system. Lvs evenly distributed, 2.5-10 × 0·5 mm., subulate, not acuminate, barely mucronate, often minutely serrate on lower margins and sts on keel. Pair of fls sessile on top of common axillary peduncle; each fl. subtended by 2 membr. bracts. Sepals 4, acute; stamen 1 on very short ring, filament < sepal length. Fr. c. 2·3 × 0.9 mm. overall, broadest about middle, persistent sepals c. ⅓ length of perig. cup; peduncles elongating (up to 10 mm.) to overtop lvs as fr. ripens and retaining after fr. falls the 4 cruciate membr. bracts, the outer and larger pair up to 2 mm. across.
DIST.: N. Common on the coast and known from a few inland localities. S. Coastal Marlborough. One record (Lammermoor Mts, H. H. Allan, BD 1069) from inland Otago. Rocks and grassland. Also recorded from Tasmania, Australia, S. America.
FL. 11-1. FT. 12-4.