Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Neuropogon antarcticus (Du Rietz) I.M.Lamb

N. antarcticus (Du Rietz) Lamb, J. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 52: 210 (1939).

Usnea antarctica Du Rietz, Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 20: 93 (1926).

Thallus fruticose, tufted, to 8 cm tall. Branches sparingly to copiously divided, becoming entangled-complex at apices. Surface yellow or brownish-yellow at base, variegated yellow and black apices, without annulations, distinctly papillate or coarsely warted towards base. Soralia blackened, granular. Apothecia not seen in New Zealand material. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ brown, C-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric and usnic acids.

S: Canterbury (Kirkliston Ra.), Otago (Pisa Ra., Old Man Ra.). Rare on exposed rocks in fellfield 1450-2100 m.


Genuinely rare in New Zealand being restricted to exposed summits of certain Canterbury and Central Otago mountains. New Zealand material, although sparse, is identical in morphology and chemistry with collections of N. antarcticus from Antarctica and southern South America.

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