Amandinea lecideina
≡Rinodina lecideina H.Mayrhofer & Poelt, Biblthca Lichenol. 12: 112 (1979).
=Buellia litoralis Zahlbr., Denksch.Akad.Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss.Kl. 104: 375 (1941).
Buellia litoralis. Holotype: New Zealand. Otago, Black Head, on coastal rocks, J.S. Thomson T 397 [ZA 441] – W. Isotype – CHR 374337.
Description : Flora (1985: 49 – as Buellia littoralis; 513 – as Rinodina lecideina). See also Mayrhofer & Poelt (1979: 113) and Scheidegger (1993: 342).
N: Northland (Poor Knights Is), Wellington (Manurewa Point S of Martinborough, Cape Palliser, Titahi Bay). S: Nelson (Golden Bay, Cable Bay), Marlborough (Goose Bay S of Kaikoura), Canterbury (Banks Peninsula, Okains Bay, Lyttelton Harbour, NE of Duvauchelle, Tumbledown Bay, Otanerito Bay), Otago (Allans Beach, Otago Peninsula, Black Head, Brighton Crystall's Beach, the Nuggets, Cathedral Caves Catlins), Southland (Curio Bay, Bluff, Ocean Beach, Howells Point, Kawakapatu Bay, Cosy Nook). On siliceous rocks and pebbles, mostly near the sea. Commonly associating with Physcia adscendens and Xanthoria ligulata. Known from Europe (Mayrhofer & Poelt 1979; Scheidegger 1993; Nimis & Martellos 2003), Scandinavia (Mayrhofer & Moberg 2002a; Santesson et al. 2004) and from Hongkong (Aptroot & Seaward 1999: 93).
Illustrations : Nordic Lichen Flora Vol. 2 (2002: 89); Blaha (2002: 29, fig. 9B; 36, fig. 13; 39, figs 14–16); Dobson (2005: 61).
Amandinea lecideina is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; sessile apothecia; ascospores (Dubyana -type, not constricted at septum), 12–16 × 6–8.5 μm; and the abundant pycnidia. It differs from A. punctata by the median spore wall thickening, the cracked thallus, its ecology (coastal rocks) and by the more frequent occurrence of pycnidia.