Sclerophora Chevall.
Type : Sclerophora farinacea (Chevall.) Chevall. [=Fulgia farinacea Chevall.]
Description : Thallus crustose, endosubstratic. Photobiont green, Trentepohlia. Ascomata apothecia, stalked. Stalk short to very long and slender, yellow, pale- or reddish brown, comprised of strictly periclinally arranged, hyaline or pale-brownish hyphae. Excipulum well-developed, forming a distinct collar at base, lower part of collar ±enclosing the uppermost part of the stalk. Exciple hyaline, of anticlinally arranged hyphae. Capitulum spherical to obconical. Mazaedium well-developed. Asci cylindrical, dissolving at an early stage, formed singly from ascogenous hyphae with croziers. Ascospores spherical, pale; spore wall hyaline, with a minute, warty ornamentation; no rupturing of spore wall at maturity.
Sclerophora is included in the family Coniocybaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005), though Tibell (1997: 311; 1998b: 108) keeps the genus in family Sclerophoraceae. It comprises six widespread species (Tibell 1999c; Kirk et al. 2001), of which two are recorded from New Zealand – formerly in the genus Coniocybe (Tibell 1987). The taxon Coniocybe otagoense Js.Murray (Murray 1960a: 182) is a non-lichenised fungus (Tibell 1987: 273).