Ramalea Nyl.
Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus squamulose to ± foliose, lobate, squamules 1-5 mm diam., scattered or ± imbricate, ± ascending at margins or adnate. Upper surface corticate, smooth, ± convex to plane, matt, olivaceous, glaucescent, yellowish or brownish. Photobiont green, Trebouxia. Medulla white. Lower surface white or pale brownish, ecorticate, slightly tomentose-arachnoid, anchored to substrate by medullary hyphae. Pseudopodetia ± erect or decumbent, to 15 mm tall, developing from margins of squamules, ± terete near base, becoming ± laterally compressed above, cortex continuous, ridged-striate, occasionally fissured or ± clathrate near apices exposing medullary hyphae, ± solid at base, ± fistulose towards apices. Apothecia terminal or subterminal, rarely lateral on pseudopodetia, clustered-peltate, disc plane to convex, marginate. Epithecium granular, yellowish-brown. Hymenium colourless, 2-45 µm tall. Asci clavate, 8-spored. Ascospores simple, colourless, ellipsoid. Pycnidia marginal on squamules, black, bottle-shaped, minute.
Ramalea described by Nylander [ Flora 49: 289 (1866)] from a collection of Cuban lichens as intermediate between Cladonia and Ramalina, was placed in the Usneaceae by Zahlbruckner [ Cat. lich. univ. 6: 606 (1930)], but is probably best placed close to Cladonia in the Cladoniaceae. Four species are known from the West Indies, Brazil and Australia. One species is known from New Zealand.