Olea cunninghamii Hook.f.
O. apetala A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 2, 1839, 46 non Vahl loc. cit.
Tree up to ± 20 m. tall; trunk up to 1·5m. diam.; branchlets pubescent. Lvs on rather stout petioles up to ± 10 mm. long; lamina of juveniles narrow-linear, acute, coriac., glab.; of adults lanceolate to ovate- or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, coriac., glab., somewhat rough; midrib impressed above, prominent below. Racemens 8-12-fld, 10-25 mm. long, rather stout; axis and pedicels densely pubescent. ♂ with 2 large exserted anthers, ovary rud. ♀ with 2 sessile barren anthers, ovary with large 2-lobed stigma. Drupe ± 12-16 mm. long, ovoid.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland forests, local, from near North Cape to lat. 42º 30'; on east of S. Maire, Black maire.
FL. 10-11. FT. 12-4.
Hooker gives " Northern and eastern parts of the Northern Island " and does not indicate a type. Until we have more exact knowledge of the sp. it seems unwise to select a type, and this applies to the other endemic spp.