Geum divergens Cheeseman
Type: A, Cheeseman.
Stock creeping, stout, woody; lvs radical, up to 6 cm. long; terminal lflt c. 2-3·5 cm. across, orbicular-reniform, coarsely crenate-dentate, sparsely hairy, margins densely ciliate with long whitish hairs; lateral lflts in 2-4 pairs, minute, about lanceolate, ciliate. Scape up to 10 cm. tall, slender, pubescent; bracts up to 5, up to 2 cm. long, lanceolate, toothed or incised. Fls 5 to solitary, up to 3 cm. diam.; calyx-lobes pubescent, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, bractlets small; petals 5, c. 1 cm. long, yellow, obovate. Receptacle ± villous. Achenes villous, style long, glab., recurved at tip.
DIST.: S. Rocky places, Mount Captain, Clarence valley, c. 1500 m., Cheeseman. ? Mount Miromiro, A. Wall (fls white).
FL. 11-12. FT. 1-2.