Cephaloziella pulcherrima R.M.Schust.
Leafy shoots 250–400(500) µm wide; abaxial surface of leaves usually smooth; gametangial branches clustered in groups of 2–5; cells of perianth mouth 42–66 µm long.
Distribution and Ecology : Endemic to New Zealand: South Island (730–1160 m). Known from Fiordland (Humboldt Mtns.), Otago (Swampy Hill) and Westland (Otira River valley) EPs.
A helophytic taxon, occurring in open, swampy or boggy sites, sometimes on the less hygric margins of peat-edged tarns (type), sometimes on saturated peaty ground. In the upper Otira valley it was found on damp peat soil with Dicranoloma robustum in Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium – Chionochloa rubra tussockland on the valley floor.