Allisoniella nigra (Rodway) R.M.Schust.
Sphenolobus nigrus Rodway, Tasman. Bryoph. 2: 33. 1916 (Pap. & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1916: 83. 1917).
Cephaloziella nigra (Rodway) Grolle, J. Jap. Bot. 41: 225. 1966.
Allisoniella nigra (Rodway) R.M.Schust., Nova Hedwigia 22: 141. 1972 (1971).
Type: Tasmania, Cradle Mtn.
Key to the subspecific taxa
Comments : This species has two subspecies, subsp. nigra of Tasmania and New Zealand, and subsp. novaezelandiae of our area. Grolle (1966d) and Schuster (1972a, fig. 3: 2–5) illustrated the type. Grolle (1966d) also placed Allisoniella obcordata E.A.Hodgs. into the synonymy of A. nigra. Schuster (1972a) described A. nigra subsp. novaezelandiae, and A. obcordata appears to be identical to that taxon. Schuster (1972a) provided formal recognition to a form, fo. subobtusa R.M.Schust., which has, when compared to fo. novaezelandiae, more deeply descending sinuses and leaf lobes more rounded.
There remains a question of sexuality of this species. Allisoniella obcordata was stated to be dioecious by Hodgson (1965); we have been unable to corroborate the Hodgson statement. Subspeciesnovaezelandiae is autoecious (Schuster, 1972a). In view of all these ambiguities, and because of the paucity of adequate material available, we continue to treat these three extremes as one species, as follows.