Fulgensia fulgens (Sw.) Elenkin
Lichen fulgens Sw., Nova Acta Acad. upsal. 4: 246 (1784).
Thallus orbicular, placodioid, to 3(-5) cm diam., saxicolous. Lobes contiguous, imbricate or sublobulate sometimes dispersed, longer than broad and mostly over 1 mm wide, margins neat, clearly differentiated, centre of thallus becoming warted-bullate or areolate. Upper surface matt, yellow-orange to whitish, often strongly white-pruinose, pruina coarse, floury, schizidia (small scale-like structures which split off from the upper surface) often present. Apothecia sessile, central, to 1.5 mm wide, disc convex, orange, with a thin thalline margin, excluded with age. Ascospores rather variable in shape, short and tapered to ellipsoid, 9-12 × 2.5-5 µm. Chemistry: Medulla contains fragilin and caloploicin. Apothecia contain parietin.
N: Near Napier (Colenso, BM) S: Canterbury (Weka Pass, Castle Hill, Ashburton Gorge near Mt Somers), Otago (Hampden), Southland (Clifden). On limestone, but still poorly collected.