Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Lepraria Ach.

LEPRARIA Ach., 1803 nom. cons. 

Thallus leprose or ± granular, thin, spreading, consisting of loosely felted hyphae with algal cells grouped among them. Photobiont green. Apothecia unknown.


Thallus of discrete, firm, grey, grey-white or ± blackened granules, ± clustered at margins, often ± rosette-forming, alpine
Thallus leprose-floccose, glaucous-grey to greenish-white, soft, uneven, irregularly spreading, mainly lowland

Lepraria, included in the Lichenes Imperfecti [see Laundon Lichenologist 2: 65-66 (1962)] contains c. 20 species of cosmopolitan distribution. Two species occur in New Zealand.

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