Lopadium Körb.
Type : Lopadium pezizoideum (Ach.) Körb. [=Lecidea pezizoidea Ach.]
Description : Flora (1985: 260–261).
Lopadium, formerly doubtfully included in the family Ectolechiaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004) is now doubtfully included in the Pilocarpaceae (Eriksson 2005). Earlier, the genus comprised a rather heterogeneous group of taxa having single-spored asci, unbranched paraphyses, and ascospores that are muriform and not halonate (Malme 1937). Santesson (1952: 521–525) outlined the taxonomic problems posed by Lopadium s.lat. Indian taxa are discussed by Patwardhan & Makhija (1981). Döbbeler et al. (1985) referred names in Lopadium s. lat. to the following genera: Brigantiaea (q.v.), Calenia [=Bullatina, (q.v.)], Echinoplaca Fée, Gyalectidium (q.v.), Gyalideopsis (q.v.), Lasioloma R.Sant., Lobaca Vězda [=Fellhanera (q.v.)], Lopacidia Kalb, Schadonia Körb., Sporopodium (q.v.), and Tapellaria (q.v.). Vězda (1986) described the following new genera for taxa formerly included in Lopadium s. lat.; Fellhanera Vězda, Calopadia Vězda, Loflammia Vězda, and Logilvia Vězda, In this more restricted sense Lopadium comprises c. 5 species, all typical of cool to temperate areas of both Northern and Southern Hemispheres, in contrast to the above excluded genera, which are mainly tropical in their affinities and/or distributions. Species of Lopadium s. str. have black to brown-black apothecia; ±simple paraphyses with dark-brown conical caps; monosporous asci without any amyloid apical thickening; and large, muriform, colourless or pale-brown ascospores. One species is recorded from New Zealand, but the genus is very poorly studied and collected here. Lopadium puiggarii (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr. and L. subcoerulescens Zahlbr. (see Flora 1985: 262) are now both included in the genus Calopadia (q.v.).