Hebe lycopodioides var. patula G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Type locality: Mt. Technical, above Lewis Pass. Type: BD 76005, Simpson and Thomson.
Smaller, with decumbent rooting stems forming low patches 5-10 cm. tall; branchlets 1·5-2 mm. diam. Lvs smaller and narrower, ± 1-2 mm. long, gradually narrowed into a thickened acute tip but scarcely cuspidate, weakly ribbed near upper margin.
DIST.: S. From Amuri Pass to the vicinity of Harper Pass.
Simpson and Thomson (loc. cit.) note that W. B. Brockie "finds it to be the common and only form of the species" throughout the range quoted. Most of the material in herbaria is from gardens. The var. is very similar in habit to H. poppelwellii and might better be placed with that sp.