Liverworts v1 (2008) - A Flora of the Liverworts and Hornworts of New Zealand Volume 1
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Tritomaria exsecta (Schmidel ex Schrad.) Loeske

Tritomaria exsecta (Schrad.) Loeske

Jungermannia exsecta Schmid. ex Schrad., Syst. Samml. Kryptog. Gew. 2: 5. 1797; Schmid., Icon. Pl. Anal. Part. ed. 2, Manip. 3: 241. tab. 62, 1796, nom. inval.

Lophozia exsecta (Schmid. ex Schrad.) Dumort., Recueil Observ. Jungerm. 17. 1835.

Scapania exsecta (Schmid. ex Schrad.) Austin, Hepat. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. 8(21). 1873.

Diplophyllum exsectum (Schmid. ex Schrad.) Thériot & Monguillon, Bull. Soc. Agr. Sci., Le Mans 1899: 199. 1899.

Sphenolobus exsectus (Schmid. ex Schrad.) Steph., Sp. Hepat. 2: 170. 1902.

Tritomaria exsecta (Schmid. ex Schrad.) Schiffn. ex Loeske, Hedwigia 49: 13. 1909; Schiffn., Ber. Naturwiss.-Med. Vereins Innsbruck 31 (Beitrage): 12. 1908, nom. inval. 

Type: Germania, Bavaria.

Engel (2006a) subdivided the species into two subspecies, subsp. exsecta and subsp. novaezelandiae; only subsp. novaezelandiae occurs in our area.

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