Hebe ciliolata (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
Logania ciliolata Hook. f. in Handbook N.Z. Fl. 1867, 737.
Mitrasacme hookeri Buchan. in T.N.Z.I. 14, 1882, 348, t. 29, f. 1.
Veronica gilliesiana Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 28, 1896, 519.
Type locality: "Slopes above Browning's Pass, alt. 4-6000 ft." Type: K, Haast.
Shrub to 30 cm. tall. Lfy twigs 2.5-7 mm. diam. (all on one plant of ± uniform size), deeply longitudinally grooved between lf-tips. Lvs erecto-patent, spreading with age, c. 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near tip, narrow-oblong above broad base, trough-shaped with margins turned upwards from flattened abaxial surface, the tip thick, squarish; marginal cilia short and stiff. Infls to 6 mm. long, when ∞ hiding vegetative tip; peduncle hidden by lvs even in fr. Fls in 1-3 pairs, sessile. Bracts like lvs but with proportionately shorter laminae, to 2.5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes rather > bracts, sts with some hairs on backs as well as margins. Corolla-tube < calyx, lobes rounded, = or > tube, flat; ♀ with short stamens and large frilled stigma as in Buchanan's t. 29. Capsule c. 4 × 2.5 mm., rather long-oval, c. 2 × calyx-lobes.
DIST.: S. Mountains of Nelson and wetter parts of main divide to 2400 m. altitude.
FL. 11-1-(3).