Usnea xanthopoga Nyl.
Holotype: New Zealand. Campbell Island. Filhol, H-NYL! Isotype in BM!
Thallus fruticose, often caespitose, pale greenish-yellow to pale yellow, cortex waxy, glabrous, shining, branches firmly attached at base, 1-1.5 mm thick, sympodially branched, straight, gradually attenuate at apices, not inflated, rarely papillate, sorediate. Soredia numerous, discrete, isidiate, in small warts or raised on rounded, knobbly soralia, occasionally spinulose-isidiate. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Fumarprotocetraric, protocetraric (tr.), hypoprotocetraric (tr.) and usnic acids.
St: A: C: A characteristic grassland species from the Subantarctic Islands - where it is found on twigs of shrubs in exposed grasslands or fellfield.