Marattia salicina Sm.
Caudex massive, irregular. Stipes up to 1 m. or more long; processes large, clasping. Fronds up to 4 m. long and 2 m. wide, about ovate-deltoid in outline, 2-pinnate (rarely 3-pinnate). Primary pinnae up to 1 m. long. Pinnules up to 3 dm. long 2 cm. wide, oblong, acuminate, very shortly stalked; margins incurved, sinuous. Synangia c.. 3 mm. long, submarginal, close-set; sporangia 8-12.
DIST.: N. Lowland forest from lat. 35º to nearly 40º on west of island. Para, King-fern. Known also from Tahiti, Samoa, Rarotonga, Norfolk Id.
The name M. fraxinea Smith Ic. Ined., 1790, t. 48, has no standing as it had not been published when the name M. salicina was validly published.