Lopadium puiggarii (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Heterothecium puiggarii Müll. Arg., Flora 64: 105 (1881).
Lopadium allanii Zahlbr., T.N.Z.I. 59: 311 (1928).
Thallus to 25 mm diam., dispersed or in central part continuous, smooth, greenish-grey to greyish-white, shining or matt, sometimes with a very thin white prothallus at periphery. Apothecia strongly constricted at base, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., disc dark brown to blackish-brown, epruinose, plane or subconvex, margins thin not prominent, concolorous wih disc or paler. Paraphyses 1-1.5 µm thick, simple or with a few basal branches, apices not distinctly thickened. Hypothecium dark brown 10-20 µm tall. Asci clavate. Ascospores 1 per ascus, muriform, ellipsoid, 57-84 × 16-28 µm.
N: Wellington (Totara Reserve, Pohangina Valley, Kitchener Park, Feilding). On leaves of Asplenium falcatum, Alectryon excelsum, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides.
L. allanii. Lectotype (fide Santesson loc. cit., p. 535): New Zealand Wellington, Kitchener Park, Feilding, on Alectryon excelsum. H.H. Allan, W.