Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Calicium subquercinum Asahina

C. subquercinum Asahina, J. Jap. Bot. 8: 2 (1932).

* Account prepared by Dr L. Tibell (Uppsala).

Thallus granular to verrucose or almost immersed, greenish-grey or with bluish tinge. Apothecia 0.4-1.6 mm high, epruinose or with a white pruina on lower side of capitulum, 4-8 times as high as width of stalk. Stalk and excipulum in watermounts I+ dark blue. Excipulum of densely intertwined, sclerotized hyphae with slightly elongated cells, laterally not reaching far above surface of hypothecium. Hypothecium blackish-brown with convex upper surface. Stalk black or with reddish-brown tinge, consisting of densely intertwined, sclerotized hyphae and sometimes with strands of interhyphal, granular crystals, outer part of stalk slightly paler and a very thin I-, gelatinous coat covers the stalk. Asci narrowly clavate, 21-32 × 4-5.5 µm with spores in part biseriate and overlapping. Ascospores remaining simple while enclosed in asci. Mature spores 1-septate, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, 9-14 × 4-7.5 µm, with minutely verrucose to areolate ornamentation. Chemistry: No secondary substances identified. Thallus K-, C-, KC-, Pd- and UV-.

N: North Auckland, South Auckland, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Wellington. S: Nelson, Canterbury, Westland, Otago, Southland. Common on decorticated stumps of hardwoods and podocarps in humid and shaded situations but also not rare on bark of Metrosideros and Nothofagus, s.l. to 1050 m.


C. subquercinum has a remarkably wide distribution occurring from the Northern Boreal Zone of the Northern Hemisphere through the subtropical Zone, and with a similar zonal distribution in the Southern Hemisphere. Primarily it requires high humidity but is very tolerant as to temperature.

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