Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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(Together with some earlier titles not listed in Volume I)

Revisions appearing in Das Pflanzenreich and Die Pflanzenfamilien are not cited. No attempt is made to list every paper containing an original description of a N.Z. sp.; all such essential references appear in the main text.

1780 Forster, G. Decas Plantarum Novarum ex Insulis Maris Australis. Nova Acta R. Soc. Scient. Upsal. 3, 171–186.

Often attributed to the younger Linnaeus who wrote the introduction and is responsible for the generic name Forstera.

1825 Gaudichaud-Beaupré, C. Rapport sur la Flore des Iles Malouines. Ann. Sci. nat. Sér. 1, 5, 89–110.

Includes generic descriptions of Pernettya, Pratia and Gaimardia.

1842 Hooker, W. J. On a New Species of Thuja; and on Podocarpus totara of New Zealand. Lond. J. Bot. 1, 570–575.

1857 Hooker, J. D. On the Botany of Raoul Island, One of the Kermadec Group. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 1, 125–129.

1858–1882 Mueller, F. Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae. Melbourne.

Contains over 200 references to N.Z. plants; most are incidental comments only, but some involve transfers from one genus to another and a new sp. from Chatham Is is described in vol. 8 as Lepyrodia traversii.

1860 Archer, W. On the Value of Hairs as a Character in Determining the Limits of Subordinate Groups of Species, Considered in Connection with the Genus Eurybia Cass., and Olearia Mönch., of Compositae. Proc. Linn. Soc. 5, 17–25.

1868 Lange, J. Index Seminumin in Horto Academico Hauniensi a. 1868 Collectorum.

Original description of Nertera scapanioides pp. 22–23.

1882 Engler, A. Versuch einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt. Theil. II. Die extratropischen Gebiete der Südlichen Hemisphäre und die Tropischen Gebiete. Leipzig.

Chapters 3, 4 and 5 deal with the N.Z. flora and its relationships with Australia and the Pacific Islands.

1883 Bennett, A. Two New Potamogetons. J. Bot. 21, 65–67, t. 235.

Clarke, C. B. On Hemicarex Benth., and its Allies. J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 20, 374–403.

Includes a revision of Uncinia.

1886 Hieronymus, G. Über Blüte und Blütenstand der Centrolepidaceen. Engl. Bot. Jb. 7, 319–330.

1890 Buchenau, F. Monographia Juncacearum. Engl. Bot. Jb. 12, 1–495.

1891 Simon, F. Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Epacridaceae und Ericaceae. Engl. Bot. Jb. 13, 15–46.

Several N.Z. spp. are included.

1895 Buchenau, F. Studien über die australischen Formen der Untergattung Junci genuini. Engl. Bot. Jb. 21, 258–267.

Tieghem, P. E. L. van. Sur les Loranthoidées de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Bull. Soc. bot. France 42, 23–30.

1902 Baccarini, P. Appunti sulla Anatomia delle Epacridee. Nuovo G. bot. Ital. 9, 81–114.

Refers to and figures two N.Z. spp.

1905 Diels, L. Über die Vegetationsverhältnisse Neu-Seelands. Engl. Bot. Jb. 34, Beiblatt no. 79, 64–73.

1908 Kildahl, N. J. The Morphology of Phyllocladus alpinus. Bot. Gaz. 46, 339–348.

1915 Cross, B. D. Investigations on Phormium. T.N.Z.I. 47, 61–66.

1922 Pfeiffer, N. E. Monograph of the Isoetaceae. Ann. Mo. bot. Gard. 9, 79–232.

Discusses N.Z. material of Isoetes alpina.

1923 Wall, A. Raoulia mammillaris Hook. f. Rec. Cant. Mus. 2, 105–109.

1924 Grant, A. L. A Monograph of the Genus Mimulus. Ann. Mo. bot. Gard. 11, 99–388.

M. repens.

Rogers, R. S. Petalochilus: a New Genus of New Zealand Orchids. J. Bot. Lond. 62, 65–67, t. 571.

1928 Hicks, G. C. Chromosome Studies in the Cyperaceae, with Special Reference to Scirpus. Bot. Gaz. 86, 295–317.

Includes N.Z. material.

Rupp, H. M. R. Notes on Corysanthes and Some Species of Pterostylis and Caladenia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 53, 551–554.

1929 Behre, K. Physiologische und zytologische Untersuchungen über Drosera. Planta 7, 208–306.

Chromosome numbers of D. binata, D. spathulata.

Svenson, H. K. Monographic Studies in the Genus Eleocharis. Rhodora 31, 121–135 et passim.

41, 1939, 1–19 et passim. Includes all N.Z. spp.

1930 Skottsberg, C. The Geographical Distribution of the Sandalwoods and its Significance. Proc. 4th Pacif. Sci. Congr. 3, 435–440.

Considers Mida endemic to N.Z.

1933 Setchell, W. A. A Preliminary Survey of the Species of Zostera. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. 19, 810–817.

Discusses N.Z. plants.

1941 Beetle, A. A. Studies in the Genus Scirpus L. III. The American Species of the Section Lacustres Clarke. Amer. J. Bot. 28, 691–700.

VI. The Section Schoenoplectus Palla. Ibid. 30, 1943, 395–401. Mentions N.Z. specimens of S. validus (S. lacustris) and S. americanus.

Buchholz, J. T. Embryogeny of the Podocarpaceae. Bot. Gaz. 103, 1–37.

Includes all N.Z. spp.

Frankel, O. H. Cytology and Taxonomy of Hebe, Veronica and Pygmaea. Nature 147, 117–118.

Chromosome numbers of Pygmaea pulvinaris and P. thomsonii.

1942 Cranwell, L. M. New Zealand Pollen Studies. 1. Key to the Pollen Grains of Families and Genera in the Native Flora. Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 2, 280–308.

1943 Blake, S. T. Critical Notes on the Gramineae and Cyperaceae of South Australia with Descriptions of New Species. Trans. roy. Soc. S. Aust. 67, 42–61.

Discusses spp. found also in N.Z.

Rupp, H. M. R. The Orchids of New South Wales. Sydney.

Includes a number of spp. found also in N.Z.

1944 Levyns, M. R. Notes on Scirpus and Descriptions of Three New Species. J. S. Afr. Bot. 10, 25–32.

Discusses S. antarcticus L. and S. cartilagineus.

Wilde, M. H. A New Interpretation of Coniferous Cones. 1. Podocarpaceae (Podocarpus). Ann. Bot. ser. 2, 8, 1–41.

Discusses 7 N.Z. spp.

1947 Langdon, L. M. The Comparative Morphology of the Fagaceae. I. The Genus Nothofagus. Bot. Gaz. 108, 350–371.

Mentions 3 N.Z. spp.

1949 Franco, J. d. A. Notas Nomenclaturais. Bol. Soc. Broteriana 23, 159–176.

Rhopalostylis sapida.

Murray, J. The Contribution by New Zealand Workers to the Chemistry of Plants. II. Investigation of the Native Flora. J. N.Z. Inst. Chem. 13, 128–135; 14, 44–52.


1950 Blake, S. T. Notes on Australian Cyperaceae. VIII. Proc. roy. Soc. Qd 60, 45–53.

Schoenus maschalinus.

Druce, A. P. Orchids of the Wellington District. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 22, 4–10.

Notes and Additions (with J. B. Irwin). Ibid no. 25, 1951, 10–12. Notes and Additions 2. Ibid. no. 32, 1961, 14–15. Notes and Additions 3. Ibid. no. 34, 1967, 34.

Wunderlich, R. Die Agavaceae Hutchinsons im Lichte ihrer Embryologie, ihres Gynözeum-, Staubblatt- und Blattbaues. Öst. bot. Z. 97, 437–502.


1951 Nelmes, E. The Genus Carex in Malaysia. Reinwardtia 1, 221–450.

Discusses subgenera and position of Carex capillacea.

1952 Lourteig, A. Ranunculáceas de Sudamérica Templada. Darwiniana 9, 397–608.

Discusses some N.Z. spp.

Nelmes, E. Facts and Speculations on Phylogeny in the Tribe Cariceae of the Cyperaceae. Kew Bull, for 1951, 427–436.

Discusses relationships of species in subgenus Primocarex.

1953 Healy, A. J. The Identification and Distribution of Rushes in New Zealand. Proc. N.Z. Weed Control Conference 6, 5–16.

Li, H. L. A Reclassification of Libocedrus and Cupressaceae. J. Arnold Arbor. 34, 17–34.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van. Results of the Archbold Expedition. Papuan Nothofagus. J. Arnold Arbor. 34, 301–373.

N.Z. spp. included in key.

Swamy, B. G. L. The Morphology and Relationships of the Chloranthaceae. J. Arnold Arbor. 34, 375–408.

Includes all spp. of Ascarina and illustrates A. lanceolata.

1954 Dadswell, H. E. and H. D. Ingle. The Wood Anatomy of New Guinea Nothofagus Bl. Aust. J. Bot. 2, 141–153.

Compares with N.Z. spp.

Schlittler, J. Die Liliaceengattung Dianella Lam. in Neukaledonien und aul den benachbarten Inseln. Ber. Schweiz. bot. Ges. 64, 185–198.

1955 Connor, H. E. and A. B. Cook. The Breeding System of New Zealand Fescue-tussock Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 37A, 103–105.

Hamlin, B. G. Carex cardrona, a New Species of Section Echinochlaenae Th. Holm, an Addition to the New Zealand Flora. Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 2, 121–122.

Melville, R. Contributions to the Flora of Australia: II. Some Ranunculi of Tasmania and South-eastern Australia. Kew Bull. for 1955, 193–220.

Records R. glabrifolius Hook. for N.Z.

Skottsberg, C. On Scirpus nodosus Rottb. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 72, 1–8.

1956 Koyama, T. Taxonomic Study of Cyperaceae V. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 69, 59–67.

Separates Machaerina from Cladium.

Pike, K. M. Pollen Morphology of Myrtaceae from the South-west Pacific Area. Aust. J. Bot. 4, 13–53.

3 N.Z. spp. included.

Tindale, M. D. The Cyatheaceae of Australia. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 2, 327–361.

Chooses lectotype for Cyathea cunninghamii.

Vickery, J. W. A Revision of the Australian Species of Danthonia DC. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 2, 249–325.

1957 Connor, H. E. Breeding Systems in Some New Zealand Grasses. N.Z. J. Sci. Tech. 38A, 742–751.

Court, A. B. Sundry Notes on Three Victorian Plants. Vict. Nat., Melb. 74, 12.

Discusses N.Z. Tillaea helmsii.

Godley, E. J. Unisexual Flowers in the Ericales. Nature 180, 284–285.

Hinds, H. V. and J. S. Reid. Forest Trees and Timbers of New Zealand. N.Z. Forest Service Bull. 12, 1–211.

Distribution maps.

Hou, D. Centrolepidaceae. Flora Malesiana ser. 1, 5, 421–428.

Discusses generic limits of Centrolepis and Gaimardia.

Kern, J. H. The Genus Gahnia (Cyperaceae). Taxon 6, 153–154.

Selects type sp. of Gahnia and of Lampocarya.

Kramer, K. U. A Revision of the Genus Lindsaea in the New World with Notes on Allied Genera. Acta bot. Neerl. 6, 97–90.

Discusses L. viridis.

1958 Beddie, A. D. Precocious Fruiting in Pennantia corymbosa. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 30, 12–14.

Hamlin, B. G. A New Classification of Uncinia (Cyperaceae-Caricoideae). Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 3, 85–88.

Johnson, L. A. S. Nestegis. In Degener Flora Hawaiiensis or New Illustrated Flora of the Hawaiian Islands. Fam. 300.

Makes comb. nov. in Nestegis for N.Z. Olea spp.

Koyama, T. Taxonomic Study of the Genus Scirpus Linné. Tokyo Univ. Fac. Sci. J. ser. 3, 7, 271–366.

Smith, L. S. An Addition to the Australian Genera of Saxifragaceae. Proc. roy. Soc. Qd 69, 53–55.

Discusses the genus Corokia, long regarded as confined to N.Z.

1959 Abele, K. Cytological Studies in the Genus Danthonia. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 82, 162–173.

Discusses relationship with N.Z. spp.

Beuzenberg, E. J. and J. B. Hair. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora 3. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Sci. 2, 531–538.

Briggs, L. H. and B. F. Cain. Chemistry of the Podocarpaceae. I. Constituents of the Heartwood of Podocarpus spicatus. Tetrahedron 6, 143–144.

Further parts in Tetrahedron and Phytochemistry.

Brockie, W. B. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Species of Epilobium L. T.R.S.N.Z. 87, 189–194.

Brownlie, G. Some Problems in New Zealand Fern Nomenclature. T.R.S.N.Z. 87, 195–198.

Gordon, H. D. Sex Ratio in Coprosma repens (Rubiaceae). Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 31, 11.

Hair, J. B. The Chromosomes of the Podocarpaceae. Proc. 10th Internat. Congress Genet. vol. 2, 110–111.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora. 2. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Sci. 2, 148–156.

Hamlin, B. G. A Revision of the Genus Uncinia (Cyperaceae-Caricoideae) in New Zealand. Bull. Dom. Mus., Wellington 19, 1–106.

Hatch, E. D. Auckland's Orchids. Auck. bot. Soc. Bull. 1959, 1–16.

Holdsworth, M. The Production of Female-sterile Flowers by Hermaphrodite Plants of Fuchsia procumbens. T.R.S.N.Z. 86, 105–111.

Kern, J. H. Florae Malesianae Precursores XXII. Cladium and Machaerina. Acta bot. Neerl. 8, 263–268.

Discusses generic characters.

Lovis, J. D. The Geographical Affinities of the New Zealand Pteridophyte Flora. Brit. Fern Gaz. 9, 16–23.

Mason, R. Callitriche in New Zealand and Australia. Aust. J. Bot. 7, 295–327.

O'Donell, C. A. Convolvulaceas Argentinas. Lilloa 29, 87–384.

Illustrates Calystegia soldanella, C. sepium and Dichondra repens and discusses vars of D. repens.

Philipson, W. R. Some Observations on Root-parasitism in New Zealand. T.R.S.N.Z. 87, 1–3.

Exocarpus, Mida and Euphrasia.

Raymond, M. Additional Notes on Some S.E. Asiatic Scirpus. Naturaliste can. 86, 73–76, 225–242.

Discusses S. fluviatilis and S. medianus.

Smith-White, S. Cytological Evolution in the Australian Flora. Cold Spring Harb. Symp. quant. Biol. 24, 273–289.

Chromosome number of Gentiana saxosa and Plantago brownii.

1960 Briggs, B. G. Ranunculus lappaceus and Allied Species of the Australian Mainland. I. Taxonomy. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 84, 295–324.

Burrows, C. J. Studies in Pimelea. 1 — The Breeding System. T.R.S.N.Z. 88, 29–45.

Carlquist, S. Wood Anatomy of Astereae (Compositae). Tropical Woods 113, 54–84.

Includes several N.Z. spp. of Olearia.

Carolin, R. C. Floral Structure and Anatomy in the Family Stylidiaceae Swartz. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 85, 189–196.

Donatia novae-zelandiae and Phyllachne colensoi.

Connor, H. E. Variation in Leaf Anatomy in Festuca novae-zelandiae (Hack.) Cockayne and F. matthewsii (Hack.) Cheeseman. N.Z.J. Sci. 3, 468–509.

Connor, H. E. and E. D. Penny. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Grasses. II. Gynodioecy in Arundo richardii Endl. N.Z.J. agric. Res. 3, 725–727.

Dawson, J. W. Natural Acaena Hybrids in the Vicinity of Wellington. T.R.S.N.Z. 88, 13–27.

Fisher, F. J. F. Leaf Shape in Ranunculus insignis. N.Z. J. Sci. 3, 676–684.

Fisher, F. J. F. A Discussion of Leaf Morphogenesis in Ranunculus hirtus. N.Z. J. Sci. 3, 685–693.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora 4. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Sci. 3, 432–440.

Hamann, U. Morphologische und histogenetische Studien an Veronica-Arten II. Über den Bau des Spross-scheitels und die Anlage der Achselknospen im vegetativen Bereich. Ber. dt. bot. Ges. 73, 395–409.

Hebe salicifolia, H. speciosa and H. × andersonii.

Hamann, U. Morphologische Beobachtungen an Hebe diosmifolia (Scro-phulariaceae) besonders ihren Infloreszenzen. Engl. Bot. Jb. 79, 405–427.

Jackman, V. H. The Shoot Apex of Some New Zealand Gymnosperms. Phytomorphology 10, 145–157.

Melville, R. Epilobium pedunculare A. Cunn. and its Allies. Kew Bull. 14, 296–300.

Moar, N. T. Studies in Pollen Morphology. 1. The New Zealand Species of Hydrocotyle Linn. N.Z. J. Sci. 3, 51–60.

2. The Pollen of the New Zealand and of Two Australian Species of Callitriche L. Ibid. 3, 415–421.

Moore, D. M. Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants from Macquarie Island. Bot. Notiser 113, 185–191.

Morton, C. V. Observations on Cultivated Ferns. VI. The Ferns Currently Known as Rumohra. Amer. Fern J. 50, 145–155.

Rumohra a monotypic genus based on R. adiantiforme.

Ornduff, R. An Interpretation of the Senecio lautus Complex in New Zealand. T.R.S.N.Z. 88, 63–77.

Scott, D. Seasonal Behaviour of Some Montane Plant Species. N.Z. J. Sci. 3, 694–699.

Solbrig, O. T. Leaf Venation and Pubescence in the Genus Raoulia. J. Arnold Arbor. 41, 259–269.

Solbrig, O. T. The South American Sections of Erigeron and their Relations to Celmisia. Contr. Gray Herb. Harvard Univ. 188, 65–86.

Tindale, M. D. Contributions to the Flora of New South Wales: New Species and Combinations in Acacia and Blechnum. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 85, 248–255.

Discusses Blechnum lanceolatum and B. minus.

Tindale, M. D. Notes on Pteridophytes from Australasia and New Caledonia I. Amer. Fern J. 50, 117–124.

Discusses Blechnum minus and Adiantum cunninghamii.

Tindale, M. D. Vein Patterns in Microsorium scandens and its Allies. Amer. Fern J. 50, 241–245.

Turrill, W. B. Hebe macrocarpa var. latisepala. Curtis's bot. Mag. 173, t. 358.

Wilson, K. A. The Leptosporangium of the New Zealand Fern Anarthropteris dictyopteris. Contr. Gray Herb. Harvard Univ. 187, 53–59.

1961 Allan, H. H. Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Indigenous Tracheophyta [except Monocotyledons]. Wellington, N.Z.

Beuzenberg, E. J. Observations on Sex Differentiation and Cytotaxonomy of the New Zealand Species of the Hymenantherinae (Violaceae). N.Z. J. Sci. 4, 337–349.

Bodley, F. A. Hebe speciosa in the Marlborough Sounds. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 32, 9.

Brock, R. D. and J. A. M. Brown. Cytotaxonomy of Australian Danthonia. Aust. J. Bot. 9, 62–91.

Brownlie, G. Additional Chromosome Numbers—New Zealand Ferns. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 1–4.

Cain, B. F., S. Scannel and R. C. Cambie. A New Zealand Phytochemical Survey—Part 1. The Gymnosperms. N.Z. J. Sci. 4, 3–12.

Part 2. The Dicotyledons. Ibid. 4, 604–663. Part 3. The Ferns and Fern Allies. Ibid. 4, 707–714. Part 5. The Monocotyledons. Ibid. 5, 1962, 537–554. Parts 2, 3 and 5 by Cambie, Cain and S. La Roche.

Conert, H. J. Die Systematik und Anatomie der Arundineae. Weinheim.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Cranwell, L. M. Coniferous Pollen Types of the Southern Hemisphere. I. Aberration in Acmopyle and Podocarpus dacrydioides. J. Arnold Arbor. 42, 416–423.

Dawson, J. W. A Revision of the Genus Anisotome (Umbelliferae). Univ. Calif. Publs Bot. 33, 1–98.

Druce, A. P. Rediscovery of the Sedge Gahnia robusta. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 32, 12–14.

Key to Gahnia spp. based on nut characters.

Duguid, F. C. Flowering in Titoki. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 32, 16.

Alectryon; monoecious.

Esler, A. E. Cordyline Hybrids in the Northern Tararuas. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 32, 10–11.

Fujita, Y. Classification and Phylogeny of the Genus Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae) by the Constituents of Essential Oils. J. Jap. Bot. 36, 181–183.

P. ferruginea, P. spicata, P. dacrydioides, P. totara, P. hallii.

Fujita, Y. Classification and Phylogeny of the Genus Dacrydium (Podocarpaceae) by the Constituents of Essential Oils. J. Jap. Bot. 36, 305–310.

D. cupressinum, D. colensoi, D. kirkii, D. biforme.

Fujita, Y. Remarks on Melicope mantelli Buch. (Rutaceae). J. Jap. Bot. 36, 332–336.

Biochemistry and phylogenetic relationships of M. ternata, M. simplex and M. ternata var. mantelli.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. High Polyploidy in a New Zealand Poa. Nature 189, 160.

Koyama, T. Taxonomic Studies of Cyperaceae 12. Naturaliste can. 88, 237–252.

Amendments to his paper on classification of Cladium and Machaerina.

Philipson, W. R. and J. P. Skipworth. Hectorellaceae: a New Family of Dicotyledons. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 31.

Quinn, C. J. Chromosome Complements of the Tasmanian Representatives of the Genus Blechnum. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 95, 1–5.

Compares with N.Z. spp.

Rao, C. Venkata. Pollen Types in the Epacridaceae. J. Indian bot. Soc. 40, 409–423.

Pentachondra pumila, Cyathodes acerosa.

Skipworth, J. P. The Taxonomic Position of Hectorella caespitosa Hook. f. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 17–30.

Taylor, G. M. A Key to the Coprosmas of New Zealand. Part I. Tuatara 9, 31–42.

Part II. Ibid. 9, 43–64.

Tharp, B. C. and M. C. Johnston. Recharacterization of Dichondra (Convolvulaceae) and a Revision of the North American Species. Brittonia 13, 346–360.

Both N.Z. spp. included.

Thoday, D. Modes of Union and Interaction between Parasite and Host in the Loranthaceae. VI. A General Survey of the Loranthoideae. Proc. Roy. Soc. ser. B, 155, 1–25.

Several N.Z. spp. dealt with.

Tindale, M. D. Pteridophyta of South Eastern Australia. Contr. N.S.W. nat Herb., Flora Series. 209. Grammitidaceae; 210. Polypodiaceae; 211. Aspidiaceae.

Discusses many N.Z. spp. and genera.

Tindale, M. D. Studies in Australian Pteridophytes. No. 3. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 3, 88–92.

Refers to Grammitis pumila Swartz 1806.

1962 Atkinson, I. A. E., R. L. Bieleski and F. J. Newhook. Metrosideros parkinsonii Buchan. on Little Barrier Island. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1. 279–284.

Bate-Smith, E. C. The Phenolic Constituents of Plants and their Taxonomic Significance. I. Dicotyledons. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 58, 95–173.

II. Monocotyledons. Ibid. 60, 1968, 325–356. Many N.Z. spp. included.

Briggs, B. G. Interspecific Hybridisation in the Ranunculus lappaceus Group. Evolution 16, 372–390.

Brownlie, G. Geographical Relationships of the New Zealand Fern Flora. Pacif. Sci. 16, 363–365.

Burrows, C. J. The Flora of the Waimakariri Basin T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 195–215.

Burrows, C. J. Studies in Pimelea. II.— Taxonomy of Some Mountain Species. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 217–223.

Campbell, E. O. The Mycorrhiza of Gastrodia cunninghamii Hook. f. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 289–296.

2 later papers on mycorrhiza of Gastrodia, Ibid. 2, 1963, 73–81; 2, 1964, 237–246.

Carlquist, S. Woody Anatomy of Senecioneae (Compositae). Aliso 5, 123–146.

Brachyglottis repanda, Senecio eleagnifolius, S. huntii, S. kirkii.

Connor, H. E. Studies in New Zealand Agropyron. 3. Intraspecific Hybrids in A. scabrum (R. Br.) Beauv. N.Z. J. Sci. 5, 99–115.

4. Interspecific Hybrids A. scabrum (R. Br.) Beauv. × A. kirkii Zotov. Ibid. 5, 116–119.

Corner, E. J. H. The Classification of Moraceae. Gdns' Bull. Singapore 19, 187–252.

Treats Paratrophis spp. as Streblus sect. Paratrophis.

Cranwell, L. M. Endemism and Isolation in the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand—with Notes on Pollen and Spore Types of the Endemics. Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 5, 215–232.

Eglinton, G., R. J. Hamilton and M. Martin-Smith. The Alkane Constituents of Some New Zealand Plants and their Possible Taxonomic Implications. Phytochemistry 1, 137–145.

Acaena, Arundo, Cordyline, Gaultheria, Pimelea, Phormium and Hebe.

Franklin, D. A. The Ericaceae in New Zealand (Gaultheria and Pernettya). T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 155–173.

Hair, J. B. Basic Chromosome Numbers in Cotula. Chromosome Information Service 3, 41–42.

Hamann, U. Beitrag zur Embryologie der Centrolepidaceae mit Bemerkungen über den Bau der Blüten and Blütenstände und die systematische Stellung der Familie. Ber. dt. bot. Ges. 75, 153–171, 219.

Centrolepis strigosa and the floral arrangement within the family.

Hamlin, B. G. Studies in New Zealand Carices—VI. Subgenus Primocarex Kükenthal. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 269–277.

Hewitson, W. Comparative Morphology of the Osmundaceae. Ann. Mo. bot. Gard. 49, 57–93.

Discusses the three N.Z. spp.

Hillis, W. E. and H. R. Orman. The Extractives of New Zealand Nothofagus Species. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 58, 175–184.

Confirms present grouping.

Hunter, J. A. and R. C. Cooper. Variation in Tecomanthe speciosa W. R. B. Oliver (Bignoniaceae) from the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand. Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 5, 233–245.

Kern, J. H. On the Delimitation of the Genus Gahnia (Cyperaceae). Acta bot. Neerl. 11, 216–224.

Melville, R. Some New Zealand Epilobia in Britain. Kew Bull. 15, 477.

Morice, I. M. Seed Fats of the New Zealand Agavaceae. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 13, 666–669.

Ornduff, R. Inter-subspecific Hybridizations in Senecio glaucophyllus Cheesem. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 1, 225–229.

Runemark, H. A Revision of Pteris dentata and Related Species. Bot. Notiser 115, 177–195.

Includes P. tremula R. Br.

Skipworth, J. P. The Primary Vascular System and Phyllotaxis in Hectorella caespitosa Hook. f. N.Z. J. Sci. 5, 253–258.

Skottsberg, C. H. H. Allan, Flora of New Zealand. Vol. 1. Svensk bot. Tidskr. 56, 479–483.

Review article in Swedish. Several taxonomic questions discussed in detail.

Turrill, W. B. Selliera radicans. Curtis's bot. Mag. 173, t. 395.

Walker, T. G. Cytology and Evolution in the Fern Genus Pteris. Evolution 16, 27–43.

Chromosome numbers of Pteris comans, P. macilenta, P. saxatilis; P. comans and P. saxatilis are diploids, but P. macilenta is tetraploid.

Watson, L. Taxonomic Significance of Stomatal Distribution and Morphology in Epacridaceae. New Phytol. 61, 36–40.

Willis, J. H. A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Vol. I. Ferns, Conifers and Monocotyledons. Melbourne.

Includes a number of spp. found also in N.Z.

1963 Aplin, R. T., R. C. Cambie and P. S. Rutledge. The Taxonomic Distribution of Some Diterpene Hydrocarbons. Phytochemistry 2, 205–214.

Podocarpaceae, with full references to recent work. A further note is in N.Z. J. Sci. 7, 1964, 258–260.

Baylis, G. T. S. A Cytogenetical Study of the Solanum aviculare Species Complex. Aust. J. Bot. 11, 168–177.

Beuzenberg, E. J. and J. B. Hair. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—5. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 53–67.

Blasdell, R. F. A Monographic Study of the Fern Genus Cystopteris. Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. 21, pt 4, 1–102.

Brooker, S. G., B. F. Cain and R. C. Cambie. A New Zealand Phytochemical Register—Part I. T.R.S.N.Z. General 1, 61–87.

Gives references to all previous N.Z. chemotaxonomic work except in Gymnosperms.

Burke, W. D. Note on the Occurrence of Nodules in the New Zealand Species of Coriaria. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 377–380.

Cameron, R. J. A Study of the Rooting Habits of Rimu and Tawa in Pumice Soils. N.Z. J. For. 8, 771–785.

Dacrydium cupressinum and Beilschmiedia tawa.

Connor, H. E. Growth of Flowering Stems in Five New Zealand Tussock Grasses. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 149–165.

Connor, H. E. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Grasses. IV. Gynodioecism in Cortaderia. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 258–264.

Cooper, R. A Yellow Parsonsia. N.Z. Plants and Gardens 5, 144–145.

Cranwell, L. M. The Hectorellaceae: Pollen Type and Taxonomic Speculation. Grana palynol. 4, 195–202.

Dobbie, H. B. New Zealand Ferns. Ed. 6 by Marguerite Crookes. Incorporating illustrations and original work by H. B. Dobbie. Christchurch, N.Z.

Doyle, J. Proembryogeny in Pinus in Relation to that in Other Conifers—a Survey. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 62B, 181–216.

Section on embryogeny in Podocarpaceae especially P. nivalis.

Eichler, Hj. Some New Names and New Combinations Relevant to the Australian Flora. Taxon 12, 295–297.

Salicornia australasica (S. australis).

Fabbri, F. Primo Supplemento alle Tavole Cromosomiche delle Pteridophyta di Alberto Chiarugi. Caryologia 16, 237–335.

Includes chromosome numbers for N.Z. ferns communicated by G. Brownlie.

Fineran, B. A. Parasitism in Exocarpus bidwillii Hook. f. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 2, 109–119.

Fineran, B. A. Studies on the Root Parasitism of Exocarpus bidwillii Hook. f. I. Ecology and Root Structure of the Parasite. Phytomorphology 12. 339–355.

Three further papers in vol. 13; two in vol. 15.

Fisher, F. J. F. and J. B. Hair. The Ranunculi of the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand. Part 1: Distribution and Taxonomy. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 325–335.

Franks, J. W. and L. Watson. The Pollen Morphology of Some Critical Ericales. Pollen et Spores 5, 51–68.

Includes Cyathodes empetrifolia, C. pumila, Leucopogon fraseri, L. richei, L. fasciculatus, L. juniperinus, Pentachondra pumila. Tribe Styphelieae exhibits an interesting diversity of pollen types amongst which single warted grains were found only in spp. of Styphelia sens. strict.

Fujita, Y. Evolution of Chromosome Numbers in the Podocarpaceae. J. Jap. Bot. 38, 203–207.

Chromosome numbers in Dacrydium and Podocarpus, and phylogeny in the light of leaf oils.

Godley, E. J. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Plants. 2. Genetics of the Sex Forms in Fuchsia procumbens. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 48–52.

Green, P. S. The Genus Nestegis from New Zealand. J. Arnold Arbor. 44, 377–389.

Hair, J. B. Cytogeographical Relationships of the Southern Podocarps. In J. L. Gressitt (ed.), Pacific Basin Biogeography, pp. 401–414. Honolulu.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—6. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 243–257.

Hamlin, B. G. Notes on Uncinia (Cyperaceae-Caricoideae) from New Zealand, New Caledonia, Kerguelen and Amsterdam Islands. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 2, 127–131.

Hatch, E. D. Notes on New Zealand Orchids II. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 2, 185–188.

Hjelmqvist, H. Some Notes on Nothofagus from New Guinea and New Caledonia. Bot. Notiser 116, 225–237.

Compares with N. cliffortioides.

Johnson, L. A. S. New Species of Juncus in Australia and New Zealand. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 3, 241–244.

Johnson, L. A. S. and O. D. Evans. Intrageneric Groups and New Species in Lepyrodia. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 3, 223–227.

Mentions relationship with Sporadanthus.

Koyama, T. The Genus Scirpus Linn.; Critical Species of the Section Pterolepis. Can. J. Bot. 41, 1107–1131.

Discusses Scirpus americanus Pers.

McIntyre, D. J. Pollen Morphology of New Zealand Species of Myrtaceae. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 2, 83–107.

Moore, D. M. The Subspecies of Montia fontana L. Bot. Notiser 116, 16–30.

Nomenclature Committee of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. Check List of Leptospermum cultivars. N.Z. Plants and Gardens 5, 224–230.

O'Brien, T. P. The Morphology and Growth of Pteridium aquilinum var. esculentum (Forst.) Kuhn. Ann. Bot. 27, 253–267.

Ornduff, R., P. H. Raven, D. W. Kyhos and A. R. Kruckeberg. Chromosome Numbers in Compositae. III. Senecioneae. Amer. J. Bot. 50, 131–139.

VI. Senecioneae II. Ibid. 54, 1967, 205–213. Chromosome numbers of Senecio solandri, S. glomeratus and S. biserratus.

Philipson, W. R. Habit in Relation to Age in New Zealand Trees. J. Indian bot. Soc. 43A, 167–179.

Poole, A. L. and N. M. Adams. Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Wellington, N.Z.

Preest, D. S. A Note on the Dispersal Characteristics of the Seed of the New Zealand Podocarps and Beeches and their Biogeographic Significance. In J. L. Gressit (ed.) Pacific Basin Biogeography, pp. 415–424.

Reese, G. Über die deutschen Ruppia- und Zannichellia- Kategorien und ihre Verbreitung in Schleswig-Holstein. Sch. naturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. 34, 44–70.

Chromosome numbers for Z. palustris.

Rennison, G. and D. A. English. Notes on Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides. Tane 9, 101–102.

Phenological notes.

Rumball, W. Wood Structure in Relation to Heteroblastism. Phytomorphology 13, 206–214.

Compares Podocarpus dacrydioides and Elaeocarpus hookerianus with P. totara and E. dentatus respectively.

Sleumer, H. Florae Malesianae Precursores. XXXVII. Materials Towards the Knowledge of the Epacridaceae Mainly in Asia, Malaysia and the Pacific. Blumea 12, 145–171.

Styphelia taken to include subgenus Leucopogon and subgenus Cyathodes.

Souster, J. Notes on Some Cultivated Veronicas; 'Aoira'. J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 88, 357–358.

Hebe recurva.

Tindale, M. D. Hymenophyllaceae. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb., Flora Ser. 201, 1–49.

Discusses spp. found also in N.Z.

Vessey, J. and B. A. Barlow. Chromosome Numbers and Phylogeny in the Hymenophyllaceae. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 88, 301–306.

Wardle, P. Growth Habits of New Zealand Subalpine Shrubs and Trees. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 18–47.

Zotov, V. D. Synopsis of the Grass Subfamily Arundinoideae in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 1, 78–136.

1964 Ali S. I. Senecio lautus. Complex in Australia. I. Taxonomic Considerations and Discussion of Some of the Related Taxa from New Zealand. Aust. J. Bot. 12, 282–291.

II. Cultural Studies of Populations. Ibid. 12, 292–316. III. The Genetic System. Ibid. 14, 1966, 317–327. IV. The Biology of the Complex. Phyton 13, 1968, 53–62.

Bernardi, L. Revisio Generis Weinmanniae. Pars III: Sectiones III–IV–V–VI (Veteris Orbis). Engl. Bot. Jb. 83, 185–221.

Bhandari, N. N. Embryology of Pseudowintera colorata—a Vesselless Dicot. Phytomorphology 13, 303–316.

Bublitz, L. R. Key to the New Zealand Filmy Ferns (Hymenophyllaceae). Tuatara 12, 147–153.

Burrows, C. J. Some Discontinuous Distributions of Plants within New Zealand and their Ecological Significance. Part I. Tuatara 12, 125–133.

Disjunctions between Otago-Southland and Nelson-Marlborough and Related Distribution Patterns. Ibid. 13, 1965, 8–29.

Burrows, C. J. and J. F. Hobbs. Gynodioecy in New Zealand Gentiana. Nature 203, 203–204.

Campbell, E. O. The Restiad Peat Bogs at Motumaoho and Moanatuatua. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 2, 219–227.

Describes root and rhizome systems of Sporandanthus, Epacris pauciflora, Schoenus brevifolius, Hypolaena lateriflora, Cladium teretifolium and Lycopodium laterale.

Carolin, R. C. The Genus Geranium L. in the South Western Pacific Area. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 89, 326–361.

Covers all spp. of Australia and N.Z., New Guinea and Indonesia.

Davis, T. A. Aestivation in Malvaceae. Nature 201, 515–516.

Hoheria lyallii, H. glabrata.

Dawson, J. W. Unisexuality in the New Zealand Umbelliferae. Tuatara 12, 67–68.

Edgar, E. The Leafless Species of Juncus in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 177–204.

Edgar, E. The Natural Sterile Hybrid Carex diandra × secta. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 279–285.

Edgar, E. Leaf Characters and a New Species in Oreobolus (Cyperaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 454–458.

Forde, M. B. Haloragis erecta: a Species Complex in Evolution. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 425–453.

Franklin, D. A. Gaultheria Hybrids on Rainbow Mountain. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 34–43.

Franklin, D. A. Gaultheria Hybrids at Pureora. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 367–379.

Godley, E. J. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Plants. 3. Sex Ratios in Some Natural Populations. N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 205–212.

Holttum, R. E. The Tree-ferns of the Genus Cyathea in Australasia and the Pacific. Blumea 12, 241–274.

Hunter, J. A. Recently Discovered Native Tree has Horticultural Merit. N.Z. Gardener 21, 194–195.

Elingamita johnsonii. Photograph.

Jones, K. Pollen Structure and Development in Drosera. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 59, 81–87.

Drosera binata, D. pygmaea, D. spathulata.

Lourteig, A. Etude sur Limosella L. CNFRA—Biologie 1, 165–172.

Lists Limosella lineata in the synonymy of L. australis R. Br.

Markham, K. R. Gentian Pigments I. (Xanthones from Gentiana bellidifolia. Tetrahedron 20, 991–997.

Melville, R. Epilobium chloraefolium var. kaikourense. Curtis's bot. Mag. 175, t. 456.

Melville, R. (A Note on Gynodioecy in Ranunculus limosella) in Burrows, C. J. and J. F. Hobbs. Gynodioecy in New Zealand Gentiana. Nature 203, 204.

Moore, L. B. The New Zealand Species of Bulbinella (Liliaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 2, 286–304.

Offen, M. G. and E. A. Alcock. The Variation of Anisotome aromatica var. aromatica with Environment. Tane 10, 123–130.

Ornduff, R. Evolutionary Pathways of the Senecio lautus Alliance in New Zealand and Australia. Evolution 18, 349–360.

Quinn, C. J. Gametophyte Development and Embryogeny in the Podocarpaceae. I. Podocarpus, Section Dacrycarpus. Phytomorphology 14, 342–351.

II. Dacrydium laxifolium. Ibid. 15, 1965, 37–45. III. D. bidwillii. Ibid. 16, 1966, 81–91. IV. D. colensoi: General Conclusions, Ibid. 16, 1966, 199–211.

Sampson, F. B. The Floral Morphology of Pseudowintera, the New Zealand Member of Vesselless Winteraceae. Phytomorphology 13, 403–423.

Sauer, J. Revision of Canavalia. Brittonia 16, 106–181.

Treats C. obtusifolia DC. as a synonym of C. maritima (Aubl.) Thouars.

Stemmerik, J. F. Notes on Pisonia L. in the Old World. Blumea 12, 275–284.

Treats Heimerliodendron as congeneric with Pisonia and H. brunoniana as conspecific with P. umbellifera.

Tardieu-Blot, M. Sur les Spores de Davalliaceae et Vittariaceae Malgaches. Pollen et Spores 6, 537–544.

Rumohra adiantiformis.

Taylor, A. O. A Biochemical Approach to Some Taxonomic Problems in the Genus Coprosma. New Phytol. 63, 135–139.

Taylor, G. M. A Note on Branching. Tuatara 12, 14–15.

Types of branching in N.Z. divaricating shrubs.

Watson, L. Some Remarkable Inflorescences in the Ericales and their Taxonomic Significance. Ann. Bot. 28, 311–318.

Leucopogon fraseri; relationship of genera, Cyathodes, Styphelia etc.

Wieffering, J. H. A Preliminary Revision of the Indo-Pacific Species of Ophioglossum (Ophioglossaceae). Blumea 12, 323–324.

Treats O. pedunculosum Desv. as O. costatum R. Br.

1965 Alauddin, M., T. A. Bryce, E. Clayton, M. Martin-Smith and G. Subramanian. Triterpenoids from New Zealand Plants. Isolation of Ursolic Acid from Gaultheria subcorymbosa Col. J. chem. Soc., pp. 4611–4612.

Armstrong, J. M. and A. P. Wylie. A New Basic Chromosome Number in the Family Fagaceae. Nature 205, 1340–1341.


Brockie, W. B. A New Species of Epilobium. N.Z. J. Bot. 3, 24–26.

Brownlie, G. Chromosome Numbers in Some Pacific Pteridophyta. Pacif. Sci. 19, 493–497.

Suggests Schizaea fistulosa and its var. australis are specifically distinct. Chromosome numbers for several N.Z. spp.

Carolin, R. C. Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Notes on the Genus Wahlenbergia in Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 89, 235–240.

Connor, H. E. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Grasses. V. Naturalised Species of Cortaderia (with Appendix by E. J. Beuzenberg). N.Z. J. Bot. 3, 17–23.

Table 3 shows distinctive flowering times of 3 indigenous and 2 naturalised spp. of Cortaderia in N.Z. VI. Control of Gynodioecism in Cortaderia richardii (Endl.) Zotov. Ibid. 3, 233–242.

Eichler, Hj. Supplement to J. M. Black's Flora of South Australia (2nd Ed.). Adelaide.

Original description of Embergeria Boulos, a new genus including E. grandifolius, transferred from Sonchus.

Evans, P. S. Intercalary Growth in the Aerial Shoot of Eleocharis acuta R. Br. 1. Structure of the Growing Zone. Ann. Bot. 29, 205–217.

Fisher, F. J. F. The Alpine Ranunculi of New Zealand; illustrated by K. R. West. Bull. N.Z. Dep. sci. industr. Res. 165, 1–192.

Lewis, W. H. and R. L. Oliver. Realignment of Calystegia and Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae). Ann. Mo. bot. Card. 52, 217–222.

Mark, A. F. Ecotypic Differentiation in Otago Populations of Narrow-leaved Snow Tussock, Chionochloa rigida. N.Z. J. Bot. 3, 277–299.

Morice, I. M. Two Potential Sources of Linoleic Acid in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Sci. 8, 446–449.

Phormium and Cordyline.

Philipson, W. R. The New Zealand Genera of the Araliaceae. N.Z. J. Bot. 3, 333–341.

Treats all spp. of Neopanax as Pseudopanax.

Rousi, A. Biosystematic Studies on the Species Aggregate Potentilla anserina L. Ann. bot. Fenn. 2, 47–112.

Includes N.Z. material of P. anserinoides Raoul.

Sampson, F. B. and J. McLean. A Note on the Occurrence of Domatia on the Under Side of Leaves in New Zealand Plants. N.Z. J. Bot. 3, 104–112.

Includes spp. of Elaeocarpus, Ackama, Carpodetus, Rubus, Nothofagus, Pennantia, Coprosma, Hebe, Vitex.

Shaw, H. K. Airy. Diagnoses of New Families, New Names, etc., for the Seventh Edition of Willis's 'Dictionary'. Kew Bull. 18, 249–273.


Talbot de Malahide, M. The Genus Olearia. J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 90, 207–217, 245–250.

Tengener, T. Dacrydium—Anatomy and Taxonomy. Bot. Notiser 118, 450–452.

Tindale, M. D. Monograph of the Genus Lastreopsis Ching. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 3, 249–339.

Discusses several N.Z. spp. and attributes Nephrodium pentangularum Col. to L. microsora as subsp.

Watson, L. The Taxonomic Significance of Certain Anatomical Variations among Ericaceae. J. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) 59, 111–125.

Includes Gaultheria rupestris.

Zotov, V. D. Grasses of the Subantarctic Islands of the New Zealand Region. Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 5, 101–146.

1966 Barlow, B. A. A Revision of the Loranthaceae of Australia and New Zealand. Aust. J. Bot. 14, 421–499.

Bortenschlager, S. von, G. Erdtman and J. Praglowski. Pollenmorphologische Notizen über einige Blütenpflanzen incertae sedis. Bot. Notiser 119, 160–168.

Discusses pollen characters of Restionales (especially Hydatella) and of Alseuosmiaceae.

Brockie, W. B. Artificial Hybridisation of New Zealand Species and Varieties of Epilobium. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 366–391.

Cabrera, A. L. The Genus Lagenophora (Compositae). Blumea 14, 285–307.

All N.Z. spp. included.

Cambie, R. C. and S. M. Bocks. A p-Diphenol Oxidase from Gymnosperms. Phytochemistry 5, 391–396.

Includes N.Z. spp. of Podocarpus, Dacrydium and Agathis australis.

Chanda, S. On the Pollen Morphology of the Centrolepidaceae, Restionaceae and Flagellariaceae, with Special Reference to Taxonomy. Granapalynol. 6, 355–415.

3 N.Z. spp. of Centrolepidaceae, 1 N.Z. sp. of Restionaceae.

Druce, A. P. Hook-grass without Hooks. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 33, 17.

Drury, D. G. and L. Watson. Taxonomic Implications of a Comparative Anatomical Study of Inuloideae-Compositae. Amer. J. Bot. 53, 828–833.

Raoulia glabra, Helichrysum glomeratum, and Cassinia fulvida.

Edgar, E. The Male Flowers of Hydatella inconspicua (Cheesem.) Cheesem. (Centrolepidaceae). N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 153–158.

Edgar, E. Luzula in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 159–184.

Edgar, E. Two New Species of Scirpus Sect. Isolepis. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 196–200.

Eyde, R. H. Systematic Anatomy of the Flower and Fruit of Corokia. Amer. J. Bot. 53, 833–847.

Forman, L. L. On the Evolution of Cupules in the Fagaceae. Kew Bull. 18, 385–419.

Includes section on Nothofagus spp.

Godley, E. J. Breeding Systems in New Zealand Plants. 4. Self-sterility in Pentachondra pumila. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 249–254.

Hair, J. B. Biosystematics of the New Zealand Flora, 1945–1964. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 559–595.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—7. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 255–266.

Hodges, R. and E. P. White. Detection and Isolation of Tutin and Hyenanchin in Toxic Honey. N.Z. J. Sci. 9, 233–235.

Identical substance in Hyaenanche globosa (Euphorbiaceae, South Africa) and Coriaria arborea.

Johnson, L. A. S. and O. D. Evans. Restionaceae. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb., Flora Ser. 25, 4–28.

Includes Calorophus minor and discussion of relationship of Sporadanthus to Lepyrodia.

Koster, J. T. The Compositae of New Guinea. I. Nova Guinea Bot. no. 24, 497–614.

Lagenophora lanata included; formerly considered a N.Z. endemic.

McEwan, J. M. Development of the Fruit of Coprosma lucida. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 515–521.

Melville, R. Contributions to the Flora of Australia: VII. Generic Delimitation in the Plagianthus Complex. Kew Bull. 20, 511–516.

Plagianthus regius (Poit.) Hochr. = P. betulinus A. Cunn.

Moar, N. T. Studies in Pollen Morphology. 3. The Genus Gingidium J. R. and G. Forst. in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 322–332.

Molesworth Allen, B. Psilotum nudum in Europe. Brit. Fern Gaz. 9, 249–250.

Moore, L. B. Australasian Asteliads (Liliaceae); with Special Reference to New Zealand Species of Astelia Subgenus Tricella. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 201–240.

Nilsson, Ö. Studies in Montia L. and Claytonia L. and Allied Genera. I. Two New Genera, Mona and Paxia. Bot. Notiser 119, 265–285;

on p. 469, as a correction, a monotypic genus Neopaxia (= Paxia) is set up, based on N. australasica (Claytonia australasica). III. Pollen Morphology. Grana palynol. 7, 1967, 279–363. Includes table of important taxonomic characters (other than pollen) for Montioideae.

Nordenskiöld, H. Cytogenetic Studies in the Genus Luzula in New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 185–195.

Steele, R. H. Note on the Occurrence of Thismia rodwayi F. Muell. at Tauwera, North Island, New Zealand. Tuatara 14, 130–132;

and further note by L. B. Moore, Ibid. 16, 1968, 161.

Swanson, J. R. A Synopsis of Relationships in Montioideae (Portulacaceae). Brittonia 18, 229–241.

Includes Montia australasica (Claytonia), and discusses generic characters of Claytonia and Montia.

Wardle, P. Biological Flora of New Zealand. 1. Weinmannia racemosa Linn. f. (Cunoniaceae), Kamahi; with a Map by A. H. Macrae. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 114–131.

Wheeler, J. M. Cytotaxonomy of the Large Asteliads (Liliaceae) of the North Island of New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 95–113.

Yeo, P. F. Vitex lucens. Curtis's bot. Mag. 176, t. 487.

1967 Afzelius, K. Chromosome Numbers in Some Senecioneae. Svensk bot. Tidskr. 61, 1–9.

Erechtites arguta (Senecio glomeratus).

Benzing, D. H. Developmental Patterns in Stem Primary Xylem of Woody Ranales. II. Species with Trilacunar and Multilacunar Nodes. Amer. J. Bot. 54, 813–820.

Includes N.Z. material of Drimys colorata.

Borges del Castillo, J., C. J. W. Brooks, R. C. Cambie, G. Eglinton, R. J. Hamilton and P. Pellitt. The Taxonomic Distribution of Some Hydrocarbons in Gymnosperms. Phytochemistry 6, 391–398.

Includes N.Z. spp. of Podocarpus, Agathis, Dacrydium and Libocedrus.

Briggs, L. H., R. C. Cambie and R. A. F. Couch. Triterpenes from Some New Zealand Dicotyledons. N.Z. J. Sci. 10, 1076–1082.

Alectryon, Carpodetus, Corokia, Dracophyllum, Ixerba and Knightia; also refers to work by Cambie (N.Z. J. Sci. 7, 1964, 75) and Corbett, R. E. et al. (Aust. J. Chem. 17, 1964, 712). on Olearia spp.

Bryce, T. A., G. Eglinton, R. J. Hamilton, M. Martin-Smith and G. Subramanian. Triterpenoids from New Zealand Plants. II. The Triterpene Methyl Ethers of Cortaderia toetoe Zotov. Phytochemistry 6, 727–733.

Burrows, C. J. Rostkovia magellanica Hook. f. on the New Zealand Mainland. N.Z. J. Bot. 5, 443–446.

Cambie, R. C. and R. A. F. Couch. Extractives of Some Myrsine Species. N.Z. J. Sci. 10, 1020–1029.

Compares M. australis with M. kermadecensis and M. salicina.

Cambie, R. C. and M. A. James. The Taxonomic Distribution of Some Biflavonoids. N.Z. J. Sci. 10, 918–926.

Includes all N.Z. Gymnosperms except Libocedrus bidwillii and Phyllocladus alpinus.

Carolin, R. C. Geraniaceae. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb., Flora Ser. 102, 1–23.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Connor, H. E. Interspecific Hybrids in Chionochloa (Gramineae). N.Z. J. Bot. 5, 3–16.

Crookes, M. Keys to Local Species of Hymenophyllaceae, and Some Technical Terms. Auck. bot. Soc. Bull. 1967, pp. 14–19.

Dawson, J. W. The New Zealand Species of Gingidium (Umbelliferae). N.Z. J. Bot. 5, 84–116.

Dawson, J. W. New Zealand Umbelliferae. Lignocarpa gen. nov. and Scandia gen. nov. N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 400–417.

Dockrill, A. W. Australasian Sarcanthinae; a Review of the Subtribe Sarcanthinae (Orchidaceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney.

Green, P. S. The Wild Olives. Auck. bot. Soc. Bull. 1967, pp. 23–29.

The 4 N.Z. spp. of Nestegis, illustrated by line drawings.

Hair, J. B. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora —8. Luzula (Juncaceae). N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 17–21.

10. Hebe (Scrophulariaceae). Ibid. 5, 322–352.

Hair, J. B., E. J. Beuzenberg and B. Pearson. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—9. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 185–196.

Kukkonen, I. Spikelet Morphology and Anatomy of Uncinia Pers. (Cyperaceae). Kew Bull. 21, 93–97.

Includes three N.Z. spp.

Kukkonen, I. Vegetative Anatomy of Uncinia (Cyperaceae). Ann. Bot. 31, 523–544.

Includes ten N.Z. spp.

Maheshwari, P. and H. Singh. The Female Gametophyte of Gymnosperms. Biol. Rev. 42, 88–130.

Review paper including six N.Z. spp.

Martin-Smith, M., G. Subramanian and H. E. Connor. Surface Wax Components of Five Species of Cortaderia (Gramineae) —a Chemotaxonomic Comparison. Phytochemistry 6, 559–572.

Mason, R. The Species of Ruppia in New Zealand. N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 519–531.

Mole, R. M. Leptospermum scoparium 'Wairere'. N.Z. Plants and Gardens 7, 153.

Moore, D. M. Chromosome Numbers of Falkland Islands Angiosperms. Br. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 14, 69–82.

Chromosome counts of some spp. common to N.Z. and Falkland Is, and chromosome numbers of Falkland Is spp. compared with those of related N.Z. spp.

Moore, L. B. How to Look at Hebe. Tuatara 15, 10–15.

Moore, L. B. The New Zealand Species of Libertia (Iridaceae). N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 225–275.

Morice, I. M. Seed Fats of Some New Zealand Juncaceae. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 18, 129–132.

Morice, I. M. Seed Fats of Astelia and Collospermum, Family Liliaceae. J. Sci. Fd Agric. 18, 343–346.

Philipson, W. R. Griselinia Forst. Fil.—Anomaly or Link. N.Z.J. Bot. 5, 134–165.

Taylor, M. A Key to the Species of Coprosma Found Near Auckland. Auck. bot. Soc. Bull. 1967, pp. 3–13.


Tseng, C. C. Anatomical Studies of Flower and Fruit in the Hydrocotyloideae (Umbelliferae). Univ. Calif. Publs Bot. 42, 1–58.

Studied N.Z. material of Hydrocotyle and Schizeilema.

Watson, L. Taxonomic Implications of a Comparative Anatomical Study of Epacridaceae. New Phytol. 66, 495–504.

7 N.Z. spp. included.

Watson, L., W. T. Williams and G. N. Lance. A Mixed-data Numerical Approach to Angiosperm Taxonomy: the Classification of Ericales. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 178, 25–35.

Includes N.Z. spp. of Gaultheria, Pentachondra, Cyathodes, Dracophyllum and Leucopogon.

White, E., A. Tse and G. H. N. Towers. Lignin and Certain Other Chemical Constituents of Phylloglossum. Nature 213, 285–286.

P. drummondii compared with Lycopodium.

1968 Ali, S. I. Correlation Between Seed Weight and Breeding System in Closely Related Amphimictic Taxa. Nature 218, 492–493.

Senecio lautus complex of Australia and N.Z.

Briggs, B. G. and L. A. S. Johnson. The Status and Relationships of the Australasian Species of Typha. Contr. N.S.W. nat. Herb. 4, 57–69.

Campbell, E. O. An Investigation of Thismia rodwayi F. Muell. and its Associated Fungus. T.R.S.N.Z. Bot. 3, 209–219.

Clarke, C. M. H. Flowering Periods of Alpine Plants at Cupola Basin, Nelson, New Zealand. N.Z. J. Bot. 6, 205–220.

Connor, H. E. Interspecific Hybrids in Hexaploid New Zealand Festuca. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 295–308.

Cutler, D. F. Anatomy and Taxonomy of Certain Monocotyledonous Families. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 179, 261–267.

Rostkovia, Marsippospermum, Juncus, Luzula, Centrolepis and Gaimardia.

Dawson, J. W. An Analysis of Flowers and Fruits in New Zealand Metrosideros. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 43–55.

Dawson, J. W. The Vegetative Buds of the New Zealand Species of Metrosideros. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 240–242.

Edgar, E. Typification of Sporadanthus (Restionaceae). Taxon 17, 546.

Edgar, E. Contrasting Growth Habits in New Zealand Species of Gahnia. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 115–117.

Godley, E. J. The Fruit of Pittosporum pimeleoides. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 118–119.

Grau, J. and P. Leins. Pollenkorntypen und Sektionsgliederung der Gattung Myosotis. Ber. dt. bot. Ges. 81, 107–115.

Discusses N.Z. spp.

Hair, J. B. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—12. Poa (Gramineae). N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 267–276.

Hair, J. B. and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a Chromosome Atlas of the New Zealand Flora—11. Miscellaneous Families. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 19–24.

Hamlin, B. G. The Genus Carex Sect. Echinochlaenae Th. Holm in New Zealand: Typification, Classification and Descriptions of New Species. Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 6, 97-111.

Hooper, S. S. Cyperaceae from Tristan da Cunha. Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan da Cunha 1937–1938 no. 54, 1–9.

Discusses N.Z. Scirpus chlorostachyus; also N.Z. S. sulcatus var. distigmatosus and Uncinia sinclairii in relation to Tristan da Cunha plants.

Huynh, K. Étude de la Morphologie du Pollen du Genre Uticularia L. Pollen et Spores 10, 11–55.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Lourteig, A. Étude sur Uncinia compacta R. Br. (Cyperaceae). CNFRA—Biologie 23, 25–31.

Regards several N.Z. spp. as conspecific with Australian U. compacta.

Lourteig, A. Révision de Juncus Subgenus Septati Buch. § 29 Buch. CNFRA—Biologie 23, 33–49.

Regards J. pusillus Buch. as conspecific with J. scheuchzerioides.

Lowry, J. B. The Distribution and Potential Taxonomic Value of Alkylated Ellagic Acids. Phytochemistry 7, 1803–1813.

Includes all N.Z. spp. of Myrtaceae.

Manton, I. and G. Vida. Cytology of the Fern Flora of Tristan da Cunha. Proc. Roy. Soc. ser. B 170, 361–379.

Discusses two cytotypes of Blechnum penna-marina and confirms Brownlie's counts on N.Z. material.

Morice, I. M. The smallest Astelia. Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 35, 40–41.

Moss, T. C. Notes on Bulbophyllum tuberculatum (Orchidaceae). Bull. Wellington bot. Soc. no. 35, 37–39.

Nayar, B. K. and S. Devi. Spore Morphology of the Pteridaceae III. The Dicksonioid, Dennstaedtioid and Lindsayoid Ferns. Grana palynol. 8, 185–203.

Includes Dicksonia squarrosa, Lindsaea linearis, Leptolepia novae-zelandiae, Hypolepis punctata and Histiopteris incisa.

Raven, P. H. The Genus Epilobium in Malesia (Onagraceae). Blumea 15, 269–282.

E. cinereum.

Wardle, P. The Taxonomy and Distribution of the Stipulate Species of Pseudopanax in New Zealand. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 226–236;

further note on Pseudopanax macintyrei. Ibid. 6, 1969, 522. Three vars of P. colensoi recognised and new combination P. macintyrei made.

1969 Dawson, J. W. New Zealand Umbelliferae. A Leaf Comparison of Aciphylla and Anisotome. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 450–458.

Drury, D. G. A Clarification of the Generic Limits of Olearia and Pleurophyllum (Astereae-Compositae). N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 459–466.

Edgar, E. The New Zealand Species of Leptocarpus (Restionaceae). N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 467–469.

Franklin, D. A. Biological Flora of New Zealand. 3. Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb. (Podocarpaceae) Rimu. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 493–513.

Moore, L. B. Taxonomic Notes on New Zealand Monocotyledons. N.Z.J. Bot. 6, 473–492.

Orchidaceae and Xeronema (Liliaceae).

Philipson, W. R. The Abaxial Stipules of Plagianthus divaricatus J. R. & G. Forst. N.Z. J. Bot. 6, 518–521.