Rosellinula lopadii
≡*Muellerella lopadii Vouaux, Bull. Soc. Trimstr. Mycol. Fr. 29 (1): 42 (1913).
≡*Roselliniella lopadii (Vouaux) Hafellner, Herzogia 7: 153 (1985).
Description : Lichenicolous. Pseudothecia scattered, immersed in thallus of host (Brigantiaea), 200–300 μm diam. Pseudothecial wall dark red-brown, pseudoparenchymatous. Paraphysoids netted, 1 μm thick, developed on inner wall of pseudothecia. Asci swollen, 70–90 × 15–20 μm, containing more than 200 ascospores. Ascospores simple, brown, subglobose to globose, 2–4 × 2–3 μm.
N: North Auckland (Poor Knights Is – on B. chrysosticta) S: Westland (Lake Mahinapua near Hokitika – on B. lobulata), Canterbury (Waihi Gorge), Otago (Mt Watkin, Merton, Abbott's Hill, Taieri Mouth, Akatore, Tautuku Bay – on B. chrysosticta), Southland (Riverton Bush, Forest Hill, Green Hills, Bluff Hill – on B. chrysocticta). St: (Mill Creek – on B. chrysosticta). Known also from North America, Mexico, South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay), East Africa, Sri Lanka, Java, and Australia (Vouaux 1913a: 43; Hafellner 1985a, 1985b).
Hosts : In New Zealand on Brigantiaea chrysosticta and B. lobulata. Elsewhere on Brigantiaea leucoxantha, B. microcarpa and B. tricolor.
Illustrations : Hafellner (1985a: 158, fig. 4; 159, fig. 8; 161, fig. 11C).
* Rosellinula lopadii is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit; the Brigantiaea host; and the small, subglobose to globose ascospores in polysporous asci.