Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Parmeliella duplicata Müll.Arg.

P. duplicata Müll. Arg., Flora 66: 78 (1883).

P. bäuerlenii Müll. Arg., Flora 69: 286 (1886).

Pannaria myrioloba Müll. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 4: 92 (1896).

Pannaria rubiginosa subsp. prolifera Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 48 (1888).

Pannaria rubiginosa subsp. prolifera. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. C. Knight, No 4, 1867, H-NYL 31313!

Thallus lobate, foliose, rather loosely attached, orbicular to spreading, to 15 cm diam., corticolous or saxicolous. Lobes to 5 mm wide, ± discrete, ascending at margins, contiguous to subimbricate centrally, to 15 mm long, margins crenulate-incised, undulate-crisped, ± whitened or "frosted", ascending, slightly thickened, often conspicuously phyllidiate-isidiate, often showing a dense mat of silky white to blue-black rhizines below. Upper surface smooth, matt or glossy or slightly scabrid, undulate, not cracked, with occasional to numerous small, pale swellings (?apothecial initials), yellowish-brown or glaucous or olivaceous to reddish-brown. Phyllidia flattened, squamiform, small, 0.5-1.5(-2.5) mm tall, mainly marginal, occasionally also laminal, margins ± white-tomentose or "frosted", often in a dense crust. Lower surface pale buff-brown, tomentose, with a dense matt of silky, blue-black or white, squarrose rhizines often projecting 2.5 mm beyond lobe margins. Apothecia rare, sessile, to 2 mm diam., disc plane to convex with age, dark red-brown to blackened, with a prominent pale, entire brown-red proper margin. Ascospores oblong to oval, 15 × 7-8 µm.

N: Northland to Rotorua. An epiphyte of trees and shrubs in mainly lowland habitats of high humidity. It is rarely found fertile in New Zealand.


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