Xanthoparmelia notata (Kurok.) Hale
Parmelia notata Kurok. in Kurok. et al., J. Jap. Bot. 46: 33 (1971).
Thallus foliose, spreading, 3-5(-9) cm diam., loosely attached. Lobes convex, sublinear-elongate, rather narrow, 0.5-1.5 mm wide, di- or trichotomously branching, often imbricate, apices ± ascending, margins entire, brown or black, shining. Upper surface greenish-yellow, conspicuously maculate, smooth, shining, isidia and soredia absent. Lower surface black, matt, wrinkled, dark brown at apices. Rhizines sparse, black, simple. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-, medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. 4-O-Methylhypoprotocetraric, notatic and usnic acids.
S: Known only from Glendhu Bluff, Lake Wanaka. On rocks and soil; montane to subalpine.
A distinctive inland species characterised by the maculae on the upper surface, and the medullary chemistry.