Ramalina inflata (Hook.f. & Taylor) Hook.f. & Taylor
Cetraria inflata J.D. Hook. et Taylor, Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 3: 646 (1844).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Auckland Islands. J.D. Hooker, BM!
Thallus to 5 cm tall, sparsely dichotomously branching, branches to 3 mm broad, subterete, inflated, fistulose, rarely compressed, tips obtuse, surface shining, pale greenish-yellow, cartilaginous strands obvious, discontinuous, with large perforations or many small punctures, soredia and pseudocyphellae absent. Apothecia rather rare, terminal, 3-6 mm diam., subpedicellate, disc pale yellowish-glaucous, plane or convex, rarely concave. Ascospores 10-11 × 5-6 µm. Chemistry: Divaricatic acid.
A: C: M: Also in Tasmania. Coastal and lowland on shrubs.
Similar to R. geniculata but the branches are consistently broader and more obviously inflated, with more conspicuous perforations, and with a different chemistry. It has not yet been found on the mainland of New Zealand although it seems to be quite common in Tasmania.