Cladia fuliginosa
Description : Flora (1985: 96).
Chemistry : Thallus K−, C−. KC−, Pd−; containing divaricatic and ursolic acids and unidentified compounds.
S: Nelson (Boulder Lake, Mt Augustus Stockton Plateau), Westland (Mt Euclid Paparoa Ra.), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass). Otago (Park Pass, Stag Pass). C: A rarely collected species from subalpine grasslands where it grows on peat or boggy soil, 1000–1300 m, probably more widespread than records indicate. Known also from SE Australia and Tasmania (Filson 1970, 1981, 1992b; McCarthy 2003c, 2006) and the high Andes of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru (Ahti 2000).
Illustrations : Filson (1981: 54, pl. 8; 70, pl. 24A).
Cladia fuliginosa is characterised by: the wholly dark-brown or black thallus that is smooth and not crystalline in texture (×10 lens); and the dark-brown to black inner medullary hyphae lining the central cavity.