Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.

P. pyrenastroides (Knight) Müll. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 97 (1894).

Verrucaria pyrenastroides Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 23: 100 (1860).

Lectotype: New Zealand, Sine loco. Charles Knight 310a, BM! Also distributed by H. Lojka in "Lichenotheca Universalis, Fasc. III, (1886)" as Astrothelium pyrenastroides (BM, UPS, WELT).

Thallus yellowish-olive to pale yellow-grey or fawnish, in irregular patches or bands, 2-8(-12) cm diam., smooth, waxy, continuous, rarely irregularly cracked, matt or shining, often with minute, scattered, white spots (×10 lens), corticolous. Perithecia ± immersed to emergent, in scattered, rounded to irregular verrucae, 1-3 mm diam., flattened to slightly swollen, subhemispherical, often ± covered with cortex and bark cells and appearing ± frosted, eventually black and shining, 1-4 perithecia in a stroma, involucrellum 10-60 µm thick, black carbonaceous, exciple brownish-yellow, 10-25 µm thick. Ostiole apical, 0.1 mm diam., flat, subpunctate or slightly raised, yellow-brown or reddish to black, occasionally whitish-grey, often open to interior or perithecial cavity. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong with pointed ends, muriform, 7-11 transverse septa and with 2-5 locules per tier, 60-70 × 30-35 µm, wall 1.5-2 µm thick.

N: Auckland to Wellington. On bark of trees and shrubs in open forest or forest remnants.

Endemic (?Palaeotropical)

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