Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Bacidia macrospora (C.Knight) Zahlbr.

B. macrospora (Knight) Zahlbr., Cat. lich. univ. 4: 221 (1927).

Platygrapha macrospora Knight, T.N.Z.I. 12: 376 (1880).

Lecidea interponens Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 94 (1888).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, WELT Herb. Knight Vol. 46A, p. 22!

Lecidea interponens. Type: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, 1867, H-NYL - not seen.

Thallus sordid yellow or pale olive, verrucose, ± glebose, uneven, ± continuous or areolate, delimited by a thin, black, irregular prothallus, in patches 2-3(-5) cm diam. Apothecia dark red-brown to blackish, ± innate or flattened, 0.4-1.1 mm diam., to very shallowly convex, round to irregular-deformed, matt, immarginate, rarely with a thin, pale brown margin, surrounded by a pseudo-thalline margin of flattened or raised thalline granules. Epithecium fuscous-brown, colour in swollen apices of paraphyses. Hymenium 90 µm tall. Hypothecium opaque, thick, brown-black. Ascospores acicular, 7-18-septate, (50-)70-87 × 3.2-3.5 µm.

N: Wellington, on bark of trees and shrubs, still poorly collected.


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