Megaloblastenia marginiflexa (Hook.f. & Taylor) Sipman
Lecidea marginiflexa J.D. Hook et Taylor, Hook. Lond. J. Bot. 3: 638 (1844).
L. radomma Nyl. in Knight, T.N.Z.I. 7: 357 (1876).
L. iodomma Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 89 (1888).
Lectotype (fide Sipman loc. cit.): New Zealand. North Auckland. Kawakawa. Herb Hooker. BM.
L. radomma. Type: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, H-NYL.
L. iodomma. Lectotype (fide Sipman, loc. cit.): New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight 85, H-NYL 18192.
Thallus pale greyish or glaucous-green, areolate-cracked, areolae angular, convex, uneven, wrinkled, separated by deep cracks, 0.4-0.8 mm diam., rarely sorediate. Soralia superficial, ± concave, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., soredia 40-60 µm diam., sometimes confluent. Apothecia brownish-red or pale violet, sessile to subpedicellate, scattered, solitary to 1-2-confluent, concave to plane, disc distinctly grey-pruinose, margins thick, persistent, entire or crenulate, red-brown, coriaceous. Epithecium granular, brownish, 12-24 µm thick. Hymenium 110-150(-180) µm tall, I+ blue. Ascospores 4-8 per ascus, broadly oval-ellipsoid, ends rounded or slightly pointed, thick-walled, 28-40 × 15-23 µm, septum 073 to 093 length of spore. Chemistry: KC-, Pd+ orange. Pannarin and zeorin.
N: North Auckland to Wellington. S: Nelson to Fiordland and in coastal Canterbury (Akaroa) and Otago (Silver Peaks, Flagstaff, Tautuku Bush). On bark of forest trees (Aristotelia, Beilschmiedia and Nothofagus), s.l. to 850 m.