Baeomyces heteromorphus
=Baeomyces haemotropus Leight., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 10: 31 (1869).
=Baeomyces granosus Stirt., Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 14: 46 (1875).
=Baeomyces cupreus Müll.Arg., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31 (2): 25 (1892).
=Baeomyces heteromorphus f. rubens Hellb., Bihang K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 21 (3/13): 95 (1896).
=Baeomyces cinnabarinus Zahlbr., Denkschr Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss Kl. 104: 325 (1941).
=Cladoniopsis caespitosa Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss Kl. 104: 325 (1941).
Baeomyces haemotropus. Lectotype: New Zealand. "Northern Island", sine loco, W. Colenso – BM [fide Galloway (1980a: 80)].
Baeomyces granosus. Lectotype: New Zealand. Near Wellington, J. Buchanan 179 – BM [fide Galloway (1980a: 80)]. Isolectotypes – GLAM, WELT.
Baeomyces cupreus. Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, on clay, W. Colenso 8/83 – BM [fide Galloway (1980a: 80)].
Baeomyces heteromorphus f. rubens. Lectotype: New Zealand. South Island, Otira Gorge, 2–300 p.s.m., ii.1874, S. Berggren 135 – S [fide Galloway (1980a: 80)].
Baeomyces cinnabarinus. Holotype: New Zealand. North Island, Mt Te Aroha, on moss in Dracophyllum shrubland, 900 m, H.H. Allan – W. Isotype – CHR 338063.
Cladoniopsis caespitosa. Holotype: New Zealand. North Island, Mt Ruapehu, on soil, 600 m, E. Chamberlain ZA 487 – W. Isotype – CHR 338065.
Descriptions : Galloway (1980a: 81), Flora (1985: 37).
Chemistry : Thallus and apothecia K+ yellow-red, C−, Pd+ orange; containing norstictic (major), connorstictic (minor), subnorstictic (tr.), gyrophoric minor or tr., in apothecia), crustinic (faint tr. in apothecia) and salazinic (tr.) acids (Johnston 2001a: 15).
N: Northland (Herekino, Kawerua, Ririwha I., Puketi Forest, Bay of Islands, Little Barrier I., Rakitu I., Great Barrier I.), Auckland (Waitakere Ra.), South Auckland (Hunua Ra., Great Mercury I., Kauaeranga Gorge, Waikawau Bay Coromandel Peninsula, Te Aroha, Kaimai Ra., Waiotapu Valley) to Wellington (Ruapehu, Erua, Eastbourne). S: Nelson (Cobb Valley, Lake Rotoiti, Aniseed Valley), Marlborough (Lookout Peak, Resolution Bay, d'Urville I.), Westland (Greymouth), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Banks Peninsula), Otago (Red Hills, Highcliff, Dunedin, Maungatua, Tautuku Bay), Southland (Doubtful Sound, Dusky Sound, Lake Roe, Borland Saddle, Manapouri, Longwood Ra.). St: (Oban). C: A: (Mt Eden). Ant: Widespread, s.l. to 1200 m, a common and active coloniser of exposed soil and gravels, clay banks (in these habitats it appears to have a major phase of active growth in the winter), occasionally also on old wood, peat and detritus. Known also from SE Australia and Tasmania and from high altitudes in New Guinea (Galloway 1980a; Filson 1986, 1996; Kantvilas 1989, 1994b; Kantvilas & Jarman 1999; Johnston 2001a; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustrations : Babington & Mitten (1859: pl. CC, fig. 3); Malcolm & Malcolm (1989: 122 – as Baeomyces fungoides); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 5, 95, 115, 176); Kantvilas & Jarman (1999: 34); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 30, 77); Flora of Australia58A (2001: xiii, pls 10, 12).
Baeomyces heteromorphus is characterised by: the terricolous habit; spreading, pale-green to mid-green crustose thallus, (greenish yellow to grey-green or dirty-white when dry) that is corticate, minutely squamulose, irregularly cracked and warted and without soredia; erect, simple or 1–4-branched podetia 10–15 mm tall, pale pinkish, yellowish white or suffused reddish, superficially invested with green algae at base, smooth, waxy, to corrugate or coarsely vertically grooved; terminal apothecia often clustered, pale-pink to dark reddish brown, plane or convex, with a distinct, concolorous, flexuous margin; and simple, colourless oblong ascospores 7–10 × 3–5 μm. The lichenicolous fungi * Arthrorhaphis grisea Th.Fr., and * Dactylospora athallina (Müll.Arg.) Hafellner (Hafellner 1979: 99–103) that are widespread on Baomyces rufus in the Northern Hemisphere, occur on the thallus of B. heteromorphus in Tasmania (Kantvilas & Jarman 1999: 34) and should be looked for in New Zealand populations.