Hypotrachyna costaricensis (Nyl.) Hale
Parmelia costaricensis Nyl. in Polakowsky, J. Bot., Lond. 13: 225 (1877).
Thallus lobate, closely to loosely attached, 6-10 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes sublinear to irregular, often imbricate, 2-6 mm wide. Upper surface whitish to greenish-grey, plane, usually strongly maculate (×10 lens), isidiate. Isidia terete, simple to coralloid-branched. Lower surface black, moderately to densely rhizinate. Rhizines, black, dichotomously branched, forming a thick mat visible at margins. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Protolichesterinic, caperatic acids and atranorin.
N: North Auckland (Rangitoto I.). Collected only once in New Zealand from bark of Metrosideros excelsa. Probably more widely distributed in northern coastal habitats.