Punctelia perreticulata
≡Parmelia dubosquii ['Dubosqui'] var. perreticulata Räsänen in C. Sbarbaro, Ann. Mus. Civico Storia Nat. Genova41: 40 (1941).
Description : Thallus closely or loosely attached, 5–12 cm diam. Lobes (1–)2–4(–8) mm wide, surface wrinkled to scrobiculate, pseudocyphellate. Pseudocyphellae laminal and marginal, punctiform, oblong or linear-elongate to reticulate, sometimes raised and located on ridges of upper cortex, rarely restricted to margins, developing into secondary soralia with farinose or granular soredia, infrequently mixed with small, thick phyllidia. Medulla white. Lower surface pale-buff or creamish, darker below apices. Apothecia very rare. Ascospores ellipsoidal, (8–)10–13 × (5–)6.5–10 μm. Pycnidia laminal, immersed. Conidia long-filiform, (5–)6.5–11(–15) × 1 μm.
Chemistry : Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K−, C+ pink to red, KC+ red, Pd−; containing atranorin and lecanoric acid.
N: South Auckland (Rotorua). S: Nelson (Brightwater), Canterbury (Temuka), Otago (Whare Flat, Dunedin). On tree bark (Nothofagus, Podocarpus totara) and tree stumps, still very poorly collected and known in New Zealand. Widely distributed worldwide (Adler & Ahti 1996: 435; Longán et al. 2000; Aptroot 2003b; Nimis & Martellos 2003; Egan & Aptroot 2004).
Illustrations : Hale (1965a: 40, fig. 2); Adler & Ahti (1996: 432, fig. 1A, B); Longán et al. (2000: 371, fig. 1B; 372, fig. 2C); Van Herk & Aptroot (2000: 242, figs 11, 12; 243, fig. 13); Brodo et al. (2001: 609, pl. 739 – as Punctelia subrudecta).
Punctelia perreticulata is similar in all characters to P. subrudecta but is distinguished by the long, filiform conidia, and well-developed marginal soralia. A useful table showing differences in characters in P. perreticulata, P. borreri and P. subrudecta is given in Longán et al. (2000: 373, tab. 1), and a discussion of North American populations is given in Aptroot (2003b).