Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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(Together with some earlier titles not listed in Volumes 1, 2 and 3)

1955 Bakhuizen van der Brink, R. C. Nomenclatural note on Dammara Link and Agathis Salisb. Taxon 4 :195-196. Article 43.

All names published under Dammara are invalid if Dammara is invalid.

1962 Barkoudah, Y. I. A revision of Gypsophila, Bolanthus, Ankyropetalum and Phryna. Wentia 9 :1-203.

Regards plants previously recorded from N.Z. as the European Gypsophila tubulosa and considered introduced as G. australis, a sp. native to S. Australia and N.Z.

1965 Gros, J.-P. Contribution a l'étude cyto-taxonomique des Pittosporacées. Mém. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat. Ser. B 16 : 61-90.

Includes several N.Z. spp.

Ornduff R. Ornithocoprophilous endemism in Pacific Basin angiosperms. Ecology 46 : 864-867.

1967 Herasimenko I. I. A contribution to the biology of seed germination in Solanum laciniatum. Rast. Resur. 3 : 74-80.

1971 Herasimenko I. I. Conspectus subgeneris Archaesolanum Bitt. ex Marz. generis Solanum L. Novosti Sist. Výssh. Rast. 7 : 270-276.

Herasimenko I. I. Intraspecific variation of Solanum laciniatum Ait. Rast. Resur. 7 : 363-371.

1972 Soják, J. Doplňky k nomenklatuře některých rodů (Phanerogamae). Čas. Nár. Muz. 141 : 61-63.

New combinations for some N.Z. spp. from Scirpus to Bolboschoenus.

1973 Mason, R. On two native Ranunculi. Canterbury Bot. Soc. J. 6 : 2-4.

1975 Kooiman, P. The occurrence of iridoid glycosides in the Verbenaceae. Acta Bot. Neerl. 24 : 459-468.

Includes Vitex lucens and Teucridium parvifolium.

Wardle, P. Vascular plants of Westland National Park (New Zealand) and neighbouring lowland and coastal areas. New Zealand J. Bot. 13 : 497-545.

Includes taxonomic annotations.

1976 Alexeev, E. B. Austrofestuca (Tzvel.) E. Alexeev comb. nov. - a new genus of the family Poaceae from Australia. Bjull. Moskovsk. Obšč. Isp. Prir. Otd. Biol. 81 : 55-60.

Austrofestuca includes the indigenous sand tussock known as Festuca littoralis or Poa triodioides.

Briggs, L. H. et al. Chemistry of the Coprosma genus. 14, Constituents of five New Zealand species. Chem. Soc. J. Perk. Trans. Ser. 1 16 : 1789-1792.

Butterfield, B. G. The ontogeny of the vascular cambium in Hoheria angustifolia Raoul. New Phytol. 77 : 409-420.

DobsonA. T. A guide to the New Zealand grass genera. Tussock Grasslands Mountain Lands Inst. Rev. 32 : 84-108.

Gray, M. Miscellaneous notes on Australian plants. 3, Craspedia, Gnaphalium, Epacris, Tasmannia, Colobanthus and Deyeuxia. (Contrib. Herb. Austral. 26). Melbourne, CSIRO.

Compares the new sp. Deyeuxia affinis with D. aucklandica.

Hansen, B. Pollen and stigma conditions in the Balanophoraceae s. lat. Bot. Not. 129 : 341-345.

Includes Dactylanthus taylori.

Kerguelen, M. Oplismenus Palisot de Beauvois versus Orthopogon R. Brown. Taxon 25 :195-196.

Moore, L. B. Libertia, New Zealand's native iris. J. Roy. N.Z. Inst. Hort. 4 : 20-25.

Rauschert, S. Vorschlag zur Konservierung des Gattungsnamens 6509a Gentianella Moench (1794) vs. Amarella Gilib. (1781) [Gentianaceae]. Taxon 25 :192-193.

Smith, L. B. Proposal for the conservation of the generic name 169 Oplismenus Beauv. against Orthopogon R. Br. (Gramineae). Taxon 25 : 194-195.

Wilson, H. D. Vegetation of Mt Cook National Park, New Zealand. (Nat. Parks Authority Sci. Ser. 1). Wellington, Department of Lands and Survey.

Includes taxonomic annotations.

1977 Bate-Smith, E. C. Chemistry and taxonomy of the Cunoniaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 5 : 95-105.

Includes N.Z. Weinmannia spp.

Baum, B. R. Taxonomy of the tribe Triticeae (Poaceae) using various numerical techniques.1, Historical perspectives, data accumulation, and character analysis. Canad. J. Bot. 55 :1712-1740.

Includes Cockaynea.

Baylis, G. T. S. Pennantia baylisiana (Oliver) Baylis comb. nov. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 511-512.

Behnke, H.-D. Zur Skulptur der Pollen-Exine bei drei Centrospermen (Gisekia, Limeum, Hectorella), bei Gyrostemonaceen und Rhabdodendraceen. Plant Syst. Evol. 128 : 227-235.

Bohlmann, F. et al. Terpen-Derivate aus Senecio -Arten. Phytochemistry 16 : 965-985.

Includes S. lautus.

Buttrose, M. S., W. J. R. Grant and J. N. A. Lott. Reversible curvature of style branches of Hibiscus trionum L., a pollination mechanism. Austral. J. Bot. 25 : 567-570.

Buurman, J. Contribution to the pollen morphology of the Bignoniaceae, with special reference to the tricolpate type. Pollen Spores 19 : 447-519.

Includes Tecomanthe speciosa.

Connor, H. E. The Poisonous Plants in New Zealand, ed. 2. (N.Z. Dep. Sci. Industr. Res. Bull. 99). Wellington, Government Printer.

Connor, H. E. and B. A. Matthews. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. 7, Cleistogamy in Microlaena. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 531-534.

Crowden, R. K., J. Wright and J. B. Harborne. Anthocyanins of Fuchsia (Onagraceae). Phytochemistry 16 : 400-402.

Includes F. procumbens Cunn.

Dickison, W. C. Wood anatomy of Weinmannia (Cunoniaceae). Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 104 :12-23.

Edgar, E. and W. R. Philipson. Proposal to conserve the generic name Griselinia Forster f. (1786) against Griselinia Scop. (1777). Taxon 26 : 594-595.

Ferguson, I. K. Cornaceae Dum. (World Pollen and Spore Flora 6). Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksell.

Refers to Corokia and Griselinia.

Feuer, S. and A. S. Tomb. Pollen morphology and detailed structure of family Compositae, tribe Cichorieae. 2, Subtribe Microseridinae. Amer. J. Bot. 64 : 230-245.

Includes Microseris forsteri Hook. f.

Galle, P. Untersuchungen zur Blütenentwicklung der Polygonaceen. Bot. Jahrb. 98 : 449-489.

Includes Muehlenbeckia axillaris.

Geerinck, D. J. L. Iridaceae. Fl. Males. Ser. 1, 8 : 77-84.

Treats Libertia pulchella as Sisyrinchium.

Groves, B. E. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora.19, Gnaphalium (Compositae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 :17-18.

Haas, J. E. The Pacific species of Pittosporum Banks ex Gaertn. (Pittosporaceae). Allertonia 1 : 73-167.

Discusses morphological features of the genus and compares Pacific spp. with N.Z. ones.

Hair, J. B. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora.18, Epilobium (Onagraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 5-15.

Hair, J. B., P. H. Raven and S. R. Seavey. Cytological affinities of the Australasian species of Epilobium (Onagraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 :1-4.

Henderson, R. J. F. Typification of Dianella Lam. ex Juss. (Liliaceae). Taxon 26 :131-137.

Type sp. is D. ensata (Thunb.) R. J. Henderson based on Dracaena ensata Thunb.

Heywood, V. H., J. B. Harborne and B. L. Turner (Eds) The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae. London, Academic Press.

Systematic reviews of tribes and other articles refer to N.Z. genera.

Itoh, T. et al. Sterols of Liliaceae. Phytochemistry 16 :140-141.

Includes Cordyline indivisa.

Itoh, T., T. Tamura and T. Matsumoto. Pollinastanol in the seeds of Cordyline indivisa. Phytochemistry 16 :1081.

Jeffrey, C. et al. Generic and sectional limits in Senecio (Compositae). 1, Progress report. Kew Bull. 32 : 47-67.

Includes all N.Z. spp. and discusses Drury's (1973) groupings.

Keng, H. Phyllocladus and its bearing on the systematics of conifers. Plant Syst. Evol. Suppl. 1 : 235-251.

Lloyd, D. G. and C. J. Webb. Secondary sex characters in plants. Bot. Rev. 43 :177-216.

Contains unpublished records on reproductive biology in several N.Z. spp. and in particular N.Z. members of the Apiaceae.

Löve, A. I0PB chromosome number reports. 57. Taxon 26 : 443-452.

Alseuosmia macrophylla Cunn., n = 9 reported by R. O. Gardner and J. A. Rattenbury.

Mabry, T. J. The order Centrospermae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64 : 210-220.

Mentions Hectorella.

Marguerier, J. and P. Woltz. Anatomie comparée et systématique des Podocarpus malgaches.1. Adansonia Sér. 2 17 :155-192.

Includes N.Z. spp. of Podocarpus and Dacrydium in discussion.

Mears, J. A. The nomenclature and type collections of the widespread taxa of Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae). Proc. Acad. Sci. Philad. 129 : 1-21.

Treats A. denticulata R. Br. as a synonym of A. sessilis (L.) DC.

Moore, L. B. The flowers of Ascarina lucida Hook. f. (Chloranthaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 491-494.

Morice, I. M. Seed fats of some New Zealand Cyperaceae. Phytochemistry 16 : 571-574.

Ono, M. Chromosome number of some South American species of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 90 : 313-316.

S. American spp. have same number as in N.Z. N. pumilio resembles N.Z. spp. in its caryotype rather than the other 3 S. American spp.

Pocknall, D. T. Dacrydium (Podocarpaceae) - a scanning electron microscope study of the wood of New Zealand species. Mauri Ora 5 : 59-74.

Posluszny, U. and P. B. Tomlinson. Morphology and development of floral shoots and organs in certain Zannichelliaceae. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 75 : 21-46.

Includes Lepilaena bilocularis.

Raynal, J. Notes cypérologiques. 32, Le genre Isolepis R. Br.1, Quelques espèces africaines. Adansonia Sér. 2 17 : 49-57.

Regards Isolepis as distinct from Scirpus and shows I. sepulcralis to be correct name in Isolepis for S. chlorostachyus (=S. antipoda).

Robson, N. K. B. Studies in the genus Hypericum L. (Guttiferae).1, Infrageneric classification. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 5 : 291-355.

Sampson, F. B. Pollen tetrads of Hedycarya arborea J. R. et G. Forst. (Monimiaceae). Grana 16 : 61-73.

Seavey, S. R., R. E. Magill and P. H. Raven. Evolution of seed size, shape and surface architecture in the tribe Epilobieae (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64 :18-47.

Includes Epilobium billardiereanum and E. komarovianum.

Seavey, S. R. and P. H. Raven. Chromosomal evolution in Epilobium sect. Epilobium (Onagraceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 127 :107-119.

Simpson, M. J. A. Fruit characters and seed germination of Euphrasia disperma Hook. f. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 :181-183.

St. John, H. Pacific plant studies. 34, Notes on Eugenia (Myrtaceae) and Haloragis (Haloragaceae) from southeastern Polynesia. Phytologia 37 : 441-442.

Haloragis erecta in the Austral Is.

Sykes, W. R. Kermadec Islands Flora: An Annotated Check List. (N.Z. Dep. Sci. Industr. Res. Bull. 219). Wellington, Government Printer.

Tallowin, J. R. B. Vegetative proliferation in Festuca contracta T. Kirk on South Georgia. Brit. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 45 :13-17.

Tallowin, J. R. B. and R. I. Lewis Smith. Studies in the reproductive biology of Festuca contracta T. Kirk on South Georgia.1, The reproductive cycles. Brit. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 45 : 63-76. 2, The reproductive performance. Ibid. 45 :117-129.

Webb, C. J. and T. H. Webb. Gunnera hamiltonii in Stewart Island, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 14 : 361-363 (issue for Dec., 1976).

Weberling, F. Beiträge zur Morphologie der Rubiaceen-Infloreszenzen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 90 :191-209.

Refers to Nertera depressa.

West, K. R. and P. H. Raven. Novelties in Australian Epilobium (Onagraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 503-509.

Refers to N.Z. spp.

Williams, C. A. and J. B. Harborne. Flavonoid chemistry and plant geography in the Cyperaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 5 : 45-51.

Includes Desmoschoenus spiralis (as Scirpus frondosus) and Carex secta.

Woltz, P. and M. L. Rouane. Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don, de Nouvelle-Zélande: aspects anatomiques et évolution de l'appareil conducteur de la plantule. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 124 : 61-67.

1978 Allan, R. D. et al. The presence of quinones in the genus Cyperus as an aid to classification. Phytochemistry 17 : 263-266.

Also includes several spp. of family Cyperaceae common to Australia and N.Z.

Averett, J. E., B. J. Kerr and P. H. Raven. The flavonoids of Onagraceae, tribe Epilobieae: Epilobium sect. Epilobium. Amer. J. Bot. 65 : 567- 570.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Bates, R. Further light on Thelymitra truncata Rogers. Orchadian 6 : 20.

Baum, B. R. Taxonomy of the tribe Triticeae (Poaceae) using various numerical techniques. 3, Synoptic key to genera and synopses. Canad. J. Bot. 56 : 374-385.

Includes Cockaynea.

Bell, E. A., J. A. Lackey and R. M. Polhill. Systematic significance of canavanine in the Papilionoideae (Faboideae). Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 6 : 201-212.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Black, J. M. Flora of South Australia.1, ed. 3, revised by J. P. Jessop. Adelaide, Government Printer.

Bohlmann, F., D. Ehlers and C. Zdero. Einige neue Furanoeremophilane aus Senecio -Arten. Phytochemistry 17 : 467-470.

Brachyglottis greyi.

Brown, M. J. et al. Corybas macranthus (Hook. f.) Reichb. f. (Orchidaceae), a new record for Macquarie Island. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 405-407.

Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta. 20. Taxon 27 : 285-289.

Includes Proposal 387, 6509 Gentianella Moench (1794) (Gentianaceae) vs. Amarella Gilib. (1781) and Proposal 389, 169 Oplismenus Beauvois (1810) (Gramineae) vs. Orthopogon R. Br. (1810).

Cooper, D. Native orchids of New Zealand.1, Adenochilus gracilis Hook. f. Orchadian 6 :18-19.

Davey, J. C. and W. D. Clayton. Some multiple discriminant function studies on Oplismenus (Gramineae). Kew Bull. 33 :147-157.

Dawson, J. W. and C. J. Webb. Generic problems in Australasian Apioideae (Umbelliferae). In Cauwet, A. M. and J. Carbonnier (Eds) Les Ombellifères: Contributions Pleuridisciplinaires /agrave/ la Systematique : Actes du 2ème Symposium International sur les Ombellifères, Centre Universitaire de Perpignan, 18-21 Mai 1977. Perpignan, Centre Universitaire de Perpignan, pp. 21-32.

Also reprinted as Monogr. Syst. Bot. (Missouri) 6 (1982).

Dawson, J. W. and J. R. Le Comte. Research on Aciphylla - a progress report. Tuatara 23 : 49-67.

Edgar, E. The record of Cyathochaeta diandra (Cyperaceae) for New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :159.

Edgar, E. and H. E. Connor. Nomina nova. 2, 1970-76. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :103-118.

Feuer, S. and J. Kuijt. Fine structure of mistletoe pollen.1, Eremolepidaceae, Lepidoceras, and Tupeia. Canad. J. Bot. 56 : 2853-2864.

Gardner, R. O. Systematic notes on the Alseuosmiaceae. Blumea 24 : 138-142.

Gardner, R. O. The species of Alseuosmia (Alseuosmiaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 271-277.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. Rorippa (Cruciferae, Arabideae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :119-122.

Godley, E. J. Imbricate sepals in Clematis. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 775-776.

Goulding, J. H. Annotated checklist of type specimens of New Zealand plants in the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium.1-2, Pteridophyta and Gymnospermae. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 15 : 37-44.

Grayer-Barkmeijer, R. J. Flavonoids in Parahebe and Veronica : a chemosystematic study. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 6 :131-137.

Hostettmann-Kaldas, M. and A. Jacot-Guillarmod. Xanthones et C-glucosides flavoniques du genre Gentiana (sous-genre Gentianella). Phytochemistry 17 : 2083-2086.

Jérémie, J. Étude des Monimiaceae: révision du genre Hedycarya. Adansonia Sér 2 18 : 25-53.

Johnson, L. A. S. and B. G. Briggs. The plant family Proteaceae. Austral. Pl. 9 : 303-311.

Summarises their earlier taxonomic revision of Proteaceae and includes a summary of the distinguishing features of Toronia.

Keng, H. The genus Phyllocladus (Phyllocladaceae). J. Arnold Arbor. 59 : 249-273.

Treats P. alpinus as P. aspleniifolius var. alpinus (Hook. f.) H. Keng.

Kucera, L. J. and B. G. Butterfield. Resin canals in the bark of Phyllocladus species indigenous to New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 657-663.

Kupchan, S. M., H. Meshulam and A. T. Sneden. New cucurbitacins from Phormium tenax and Marah oreganus. Phytochemistry 17 : 767-769.

Laubenfels, D. J. de. The genus Prumnopitys (Podocarpaceae) in Malesia. Blumea 24 :189-190.

Makes new combinations in Prumnopitys for N.Z. spp. P. ferruginea and P. taxifolia.

McAlpine, D. K. On the status of Thelymitra truncata Rogers. Orchadian 5 :179-181.

McGlone, M. S. Pollen wall structure of the New Zealand species of Epacris (Epacridaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 83-89.

McGlone, M. S. Pollen structure of the New Zealand members of the Styphelieae (Epacridaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 91-101.

Mabry, T. J., P. Neuman and W. R. Philipson. Hectorella : a member of the Betalain-suborder Chenopodiineae of the order Centrospermae. Plant Syst. Evol. 130 :163-165.

Magin, N. Blütenmorphologische Untersuchungen an Actinotus Lab. (Hydrocotyloideae) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gynoeceums. In Cauwet, A. M. and J. Carbonnier (Eds) Les Ombellifères: Contributions Pleuridisciplinaires /agrave/ la Systematique: Actes du 2ème Symposium International sur les Ombellifères, Centre Universitaire de Perpignan, 18-21 Mai 1977. Perpignan, Centre Universitaire de Perpignan, pp. 749-764.

Also reprinted as Monogr. Syst. Bot. (Missouri) 6 (1982). Suggests Actinotus belongs to the Cornales sens. lat. but not to the Apiaceae.

Matthews, B. A. Illustrations of indigenous New Zealand plants in Curtis's Botanical Magazine. New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 767-773 (issue for Dec., 1977).

Moore, L. B. and J. B. Irwin. The Oxford Book of New Zealand Plants. Wellington, Oxford University Press.

Nicora, E. G. Flora Patagonica. 3, Gramineae. Buenos Aires, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria.

Nooteboom, H. P. A taxonomic revision of the Malesian and Australian species of Uncinia (Cyperaceae). Blumea 24 : 511-520.

Places many N.Z. spp. in synonymy under U. riparia R. Br. or U. compacta R. Br.

Nordenstam, B. Taxonomic studies in the tribe Senecioneae (Compositae). Op. Bot. (Lund) 44 :1-83.

Refers most woody and some herbaceous N.Z. Senecio spp. to Brachyglottis, S. kirkii to Urostemon, and S. lyallii and S. scorzoneroides to Dolichoglottis.

Ogden, J. Variation in Calystegia R. Br. (Convolvulaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :123-140.

Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand.11, Oleaceae. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :1-6.

Patel, R. N. and A. Bowles. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand.12, Icacinaceae. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 7-12.

13, Moraceae. Ibid. 16 :13-19.

Primack, R. B. Variability in New Zealand montane and alpine pollinator assemblages. New Zealand J. Ecol. 1 : 66-73.

Raynal, J. Le genre Lilaeopsis (Ombellifères) á Madagascar. Adansonia Sér. 2 17 :151-154.

Extends range of genus.

Richardson, M. Flavonols and C-glycosylflavonoids of the Caryophyllales. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 6 : 283-286.

Includes Tetragonia tetragonioides.

Royen, P. van. Two new Campanulaceae from New Guinea. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 77 :117-123.

Describes new sp. Wahlenbergia papuana as closely related to N.Z. W. albomarginata.

Scott, A. J. Reinstatement and revision of Salicorniaceae J. Agardh (Caryophyllales). Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 75 : 357-374 (issue for Dec., 1977).

Revives family Salicorniaceae to cover Salicornia and related genera and places N.Z. plants formerly known as Salicornia australasica in new worldwide genus Sarcocornia A. J. Scott (as Sarcocornia quinqueflora (Bunge ex Ung.-Sternb.) A. J. Scott).

Scott, A. J. Rhagodiinae: a new subtribe in the Chenopodiaceae. Feddes Repert. 89 :1-12.

Accepts Einadia Raf. and makes new combinations for N.Z. sp. Rhagodia triandra.

Scott, A. J. A review of the classification of Chenopodium L. and related genera (Chenopodiaceae). Bot. Jahrb. 100 : 205-220.

Chenopodium subgen. Ambrosia sect. Orthospermum is said to be represented in N.Z.

Shore, B. F. Breeding systems in Carpodetus serratus J. R. et G. Forst. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 :179-184.

Simpson, M. J. A. and C. J. Burrows. Fruits of Myriophyllum elatinoides (Haloragaceae).1, Identification from late Otiran sediments. 2, Mode of release of seeds from mericarps. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 163-165.

Singh, P. et al. The insecticidal activity of foliage from New Zealand conifers. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 6 :103-106.

Smith, A. C. A precursor to a new flora of Fiji. Allertonia 1 : 331-414.

Compares N.Z. Melicytus ramiflorus with plants of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga and regards N.Z. plants as specifically distinct.

Tomlinson, P. B. Some qualitative and quantitative aspects of New Zealand divaricating shrubs. New Zealand J. Bot. 16 : 299-309.

Urzua, A. and B. K. Cassels. Alkaloid chemosystematics, chemotaxonomy and biogenesis in the Atherospermataceae. Lloydia 41 : 98-113.

Includes Laurelia novae-zelandiae.

Vaughan, P. The genus Calochilus : observations and a field guide. Orchadian 5 :186-187.

Verdcourt, B. Corrections and additions to the ` Flora of Tropical East Africa: Convolvulaceae'. 4. Kew Bull. 33 :159-168.

Discusses Dichondra repens and is not convinced that it is restricted to N.Z.

Webb, C. J. Gingidia baxteri and Gingidia enysii (Umbelliferae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 639-643 (issue for Dec., 1977).

Williams, P. A., S. Mugambi and K. F. O'Connor. Shoot properties of nine species of Chionochloa Zotov (Gramineae). New Zealand J. Bot. 15 : 761-765 (issue for Dec., 1977).

Womersley, J. S. (Ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea. 1. Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press.

Wright, A. E. Annotated checklist of type specimens of New Zealand plants in the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium. 3, Monocotyledons - Gramineae. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 15 : 45-53.

1979 Adams, L. G. A review of the genus Solenogyne (Asteraceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Brunonia 2 : 43-65.

Considers status in relation to Lagenifera.

Allorge, L. Notes anatomiques sur les genres Parsonsia et Artia de Nouvelle-Calédonie, comparaison avec d'autres genres d'Apocynacées. Adansonia Sér. 2 19 :117-124.

Averett, J. E., P. H. Raven and H. Becker. The flavonoids of Onagraceae: tribe Epilobieae. Amer. J. Bot. 66 :1151-1155.

Bachmann, K., K. L. Chambers and H. J. Price. Genome size and phenotypic evolution in Microseris (Asteraceae, Cichorieae). Plant Syst. Evol. Suppl. 2 : 41-66.

Bacigalupo, N. M. El género Callitriche en la flora Argentina. Darwiniana 22 : 377-396.

Includes C. antarctica.

Balslev, H. On the distribution of Rostkovia magellanica (Juncaceae), a species newly rediscovered in Ecuador. Brittonia 31 : 243-247.

Beckett, K. A. Juvenility with a special reference to New Zealand plants. Plantsman 1 : 81-84.

Briggs, B. G. and L. A. S. Johnson. Evolution in the Myrtaceae - evidence from inflorescence structure. Proc. Linn. Soc. New S. Wales 102 :157-256.

Chanda, S. and I. K. Ferguson. Pollen morphology of Calorophus and Empodisma (Restionaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Kew Bull. 33 : 411-415.

Connor, H. E. and E. Edgar. Rytidosperma Steudel (Notodanthonia Zotov) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 311-337.

Cooper, D. Native orchids of New Zealand. 3, Aporostylis bifolia (Hook. f.) Rupp. et Hatch. Orchadian 6 : 51.

4, Pterostylis oliveri Petrie and Pterostylis irsoniana Hatch. Ibid. 6 : 78-79. 5, Pterostylis trullifolia Hook. f., Pterostylis brumalis L. B. Moore, and Pterostylis alobula (Hatch) L. B. Moore. Ibid. 6 :105-106. Epiphytes 6, Earina Lindl. Ibid. 6 :130-131.

Costin, A. B. et al. Koscuisko Alpine Flora. Sydney, Collins.

Darwin, S. P. A synopsis of the indigenous genera of Pacific Rubiaceae. Allertonia 2 :1-44.

Includes Coprosma and Nertera.

Dawson, J. W. Aciphylla montana Armstrong, A. lecomtei sp. nov., and related species. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 339-351.

Eggers, N. J. and A. J. Jones. Heterophyllol, a new sesquiterpene isolated from Parsonsia heterophylla A. Cunn. Tetrahed. Lett. 20 : 3053-3056.

Froebe, H. A. Die Infloreszenzen der Hydrocotyloideen (Apiaceae). Tropische Subtropische Pflanzenwelt 29 :1-179 or 503-679.

Includes N.Z. Hydrocotyle spp.

Goldblatt, P. Preliminary cytology of Australian Iridaceae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 66 : 851-855.

Chromosome counts do not support placing of Libertia pulchella in Sisyrinchium.

Hamann, U., K. Kaplan, and T. Rubsamen. Uber die Samenschalenstruktur der Hydatellaceae (Monocotyledoneae) und die systematische Stellung von Hydatella filamentosa. Bot. Jahrb. 100 : 555-563.

Harborne, J. B. Correlations between flavonoid chemistry, anatomy and geography in the Restionaceae. Phytochemistry 18 :1323-1327.

Hawkes, J. G. et al. (Eds) The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. (Linn. Soc. Symp. Ser. 7). London, Academic Press.

Several papers refer to N.Z. taxa.

Hiroe, M. Umbelliferae of World. Tokyo, Ariake Book Company.

Hoogland, R. D. Studies in the Cunoniaceae. 2, The genera Caldcluvia, Pullea, Acsmithia, and Spiraeanthemum. Blumea 25 : 481-505.

Makes new combination Caldcluvia rosifolia (Cunn.) Hoogl. for Ackama rosifolia Cunn.

Jeffrey, C. Note on the lectotypification of the names Cacalia L., Matricaria L. and Gnaphalium L. Taxon 28 : 349-351.

Jeffrey, C. Generic and sectional limits in Senecio (Compositae). 2, Evaluation of some recent studies. Kew Bull. 34 : 49-58.

Keeler, K. H. and R. B. Kaul. Morphology and distribution of petiolar nectaries in Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 66 : 946-952.

Kemp, M. S., R. S. Burden and C. Brown. A new naturally occurring flavanone from Tetragonia expansa. Phytochemistry 18 :1765-1766.

Keng, H. A Monograph of the Genus Phyllocladus (Coniferae). Taipei, Natural Publishing Company.

Collection of papers published between 1963 and 1979.

Keng, H. The phylloclade of Phyllocladus and its possible bearing on the foliate organs of Coniferophytes. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 20 : 9-18.

Keng, R.-S. L. Comparative anatomy of the species of Phyllocladus (Coniferae): a preliminary study. Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 32 : 221-305.

Kern, J. H. and H. P. Nooteboom. Cyperaceae. 2. Fl. Males. Ser. 1 9 : 107-187.

Includes Carex and Uncinia spp. common to N.Z. and Malesia.

Koch, S. D. The relationships of three Mexican Aveneae and some new characters for distinguishing Deschampsia and Trisetum (Gramineae). Taxon 28 : 225-235.

Lack, H. W. The subtribe Hypochoeridinae (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) in the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere. In Larsen, K. and L. B. Holm- Nielsen (Eds) Tropical Botany. London, Academic Press, pp. 265-276.

Mentions N.Z. Picris.

Le Comte, J. R. Aciphylla trifoliolata rediscovered. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 219-220.

Lloyd, D. G. and D. S. Horning. Distribution of sex in Coprosma pumila on Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 5-7.

Lourteig, A. Oxalidaceae extra-austroamericanae. 2, Oxalis L. sectio Corniculatae DC. Phytologia 42 : 57-198.

Moyer, B. G. et al. 3, Nitro-propanoyl-D-glucopyranoses of Corynocarpus laevigatus. Phytochemistry 18 :111-113.

Murray, D. R. The seed proteins of kowhai, Sophora microphylla Ait. Z. Pfl. Physiol. 93 : 423-428.

Pan, S. and S. S. C. Chen. The morphology of Wolffia arrhiza : a scanning electron microscopic study. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 20 : 89-95.

Philipson, W. R. and M. N. Philipson. Leaf vernation in Nothofagus. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 417-421.

Primack, R. B. Reproductive biology of Discaria toumatou (Rhamnaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 9-13.

Rattenbury, J. A. Fruit-setting in Sophora microphylla Ait. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 423-424.

Royen, P. van. The Alpine Flora of New Guinea. 2, Taxonomic Part: Cupressaceae to Poaceae. Vaduz, Cramer.

Refers Hierochloe redolens to Anthoxanthum.

Short, P. S. Apium L. sect. Apium (Umbelliferae) in Australasia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 1 : 205-235.

Smith, A. C. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only).1. Lawai, Hawaii, Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden.

Soják, J. Fragmenta phytotaxonomica et nomenclatorica. 2. Čas. Nár. Muz. 148 :193-209.

New combinations made for some N.Z. spp. of Scirpus and Carex.

Sykes, W. R. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. A new combination in Syzygium for Eugenia maire (Myrtaceae) of New Zealand. J. Arnold Arbor. 60 : 396-401.

Tjon Sie Fat, L. A. Contribution to the knowledge of cyanogenesis in angiosperms. 11, Communication. Cyanogenesis in some grasses. 4, The genus Cortaderia. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. C 82 :165-170.

Todd, M. A. A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria during the period 1970-1977. Muelleria 4 :173-199.

Toivonen, H. The status of the New Zealand Carex lachenalii (Cyperaceae). Ann. Bot. Fenn. 16 :151-156.

Proposes new subsp. Carex lachenalii Schk. subsp. parkeri (Petrie) Toivonen.

Vaughan, P. Pterostylis barbata Lindl. and P. plumosa Cady. Orchadian 6 :138-139.

Wardle, P. Variation in Phormium cookianum (Agavaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 17 :189-196.

Webb, C. J. Breeding systems and the evolution of dioecy in New Zealand apioid Umbelliferae. Evolution 33 : 662-672.

Wigston, D. L. Nothofagus Blume in Britain. Watsonia 12 : 344-345.

Trees from N.Z. and Chile hybridize, N. menziesii × N. obliqua.

Wilson, R. D. Chemotaxonomic studies in the Rubiaceae.1, Methods for the identification of hybridisation in the genus Coprosma J. R. et G. Forst. using flavonoids. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 :113-116.

1980 Argue, C. L. Pollen morphology in the genus Mimulus (Scrophulariaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Amer. J. Bot. 67 : 68-87.

Includes M. repens.

Balslev, H. Juncus planifolius (Juncaceae) in North America. Brittonia 32 : 51-54.

Disjunct distribution discussed.

Bick, I. R. C. et al. Aristotelinone and serrataline: new indole alkaloids from Aristotelia serrata W. R. B. Oliver. Tetrahed. Lett. 21 : 545-546.

Blaxell, D. F. Caladenia catenata (Sm.) Druce: a taxonomic note. Orchadian 6 :180.

Blaxell, D. F. Comment on the taxonomy. In Bates, R. Spiranthes inensis (Pers.) Ames (with notes on cultivation). Orchadian 6 :186.

Notes that S. sinensis subsp. australis (R. Br.) Kitam. is currently accepted name.

Bobrov, A. Specimina authentica a J. R. Forster et G. Forster in herbario Instituti Botanici (LE) conservata. Novosti systematiki vysshikh Rastenij 17 : 246-254.

Brummit, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta. 22. Taxon 29 : 489-493.

Includes Proposal 434, 6164 Griselinia G. Forster (1786) (Cornaceae or Griseliniaceae) vs. Griselinia Scopoli (1777) (Leguminosae).

Conn, B. J. A taxonomic revision of Geniostoma subg. Geniostoma (Loganiaceae). Blumea 26 : 245-364.

Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in the grasses: a survey. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 547-574 (issue for Dec., 1979).

Cooper, D. Native orchids of New Zealand. 7, Dendrobium cunninghamii Lindl. Orchadian 6 :147.

Epiphytes 8, Drymoanthus Nicholls. Ibid. 6 :179. Epiphytes 9, Bulbophyllum Thouars. Ibid. 6 : 216.

Cooper, D. Native orchids of New Zealand. Orchid Review 88 :187-192.

Curtis, W. M. Student's Flora of Tasmania. 4A, Angiospermae: Orchidaceae. Hobart, Government Printer.

Dahlgren, R. M. T. A revised system of classification of the angiosperms. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 80 : 91-124.

Recognises new families: Corokiaceae, Asteliaceae, Dianellaceae, Luzuriagaceae, Phormiaceae.

Dawson, J. W. Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie and A. stannensis sp. nov. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 :115-120.

Dickison, W. C. Comparative wood anatomy and evolution of the Cunoniaceae. Allertonia 2 : 281-321.

Includes N.Z. taxa.

Dickison, W. C. Diverse nodal anatomy of the Cunoniaceae. Amer. J. Bot. 67 : 975-981.

Includes N.Z. genera.

Endress, P. K. Floral structure and relationships of Hortonia (Monimiaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 133 :199-221.

Comparison with Hedycarya and Laurelia.

Fuller, G. Pollination of Corybas macranthus (Hook. f.) Reichb. f. Orchids N.Z. 6 : 37-39.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. and H. J. Langer. Parahebe catarractae (Scrophulariaceae): infraspecific taxonomy. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 285-298.

Given, D. R. A taxonomic revision of Celmisia coriacea (Forst. f.) Hook. f. and its immediate allies (Astereae - Compositae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 :127-140.

Godley, E. J. Flower biology in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 17 : 441-446 (issue for Dec., 1979).

Godley, E. J. Unilocular anthers in the Carmichaelieae (Papilionaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 449-450.

Goulding, J. H. Annotated checklist of type specimens of New Zealand plants in the Auckland Institute and Museum Herbarium. 4, Monocotyledons - except Gramineae. Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. 16 : 87-104.

Hai, M. A. et al. Aristoserratin, ein neues Indolalkaloid aus Aristotelia serrata W. R. B. Oliver und A. peduncularis (Labill.) Hook. f. Helvet. Chim. Acta 63 : 2130-2134.

Hair, J. B. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 20, Celmisia and Damnamenia (Compositae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 553-558.

21, Umbelliferae (miscellaneous genera). Ibid. 18 : 559-562.

Hair, J. B., C. J. Webb and E. J. Beuzenberg. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 22, Gentiana (Gentianaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 563-564.

Harborne, J. B. and P. S. Green. A chemotaxonomic survey of flavonoids in leaves of the Oleaceae. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 81 :155-167.

Includes Nestegis apetala and N. cunninghamii.

Healy, A. J. and E. Edgar. Flora of New Zealand. 3, Adventive Cyperaceous, Petalous and Spathaceous Monocotyledons. Wellington, Government Printer.

Jensen, S. R. and B. J. Nielsen. Iridoid glucosides in Griselinia, Aralidium and Toricellia. Phytochemistry 19 : 2685-2688.

Jérémie, J. Notes sur le genre Ascarina (Chloranthaceae) en Nouvelle- Calédonie et /agrave/ Madagascar. Adansonia Sér. 2 20 : 273-285.

Discusses monoecism in the genus.

Johnson, C. T. The leaf anatomy of Leptospermum Forst. (Myrtaceae). Austral. J. Bot. 28 : 77-104.

Kaneko, K. et al. Structure of solanavial, a new steroidal alkaloid from Solanum aviculare. Phytochemistry 19 : 299-302.

Lawrence, M. E. Senecio L. (Asteraceae) in Australia: chromosome numbers and the occurrence of polyploidy. Austral. J. Bot. 28 :151-165.

Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (Ed.) Angiospermae: Ordnung Gentianales, Fam. Loganiaceae. (Engler, A. and K. Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam., ed. 2, 28bI). Berlin, Duncker and Humblot.

Contains much information on the family.

Lloyd, D. G. The distributions of gender in four angiosperm species illustrating two evolutionary pathways to dioecy. Evolution 34 : 123-134.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Lloyd, D. G. Sexual strategies in plants.1, An hypothesis of serial adjustment of maternal investment during one reproductive session. New Phytologist 86 : 69-79.

Refers to N.Z. spp.

Lloyd, D. G., C. J. Webb and R. B. Primack. Sexual strategies in plants. 2, Data on the temporal regulation of maternal investment. New Phytologist 86 : 81-92.

Includes original data on N.Z. spp.

Lobreau-Callen, D. Caractères comparés du pollen des Icacinaceae et des Olacaceae. Adansonia Sér. 2 20 : 29-89.

Includes Pennantia in one table.

Macphail, M. K. Fossil and modern Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) pollen in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 453-457.

Macphail, M. K. and D. C. Mildenhall. Dactylanthus taylori in north- west Nelson, New Zealand? New Zealand J. Bot. 18 :149-152.

Matsuo, K. and T. Kubota. Bitter and antimicrobial substances from Phormium tenax Forst. Nippon Nâikagaku Kaishi 54 : 645-646.

Molloy, B. P. J. and M. J. A. Simpson. Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Pachystegia (Compositae): a progress report. New Zealand J. Ecol. 3 :1-3.

Moore, L. B. Hybrid asteliads (Liliaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 37-42.

Morrison, G. C. The floral anthocyanins with particular reference to Thelymitra ixioides. Orchadian 6 :160-162.

Morvan, J. Variations dans la structure du cône femelle de Stachycarpus spicata (Podocarpacées), en relation avec la présence d'une larve de Cecidomyiidae, Diptère, au niveau du complexe séminal (epimatium + ovule). Bull. Soc. Bot. France 127 (1), Actual. Bot. : 17-22.

Orchard, A. E. Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae) in Australasia.1, New Zealand: a revision of the genus and a synopsis of the family. Brunonia 2 : 247-287.

Page, C. N. Leaf micromorphology in Agathis and its taxonomic implications. Plant Syst. Evol. 135 : 71-79.

Patel, R. N. and A. Bowles. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand.14, Piperaceae. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 507-513.

Philipson, W. R. et al. The systematic position of Aralidium Miq. - a multidisciplinary study. Taxon 29 : 391-403.

Comparisons with Griselinia.

Primack, R. B. and D. G. Lloyd. Sexual strategies in plants. 4, The distributions of gender in two monomorphic shrub populations. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 :109-114.

Discaria toumatou and Leptospermum scoparium.

Primack, R. B. and D. G. Lloyd. Andromonoecy in the New Zealand montane shrub manuka, Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 67 : 361-368.

Rouane, M. L. and P. Woltz. Apport de l'étude des plantules pour la taxonomie et l'évolution des Araucariacées. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 126 (3), Actual. Bot. : 67-76 (issue 3 for 1979).

Sampson, F. B. Natural hybridism in Pseudowintera (Winteraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 43-51.

Simon, B. K. A Key to Queensland Grasses. (Bot. Branch Tech. Bull. 4). Brisbane, Queensland Dept. Prim. Indust.

Simpson, M. J. A. and C. J. Webb. Germination in some New Zealand species of Gentiana : a preliminary report. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 495-501.

Tomlinson, P. B. Juvénilité des plantes ligneuses en Nouvelle-Zélande. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 126(3), Actual. Bot. :151-154 (issue 3 for 1979).

Tschesche, R. and H. R. Brennecke. Side chain functionalization of cholesterol in the biosynthesis of solasodine in Solanum laciniatum. Phytochemistry 19 :1449-1451.

Veldkamp, J. F. Conservation of Notodanthonia Zotov (Gramineae). Taxon 29 : 293-298.

Villamil, P. H. de and B. F. Palser. Studies of floral morphology in the Ericales. 9, Organography, vascular anatomy and megagametophyte in three species of Gaultherieae. Phytomorphology 30 : 250-265.

Includes Pernettya macrostigma Colenso.

Walton, D. W. H. Studies on Acaena (Rosaceae). 4, Distribution and ecology of the Sub-Antarctic species. Brit. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 49 : 59-72.

Watson, L. and M. J. Dallwitz. Australian Grass Genera: Anatomy Morphology and Keys. Canberra, Australian National University.

Webb, C. J. and D. G. Lloyd. Sex ratios in New Zealand apioid Umbelliferae. New Zealand J. Bot. 18 :121-126.

Webb, C. J. The status of New Zealand Actinotus (Umbelliferae). New Zealand J. Bot. 18 : 343-345.

Whitmore, T. C. A monograph of Agathis. Plant Syst. Evol. 135 : 41-69.

Wilson, P. G. A revision of the Australian species of Salicornieae (Chenopodiaceae). Nuytsia 3 : 3-154.

Includes Sarcocornia quinqueflora.

1981 Allen, O. N. and E. K. Allen. The Leguminosae: A Source Book of Characteristics, Uses and Nodulation. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.

Contains information on nodulation of N.Z. spp.

Bates, R. Observation of pollen vectors on a putative hybrid swarm of Microtis R. Br. Orchadian 7 :14.

Bate-Smith, E. C. Astringent tannins of the leaves of Geranium species. Phytochemistry 20 : 211-216.

Includes G. sessiliflorum and G. traversii.

Beever, R. E. Self-incompatibility in Cordyline kaspar (Agavaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :13-16.

Bick, I. R. C. and M. A. Hai. Makomakine and makonine, new indole alkaloids from Aristotelia serrata. Heterocycles 16 :1301.

Bohm, B. A. and R. Ornduff. Leaf flavonoids and ordinal affinities of Coriariaceae. Syst. Bot. 6 :15-26.

Brooker, S. G., R. C. Cambie and R. C. Cooper. New Zealand Medicinal Plants. Auckland, Heinemann.

Brummitt, R. K. and E. W. Groves. The occurrence of Calystegia tuguriorum (Convolvulaceae) in the Tristan da Cunha Islands. Kew Bull. 36 : 422.

Brummitt, R. K. and W. Marais. Proposal to amend the conservation of 1108 Cordyline Comm. ex Juss. (Liliaceae). Taxon 30 : 825-826.

Burret, F. et al. Contribution biochimique /agrave/ la systématique de l'ordre des Centrospermales. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 9 : 257-262.

Includes Tetragonia tetragonioides.

Campbell, A. D. Flowering records for Chionochloa, Aciphylla and Celmisia species in the Craigieburn Range, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 97-103.

Carlquist, S. Wood anatomy of Pittosporaceae. Allertonia 2 : 355-392.

Conn, B. J. The Drosera peltata-D. auriculata complex. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 3 : 91-100.

Makes D. auriculata a subsp. of D. peltata.

Connor, H. E. Evolution of reproductive systems in the Gramineae. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 68 : 48-74.

Includes N.Z. taxa.

Connor, H. E. and E. Edgar. Argument against rejection of Plinthanthesis Steud. (Poaceae) (Prop. 520). Taxon 30 : 657-659.

Connor, H. E. and A. W. Purdie. Triterpene methyl ethers in Chionochloa (Gramineae): distribution in western South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :161-170.

Cooper, D. A Field Guide to New Zealand Native Orchids. Wellington, Price Milburn.

Cooper, D. Native orchids of the Wellington area. 5. J. Wellington Orchid Soc. 4 :138-140.

Treats Bulbophyllum pygmaeum. 6. Ibid. 4 :168-169. Treats Prasophyllum nudum. 7. Ibid. 4 : 184-185. Treats Earina autumnalis. 8. Ibid. 5 : 4-5. Treats Earina mucronata. 9. Ibid. 5 : 41-42. Treats Pterostylis plumosa.

Craig, J. L., A. M. Stewart and M. E. Douglas. The foraging of New Zealand honeyeaters. New Zealand J. Zool. 8 : 87-91.

Lists N.Z. plants visited by honeyeaters.

Cranwell, L. M. The Botany of Auckland, ed. 3. Auckland, Auckland Institute and War Memorial Museum.

Ecroyd, C. Caleana minor. Orchids N.Z. 6 :123-124.

Records C. minor from Rotorua.

Gardner, R. O. Clematis cunninghamii Turcz., the correct name for C. parviflora A. Cunn. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 327.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. Change of adaptations from entomophily to autogamy in Parahebe linifolia (Scrophulariaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 137 : 195-201.

Godley, E. J. and D. H. Smith. Breeding systems in New Zealand plants. 5, Pseudowintera colorata (Winteraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :151-156.

Heberle, R. L. A further look at Pterostylis barbata Lindley and Pterostylis plumosa Cady - and six other possible "bird orchids" in Western Australia. Orchadian 7 : 36-37.

Henty, E. E. (Ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea. 2. Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne University Press.

Hewson, H. J. The genus Lepidium L. (Brassicaceae) in Australia. Brunonia 4 : 217-308.

L. flexicaule reported from Tasmania.

Hilliard, O. M. and B. L. Burtt. Some generic concepts in Compositae - Gnaphaliinae. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 82 :181-232.

Hilliard, O. M. and B. L. Burtt. Names in Gnaphalium, Xeranthemum and Helichrysum published between 1753 and 1800. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 82 : 233-265.

Kuijt, J. Inflorescence morphology of Loranthaceae - an evolutionary synthesis. Blumea 27 :1-73.

Le Comte, J. R. and C. J. Webb. Aciphylla townsonii - a juvenile form of A. hookeri (Umbelliferae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :187-191.

Lloyd, D. G. Evolution of prostrate and erect habits in Cotula section Leptinella and other New Zealand plant groups. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 247-253.

Macphail, M. K. Fossil Pomaderris apetala -type pollen in north-west Nelson: reflecting extension of wet sclerophyll forests in south-eastern Australia. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :17-22.

Massias, M., J. Carbonnier and D. Molho. Xanthones and C-glucosylflavones from Gentiana corymbifera. Phytochemistry 20 :1577-1578.

Medan, D. and R. D. Tortosa. Anatomy of the root and stem nodules of Dacrydium fonckii (Phil.) Florin (Podocarpaceae). Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 83 : 85-91.

Comparison with root-nodules in N.Z. podocarps.

Moldenke, H. N. Notes on the genus Teucridium (Verbenaceae). Phytologia 48 : 439-444.

Moldenke, H. N. Additional notes on the genus Vitex.19. Phytologia 48 : 452-500.

20. Ibid. 49 :161-181. Includes V. lucens.

Orchard, A. E. A revision of South American Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae) and its repercussions on some Australian and North American species. Brunonia 4 : 27-65.

Compares N.Z. spp. with S. American.

Pocknall, D. T. Pollen morphology of the New Zealand species of Dacrydium Solander, Podocarpus L'Heritier, and Dacrycarpus Endlicher (Podocarpaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 67-95.

Pocknall, D. T. Pollen morphology of Phyllocladus L. C. et A. Rich. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 259-266.

Pocknall, D. T. Pollen morphology of the New Zealand species of Libocedrus Endlicher (Cupressaceae) and Agathis Salisbury (Araucariaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 267-272.

Polhill, R. M. and P. H. Raven (Eds) Advances in Legume Systematics. Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens.

Systematic reviews and other articles refer to all N.Z. genera.

Powlesland, M., M. Philipp and D. G. Lloyd. Request for information on flowering times in Melicytus ramiflorus. New Zealand J. Bot. 19 : 331.

Praglowski, J. Ch. Transition within the exine of Nothofagus Blume. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 32 : 369-375.

Quinn, C. J. and P. Gadek. Biflavones of Dacrydium sensu lato. Phytochemistry 20 : 677-681.

Renvoize, S. A. The sub-family Arundinoideae and its position in relation to a general classification of the Gramineae. Kew Bull. 36 : 85-102.

Richardson, P. M. Flavonoids of some controversial members of the Caryophyllales (Centrospermae). Plant Syst. Evol. 138 : 227-233.

Includes Hectorella and Lyallia.

Robson, N. K. B. Studies in the genus Hypericum L. (Guttiferae). 2, Characters of the genus. Bull. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Bot. 8 : 55-226.

Sampson, F. B. Synchronous versus asynchronous mitosis within permanent pollen tetrads of the Winteraceae. Grana 20 :19-23.

Includes Pseudowintera axillaris.

Sasse, J. M., K. S. Rowan and M. N. Galbraith. Distribution of podolaetone-type plant growth inhibitors in the Coniferae. Phytochemistry 20 : 2195-2204.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Scholz, U. Monographie der Gattung Oplismenus (Gramineae). Phan. Monogr. 13 :1-213.

Smith, A. C. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only). 2. Lawai, Hawaii, Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden.

Smith, R. M., R. A. Marty and C. F. Peters. The diterpene acids in the bled resins of three Pacific kauri, Agathis vitiensis, A. lanceolata and A. macrophylla. Phytochemistry 20 : 2205-2207.

Comparison with A. australis.

Symon, D. E. A revision of the genus Solanum in Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 4 :1-367.

Includes N.Z. spp.; treats S. nodiflorum Jacq. as a synonym of S. americanum Miller.

Todd, M. A. A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria. 2, 1978-early 1980. Muelleria 4 : 429-438.

Toelken, H. R. The species of Crassula L. in Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 3 : 57-90.

Tillaea spp. all treated as Crassula.

Webb, C. J. Test of a model predicting equilibrium frequencies of females in populations of gynodioecious angiosperms. Heredity 46 : 397-405.

Study based on 13 spp. of N.Z. apioid Apiaceae.

Webb, C. J. Gynodioecy in Gingidia flabellata (Umbelliferae). New Zealand J. Bot. 19 :111-113.

Weber, H. C. Untersuchungen an australischen und neuseeländischen Loranthaceae/Viscaceae. 2, Über oberflächen Strukturen von Blättern. Beitr. Biol. Pfl. 56 : 479-512.

Weber, J. Z. A taxonomic revision of Cassytha (Lauraceae) in Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 3 :187-262.

Treats C. paniculata R. Br. as synonym of C. pubescens.

Wilson, K. L. A synopsis of the genus Scirpus sens. lat. (Cyperaceae) in Australia. Telopea 2 :153-172.

All Australian spp. except 1 formerly in Scirpussens. lat. are placed in segregate genera or referred to other genera in the Cyperaceae.

Yeoh, H.-H. and L. Watson. Systematic variation in amino acid compositions of grass caryopses. Phytochemistry 20 :1041-1051.

Includes Spinifex hirsutus and Microlaena stipoides.

1982 Aoki, T. et al. Two naturally occurring acyclic diterpene and norditerpene aldehydes from Tetragonia tetragonoides. Phytochemistry 21 :1361-1363.

Barker, W. R. Taxonomic studies in Euphrasia L. (Scrophulariaceae): a revised infrageneric classification and a revision of the genus in Australia. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 5 :1-304.

Baum, B. R. A phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Triticeae (Poaceae) based on morphological characters of the genera. Canad. J. Bot. 61 : 518-535.

Places Cockaynea with Asperella in a special subtribe because of absence of glumes.

Breedlove, D. E., P. E. Berry and P. H. Raven. The Mexican and Central American species of Fuchsia (Onagraceae) except for sect. Encliandra. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69 : 209-234.

Comments on reproductive biology of N.Z. Fuchsia spp.

Brummitt, R. K. Myosotis arnoldii (Boraginaceae). Bot. Mag. 184 : 17-19, t. 841.

Burbidge, N. T. A revision of Vittadinia A. Rich (Compositae) together with reinstatement of Eurybiopsis DC. and description of a new genus, Camptacra. Brunonia 5 :1-72.

Carrasco Aguirre, A. and E. J. Ramero. Arquitectura foliar de las especies Australianas y Neocelandesas de Nothofagus (Fagaceae). Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 20 : 227-240.

Clements, M. A. Preliminary Checklist of Australian Orchidaceae. Canberra, National Botanic Gardens.

Refers to N.Z. taxa.

Dahlgren, R. M. T. and H. T. Clifford. The Monocotyledons: A Comparative Study. London, Academic Press.

Doll, R. Grundniss der Evolution der Gattung Taraxacum Linn. Feddes Repert. 93 : 481-624.

Includes N.Z. T. zealandicum.

Eagle, A. Eagle's Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand: Second Series. Auckland, Collins.

Ecroyd, C. E. Biological flora of New Zealand. 8, Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl. (Araucariaceae) kauri. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 :17-36.

Edgar, E. and H. E. Connor. Dichelachne (Gramineae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 : 303-309.

Ferguson, I. K. and J. J. Skvarla. Pollen morphology in relation to pollinators in Papilionoideae (Leguminosae). Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 84 : 183-193.

Clianthus puniceus mentioned.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. and B. P. J. Molloy. Polymorphism and the taxonomic status of the Hebe amplexicaulis complex (Scrophulariaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 20 : 391-399.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. and B. P. J. Molloy. Protandry and inbreeding depression in Hebe amplexicaulis (Scrophulariaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 20 : 401-404.

George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 8, Lecythidales to Batales. 29, Solanaceae. Canberra, APGS.

Godley, E. J. Breeding systems in New Zealand plants. 6, Gentiana antarctica and G. antipoda. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 : 405-420.

Grau, J. and A. Schwab. Mikromerkmale der Blüte zur Gliederung der Gattung Myosotis. Mitt. Bot. Staatssamm. (München) 18 : 9-58.

Holden, A. M. Fossil Lauraceae and Proteaceae from the Longford Formation, Murchison, New Zealand. J. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 12 : 79-90.

Describes new fossil spp.

Holden, A. M. Fossil Nothofagus from the Longford Formation, Murchison, New Zealand. J. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 12 : 65-77.

Describes new fossil spp.

Jacobs, S. W. L. Comment on Proposal 520: conservation of Notodanthonia Zotov (Gramineae). Taxon 31 : 737-743.

Jacobs, S. W. L. and M. A. Brock. A revision of the genus Ruppia (Potamogetonaceae) in Australia. Aquatic Bot. 14 : 325-337.

R. megacarpa and R. polycarpa are recognised in Australia.

Jones, K., K. Y. Lim, and P. J. Cribb. The chromosomes of orchids. 7, Dendrobium. Kew Bull. 37 : 221-227.

Includes D. cunninghamii.

Keating, R. C. The evolution and systematics of Onagraceae: leaf anatomy. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69 : 770-803.

Includes Fuchsia procumbens.

Keating, R. C., P. C. Hoch and P. H. Raven. Perennation in Epilobium (Onagraceae) and its relation to classification and ecology. Syst. Bot. 7 : 379-404.

Mentions N.Z. spp.

Kinghorn, A. D., M. F. Balandrin and L.-J. Lin. Alkaloid distribution in some species of the papilionaceous tribes Sophoreae, Dalbergieae, Loteae, Brongniartieae and Bossiaeae. Phytochemistry 21 : 2269-2275.

Includes Sophora microphylla.

Knowles, B. and A. E. Beveridge. Biological flora of New Zealand. 9, Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Benth. et Hook. f. ex Kirk (Lauraceae) tawa. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 : 37-54.

Lloyd, D. G. and J. M. A. Yates. Intrasexual selection and the segregation of pollen and stigmas in hermaphrodite plants, exemplified by Wahlenbergia albomarginata (Campanulaceae). Evolution 36 : 903-913.

Lloyd, D. G. Variation and evolution of plant species on the outlying islands of New Zealand, with particular reference to Cotula featherstonii. Taxon 31 : 478-487.

Löve, A. and H. E. Connor. Relationships and taxonomy of New Zealand wheatgrasses. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 :169-186.

McCallion, R. F. et al. Antibiotic substances from New Zealand plants. 2, Polygodial, an anti- Candida agent from Pseudowintera colorata. Pl. Med. 44 :134-138.

Massias, M., Carbonnier, J. and D. Malho. Chemotaxonomy of Gentianopsis : xanthones, C-glycosylflavonoids and carbohydrates. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 10 : 319-327.

Shows that Gentiana serotina Cockayne has phytochemical composition comparable with Gentianella spp.

Morrison, J. V. Fiordland National Park - a new locality for the divaricating shrub Pittosporum obcordatum Raoul. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 :195-196.

Muir, A. D., A. L. J. Cole and J. R. L. Walker. Antibiotic compounds from New Zealand plants.1, Falcarindiol, an anti-dermatophyte agent from Schefflera digitata. Pl. Med. 44 :129-133.

Narayana, L. L. and M. Radhakrishnaiah. Floral anatomy of Pittosporaceae: five species of Pittosporum. Canad. J. Bot. 60 :1859-1867.

Includes P. kirkii.

Pacini, E. and G. G. Franchi. Germination of pollen inside anthers in some non-cleistogamous species. Caryologia 35 : 205-215.

Includes Tetragonia tetragonioides.

Panichanun, S. and I. R. C. Bick. Alkaloid occurrence in Discaria toumatou. J. Nat. Prod. 45 : 777-778.

Quinn, C. J. Taxonomy of Dacrydium Sol. ex Lamb. emend. de Laub. (Podocarpaceae). Austral. J. Bot. 30 : 311-320.

Reid, J. A. Differences in the flowering behaviour of Oxalis corniculata L. and O. exilis A. Cunn. Watsonia 14 : 63-65.

Sampson, F. B. Variation in position of the nascent generative cell in pollen of Hedycarya (Monimiaceae). Grana 21 : 9-14.

Seaman, F. C. Sesquiterpene lactones as taxonomic characters in the Asteraceae. Bot. Rev. 48 :121-595.

Mentions relationships of N.Z. genera.

Solomon, J. C. The systematics and evolution of Epilobium (Onagraceae) in South America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69 : 239-335.

E. conjungens Skottsb. of Tierra del Fuego seems closely related to E. brunnescens of N.Z. and Australia.

Soltis, D. E. and B. A. Bohm. Flavonoids of Ascarina lucida. J. Nat. Prod. 45 : 415-417.

Walton, D. W. H. Floral phenology in the South Georgian vascular flora. Brit. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 55 :11-25.

Includes observations on Festuca contracta, Juncus scheuchzerioides and Rostkovia magellanica.

Webb, C. J. and P. N. Johnson. Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae) in New Zealand: the 3-foliolate species. New Zealand J. Bot. 20 :163-168.

Weber, W. A. New names and combinations, principally in the Rocky Mountain flora. 2. Phytologia 51 : 369-376.

Makes new combinations in Psychrophila for Caltha novae-zelandiae Hook. f. and C. obtusa Cheeseman.

Wheeler, D. J. B., S. W. L. Jacobs and B. E. Norton. Grasses of New South Wales. Armidale, University of New England.

Willemse, L. P. M. A discussion of the Ehrharteae (Gramineae) with special reference to the Malesian taxa formerly included in Microlaena. Blumea 28 :181-194.

Includes M. stipoides and M. avenacea in Ehrharta but does not deal with M. polynoda.

Williams, C. A. and W. J. Harvey. Leaf flavonoid patterns in the Winteraceae. Phytochemistry 21 : 329-337.

Includes Pseudowintera colorata.

Wilson, H. D. Field Guide: Stewart Island Plants. Christchurch, Field Guide Publications.

Includes taxonomic annotations.

Wood, C. E. and R. E. Weaver. The genera of Gentianaceae in the south-eastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 63 : 441-487.

Indicates that N.Z. Gentiana spp. fit in Gentianella.

Yeoh, H.-H. and L. Watson. Variations in free protein amino acid compositions of grass leaves. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 10 : 55-63.

Includes Microlaena stipoides and Spinifex hirsutus.

1983 Bannister, P. and P. J. M. Smith. The heat resistance of some New Zealand plants. Flora 173 : 399-414.

Discusses relationship of heat resistance to taxonomic grouping.

Beever, R. E. Self-incompatibility in Cordyline pumilio (Agavaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 93-95.

Beuzenberg, E. J. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 24, Coprosma (Rubiaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 9-12.

Beuzenberg, E. J. and J. B. Hair. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 25, Miscellaneous species. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 :13-20.

Brummitt, R. K. Report of the Committee for Spermatophyta. 25. Taxon 32 : 279-284.

Includes Proposal 520, Notodanthonia Zotov vs. Plinthanthesis Steud., Rytidosperma Steud. and Monostachya Merrill (Gramineae).

Campbell, C. S. et al. Cleistogamy in grasses. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 14 : 411-441.

Chaudhary, J. D. Cytological investigations in three species of Oplismenus P. Beauv. (Gramineae). Cytologia 48 : 231-236.

Includes O. burmannii, O. compositus, O. undulatifolius of N.E. India but these may not be the same as N.Z. plants.

Clements, M. A. Notes on the content of John Lindley's Orchid Herbarium.1, Acianthus. Orchadian 7 : 241-242.

2, Prasophyllum. Ibid. 7 : 242-245.

Connor, H. E. Cortaderia (Gramineae): interspecific hybrids and the breeding systems. Heredity 51 : 395-403.

Cooke, D. A. The identity of Cordyline forsteri (Agavaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 211-212.

Cooper, D. Pterostylis cardiostigma - a new species of Orchidaceae from Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 97-100.

Cowlishaw, M. G., R. Bickerstaffe and H. E. Connor. Intraspecific variation in the epicuticular wax composition of four species of Chionochloa. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 11 : 247-259.

Cowlishaw, M. G., R. Bickerstaffe and H. Young. Epicuticular wax of four species of Chionochloa. Phytochemistry 22 :119-124.

Dahlgren, R. M. T. General aspects of angiosperm evolution and macrosystematics. Nord. J. Bot. 3 :119-149.

Dawson, M. I. Chromosome numbers in three South American species of Gunnera (Gunneraceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 457-459.

Comparison with N.Z. spp.

Donaldson, L. A. Anatomy of root wood in Araucariaceae and some Podocarpaceae indigenous to New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 221-227.

Edgar, E. and H. E. Connor. Nomina nova. 3, 1977-1982. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 421-441.

Ellis, C. J., L. Y. Foo and L. J. Porter. Enantiomerism: a characeristic of the proanthocyanidin chemistry of the Monocotyledonae. Phytochemistry 22 : 483-487.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. Gymnosperms and angiosperms. In Brownsey, P. J. and A. N. Baker (Eds) The New Zealand Biota: What Do We Know After 200 Years? (Nat. Mus. N.Z. Misc. Ser. 7). Wellington, National Museum of New Zealand, pp. 28-34.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. Proposal to reject the name Epilobium junceum Spreng. (Onagraceae). Taxon 32 : 656-658.

Godley, E. J. The fruit of Ackama, Caldcluvia and Weinmannia (Cunoniaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 455-456.

Hair, J. B. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 23, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 3-7.

Huynh, K.-L. and F. B. Sampson. Tetrad arrangement of the trisaccate pollen of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (Podocarpaceae) and developmental morphology of the triradiate ridge. Grana 22 :1-9.

Jordan, J. L. et al. Prominent spermoderm patterns of Poaceae. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 96 : 269-272.

Koek-Noorman, J. and C. Puff. The wood anatomy of Rubiaceae tribes Anthospermeae and Paederieae. Plant Syst. Evol. 143 :17-45.

Includes Coprosma arborea.

Leenhouts, P. W. Notes on the extra-Australian species of Dodonaea (Sapindaceae). Blumea 28 : 271-289.

Refers N.Z. material of Dodonaea to D. angustifolia L. f.

Les, D. H. Taxonomic implications of aneuploidy and polyploidy in Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae). Rhodora 85 : 301-323.

Leroy, J.-F. The origin of angiosperms: an unrecognized ancestral dicotyledon, Hedyosmum (Chloranthales), with a strobiloid flower is living today. Taxon 32 :169-175.

Refers to Ascarina lucida and validates order Chloranthales.

Lovis, J. D. and J. M. Ward. A concordance for the New Zealand species of Epilobium. Mauri Ora 10 : 67-72 (issue for 1982).

McGillivray, D. J. A revision of Galium (Rubiaceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Telopea 2 : 355-377.

The name G. tenuicaule Cunn. 1839 is preoccupied and the correct name is G. trilobum Colenso. G. perpusillum is regarded as belonging to Asperula.

Macmillan, B. H. Acaena profundeincisa (Bitter) B. H. Macmillan comb. nov. (Rosaceae) of New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 347-352.

Mansour, R. M. A., N. A. M. Salep and L. Boulos. A chemosystematic study of the phenolics of Sonchus. Phytochemistry 22 : 489-492.

Menzel, M. Y., P. A. Fryxell and F. D. Wilson. Relationships among New World species of Hibiscus section Furcaria (Malvaceae). Brittonia 35 : 204-221.

Includes H. diversifolius.

Molloy, B. P. J. and J. Johns. Chiloglottis gunnii Lindley, a new orchid record for New Zealand. Orchadian 7 : 210-214.

Moore, D. M. Flora of Tierra del Fuego. Oswestry, U.K., Anthony Nelson.

Morley, B. D. and H. R. Toelken (Eds) Flowering Plants in Australia. Adelaide, Rigby.

Morvan, J. Étude comparée de la vascularisation dans les ramifications de l'appareil végétatif et du cône femelle chez Stachycarpus spicatus R. Brown, Podocarpacées. Flora 173 : 49-62.

Nishino, E. Corolla tube formation in the Tubiflorae and Gentianales. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 96 : 223-243.

Includes Dichondra repens.

Nowicke, J. W. and J. J. Skvarla. Pollen morphology and the relationships of the Corynocarpaceae. Taxon 32 :176-183.

Treats N.Z. sp. pollen in detail.

Ohtani, J., B. A. Meylan and B. G. Butterfield. Occurrence of warts in the vessel elements and fibres of New Zealand woods. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 359-372.

Post, D. M. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 26, Gentiana (Gentianaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 229.

Primack, R. B. Insect pollination in the New Zealand mountain flora. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 317-333.

Radcliffe-Smith, A. Euphorbia glauca is not a Pachyclad. Kew Bull. 38 : 307-308.

On grounds of the habit and infl. type E. glauca is placed in sect. Esula subsect. Esulae.

Rossow, R. A. Las especies de Crassula (Crassulaceae) de la Argentina, Chile y Uruguay. Parodiana 2 : 231-261.

Includes C. moschata.

Royen, P. van. The Genus Corybas (Orchidaceae) in its Eastern Areas. Vaduz, J. Cramer.

Salasoo, I. Alkane distribution in epicuticular wax of Epacridaceae. Phytochemistry 22 : 937-942.

Includes N.Z. spp. shared with Australia.

Smith, D. L. Cotyledon anatomy in the Leguminosae. Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 86 : 325-355.

Includes Sophora tetraptera, Clianthus puniceus, Carmichaelia australis, C. enysii, and Chordospartium stevensonii.

Snoeijs, P. J. M. and H. E. van der Ster. Some notes on the cytotaxonomy of two Ruppia species in South Australia. Aquatic Bot. 16 : 297-302.

Includes R. megacarpa.

Spencer, K. C., D. S. Seigler and J. L. Domingo. Tetraphyllins A and B, deidaclin and epitetraphyllin B from Tetrapathaea tetrandra (Passifloraceae). Phytochemistry 22 :1815-1816.

Stone, M. A. and P. J. Stone. Bigeneric hybrids within Ericaceae. Plantsman 5 : 62-63.

Pernettya macrostigma × Gaultheria depressa.

Thompson, J. Redefinitions and nomenclatural changes within the Leptospermum suballiance of Myrtaceae. Telopea 2 : 379-383.

Tortosa, R. D. El genero Discaria (Rhamnaceae). Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 22 : 301-335.

Veldkamp, J. F. Proposal to conserve Trisetum (Gramineae) and its type species. Taxon 32 : 487-488.

Ward, J. M. A key, synopsis and concordance for Raoulia. Mauri Ora 10 : 11-19 (issue for 1982).

Wilcox, M. D. and N. J. Ledgard. Provenance variation in the New Zealand species of Nothofagus. New Zealand J. Ecol. 6 :19-31.

Williams, C. A., J. H. Fronczyk and J. B. Harborne. Leaf flavonoid and other phenolic glycosides as indicators of parentage in six ornamental Fuchsia species and their hybrids. Phytochemistry 22 :1953-1957.

Includes F. procumbens and F. excorticata.

Wilson, H. D. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Taxonomic notes on Stewart Island Ranunculus including two new species. New Zealand J. Bot. 21 : 341-345.

Wilson, P. G. A taxonomic revision of the tribe Chenopodieae (Chenopodiaceae) in Australia. Nuytsia 4 :135-262.

Wright, D. Eucryphia, Hoheria and Plagianthus. Plantsman 5 :167-185.

1984 Arroyo, M. T. Kalin. New species and combinations in Ourisia (Scrophulariaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 447-463.

Bates, R. The genus Microtis R. Br. (Orchidaceae): a taxonomic revision with notes on biology. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 7 : 45-89.

Beuzenberg, E. J. and J. B. Hair. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 27, Compositae. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 353-356.

Butterfield, B. G. et al. Comparative morphology of the vessel elements in the woods of Pseudopanax C. Koch (Araliaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 509-514.

Bywater, M. and G. E. Wickens. New World species of the genus Crassula. Kew Bull. 39 : 699-728.

Includes C. moschata.

Cambie, R. C., R. E. Cox and D. Sidwell. Phenolic diterpenoids of Podocarpus ferrugineus and other podocarps. Phytochemistry 23 : 333-336.

Connor, H. E. Gynodioecism in Sarcocornia quinqueflora (Salicornieae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 433-439.

Connor, H. E. Breeding systems in New Zealand grasses. 9, Sex ratios in dioecious Spinifex sericeus. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 569-574.

Coode, M. J. E. Elaeocarpus in Australia and New Zealand. Kew Bull. 9 : 509-586.

Craig, G. F. Reinstatement of Spinifex sericeus R. Br. and hybrid status of S. alterniflorus Nees (Poaceae). Nuytsia 5 : 67-74.

Dickison, W. C. Fruits and seeds of the Cunoniaceae. J. Arnold Arbor. 65 :149-171.

Edgar, E. and H. E. Connor. Nomina nova. 3, 1977-1982: corrigendum. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :177.

Gainsford, G. J., G. B. Russell and P. F. Reay. Absolute configuration of tetraphyllin B, a cyanoglucoside from Tetrapathaea tetrandra. Phytochemistry 23 : 2527-2529.

Gardner, R. O. Geranium solanderi and allies in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :127-134.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. Ceratocephalus pungens (Ranunculaceae), a new species from New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :135-137.

George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 4, Phytolaccaceae to Chenopodiaceae. Canberra, APGS.

Given, D. R. A taxonomic revision of Celmisia subgenus Pelliculatae section Petiolatae (Compositae - Astereae). New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 139-158.

Hair, J. B. and M. T. Kalin Arroyo. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 28, Ourisia (Scrophulariaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 357-359.

Henderson, R. F. J. and H. T. Clifford. A recircumscription of the Phormiaceae Agardh. Taxon 33 : 423-427.

Phormiaceae redefined to include Dianella and 3 other genera besides Phormium.

Hong, D. Taxonomy and evolution of the Veroniceae (Scrophulariaceae) with special reference to palynology. Op. Bot. (Lund) 75 : 5-60.

Considers origins and relationships of Chionohebe, Hebe, and Parahebe.

Jérémie, J., B. Lugardon and A. Le Thomas. Ultrastructure du sporoderme du pollen d'Hedycarya et de Kibaropsis (Monimiaceae). Pollen Spores 26 :161-180.

Johnson, C. T. The wood anatomy of Leptospermum Forst. (Myrtaceae). Austral. J. Bot. 32 : 323-337.

Includes L. ericoides and L. coparium.

Löve, A. Conspectus of the Triticeae. Feddes Repert 95 : 425-521.

Includes N.Z. members.

Markham, K. R., R. F. Webby and C. Vilain. 7-0-methyl-(2R:3R)-dihydro-quercetin 5-0-β-D-glucoside and other flavonoids from Podocarpus nivalis. Phytochemistry 23 : 2049-2052.

Markham, K. R. and L. A. Whitehouse. Unique flavonoid glycosides from the New Zealand white pine, Dacrycarpus dacrydioides. Phytochemistry 23 : 1931-1936.

Martin, P. G. and J. M. Dowd. The study of plant phylogeny using amino acid sequences of ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate carboxylase. 4, Proteaceae and Fagaceae and the rate of evolution of the small subunit. Austral. J. Bot. 32 : 291-299.

Includes Nothofagus fusca.

Moar, N. T. Nestegis (Oleaceae) pollen in coastal sites in Westland. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :169-171.

Narayana, L. L. and M. Radhakrishnaiah. Floral morphology of Pittosporaceae: a discussion. J. Pl. Anat. Morph. 1 : 45-51.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Norton, S. Thrips pollination in the lowland forest of New Zealand. New Zealand J. Ecol. 7 :157-163.

Nowicke, J. W. et al. A palynological study of the genus Fuchsia (Onagraceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 71 : 35-91.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Philipson, M. N. and H. E. Connor. Haustorial synergids in danthonioid grasses. Bot. Gaz. 145 : 78-82.

Powlesland, M. H. Reproductive biology of three species of Melicytus (Violaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 81-94.

Purdie, A. W. Some flavonoid components of Carmichaelia (Papilionaceae) - a chemotaxonomic survey. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 7-14.

Rodman, J. E. et al. A taxonomic analysis and revised classification of Centrospermae. Syst. Bot. 9 : 297-323.

Hectorella and Lyallia are incertae sedis in "superfamily Portulacianae".

Rogers, C. M. A further note on the relationships of the European Linum hologynum and the Australian species of Linum (Linaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 147 : 327-328.

Includes L. monogynum.

Rowan, D. D. and R. H. Newman. Noroleanane saponins from Celmisia petriei. Phytochemistry 23 : 639-644.

Rudall, P. Taxonomic and evolutionary implications of rhizome structure and secondary thickening in Iridaceae. Bot. Gaz. 145 : 524-534.

Includes Libertia spp.

Sanders, R. W. and P. D. Cantino. Nomenclature of the subdivisions of the Lamiaceae. Taxon 33 : 64-72.

Formal validation of the family Tetrachondraceae.

Schoen, D. J. Cleistogamy in Microlaena polynoda (Gramineae): an examination of some model predictions. Amer. J. Bot. 71 : 711-719.

Seavey, S. R. and J. C. Solomon. Cytogeography of the South American species of Epilobium (Onagraceae). Syst. Bot. 9 :17-21.

Includes E. hirtigerum and compares with Australasian spp.

Steenis, C. G. G. J. van. A synopsis of Alseuosmiaceae in New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia and New Guinea. Blumea 29 : 387-394.

Touw, M. Preliminary observations on Korthalsella (Viscaceae) with special reference to vascular patterns. Blumea 29 : 525-545.

Webb, C. J. Constraints on the evolution of plant breeding systems and their relevance to systematics. In Grant, W. F. (Ed.) Plant Biosystematics. Don Mills, Ontario, Academic Press Canada, pp. 249-270.

Includes data on N.Z. spp.

Webb, C. J. Heterophylly in Eryngium vesiculosum (Umbelliferae). New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 29-33.

Webb, C. J. The correct name for our commonest lawn Hydrocotyle. Canterbury Bot. Soc. J. 18 : 70-71.

Reinstates H. heteromeria A. Rich.

Webb, C. J. and A. P. Druce. A natural intergeneric hybrid, Aciphylla squarrosa × Gingidia montana, and the frequency of hybrids among other New Zealand apioid Umbelliferae. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 403-411.

West, J. G. A revision of Dodonaea Miller (Sapindaceae) in Australia. Brunonia 7 :1-194.

Considers status of N.Z. material of D. viscosa.

West, J. G. and I. R. Noble. Analyses of digitised leaf images of the Dodonaea viscosa complex in Australia. Taxon 33 : 595-613.

White, J. and P. H. Lovell. The anatomy of root initiation in cuttings of Griselinia littoralis and Griselinia lucida. Ann. Bot. 54 : 7-20.

Wilson, R. D. Chemotaxonomic studies in the Rubiaceae. 2, Leaf flavonoids of New Zealand coprosmas. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :195-200.

Wright, A. E. Beilschmiedia Nees (Lauraceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 :109-125.

1985 Affolter, J. M. Monograph of the genus Lilaeopsis (Umbelliferae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 6 :1-140.

Refers all previously accepted N.Z. spp. to L. novae-zelandiae and describes one additional sp., L. ruthiana.

Baas, P. Comparative leaf anatomy of Pernettya Gaud. (Ericaceae). Bot. Jahrb. 105 : 481-495.

Berry, K. M., N. B. Perry and R. T. Weavers. Foliage sesquiterpenes of Dacrydium cupressinum : identification, variation and biosynthesis. Phytochemistry 24 : 2893-2898.

Böcher, J. and M. Philipp. Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mimulus repens (Scrophulariaceae) at Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 :141-149.

Bowen, D. A rare experience, rediscovering Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana. Bull. Wellington Bot. Soc. 42 : 61-63.

Carlquist, S. Wood anatomy of Coriariaceae: phylogenetic and ecological implications. Syst. Bot. 10 :174-183.

Chan, L.-L. The anatomy of the bark of Libocedrus in New Zealand. IAWA Bull. 6 : 23-34.

Clements, M. A. Notes on the content of John Lindley's Orchid Herbarium. 4, Caladenia. Orchadian 8 : 64-68.

Clements, M. A. and P. J. Cribb. Australian orchids in the J.E. Smith Herbarium. Kew Bull. 40 : 649-655.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Clements, M. A. and E. D. Hatch. Corybas acuminatus (Orchidaceae) - a new name for the species previously considered to be Corybas rivularis. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 491-494.

Connor, H. E. Biosystematics of higher plants in New Zealand 1965-1984. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 613-644.

Conran, J. G. and H. T. Clifford. The taxonomic affinities of the genus Ripogonum. Nord. J. Bot. 5 : 215-219.

Coode, M. J. E. Aristotelia and Vallea, closely related in Elaeocarpaceae. Kew Bull. 40 : 479-507.

Dawson, J. W. Metrosideros bartlettii (Myrtaceae), a new species from North Cape, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 607-610.

Druce, A. P. and D. R. Given. New combinations in New Zealand Crassula (Crassulaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 583 (issue for Dec., 1984).

Fineran, B. A. Glandular trichomes in Utricularia : a review of their structure and function. Israel Jour. Bot. 34 : 295-330.

Based on U. monanthos.

Foo, L. Y., L. Hrstich and C. Vilain. Phylloflavan, a characteristic constituent of Phyllocladus species. Phytochemistry 24 :1495-1498.

Godley, E. J. Paths to maturity. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 687-706.

Gynn, E. G. and A. J. Richards. Biological flora of the British Isles: Acaena novae-zelandiae T. Kirk. J. Ecol. 73 :1055-1063.

Harborne, J. B., C. A. Williams, and K. L. Wilson. Flavonoids in leaves and inflorescences of Australian Cyperaceae. Phytochemistry 24 : 751-766.

Includes spp. shared with N.Z.

Harvey, C. F. and J. E. Braggins. Reproduction in the New Zealand taxa of Pomaderris Labill. (Rhamnaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 23 :151-156.

Harvey, C. F. and J. A. Rattenbury. Microsporogenesis and pollen viability in New Zealand taxa of Pomaderris Labill. (Rhamnaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 321-330.

Hilu, K. W. Trends of variation and systematics of Poaceae. Taxon 34 : 102-114.

Supports Danthonieae.

Jaroszewski, J. W. and B. Jensen. Deidaclin and tetraphyllin A, epimeric glucosides of 2-cyclopentenone cyanohydrin in Adenia globosa ssp. globosa Engl. (Passifloraceae): crystal structure of deidaclin tetraacetali. Acta Chem. Scand. B 39 : 867-875.

Includes Passiflora tetrandra.

Keighery, G. J. Breeding systems of the Western Australian flora. 4, Juncus and Luzula (Juncaceae). Bot. Jahrb. 105 : 279-283.

Includes Juncus spp. common to N.Z. and Australia.

Kellogg, E. A. and A. L. Weitzman. A note on the Oceanic species of Melicytus (Violaceae). J. Arnold Arbor. 66 : 491-502.

Laubenfels, D. J. de. A taxonomic revision of the genus Podocarpus. Blumea 30 : 251-278.

Lawrence, M. E. Senecio L. (Asteraceae) in Australia. Reproductive biology of a genus found primarily in unstable environments. Austral. J. Bot. 33 :197-208.

Includes S.quadridentatus. Recombination systems of a polyploid series. Ibid. 33 : 209-219. Nuclear DNA amounts. Ibid. 33 : 221-232.

Lee, W. G. and D. R. Given. Celmisia spedenii G. Simpson, an ultramafic endemic, and Celmisia markii, sp. nov., from southern New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 22 : 585-592 (issue for Dec., 1984).

Lloyd, D. G. Progress in understanding the natural history of New Zealand plants. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 707-722.

Macmillan, B. H. Acaena dumicola (Rosaceae) - a new species from New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 337-340.

Markham, K. R. et al. Support from flavonoid glycoside distribution for the division of Podocarpus in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 1-13.

Markham, K. R., C. Vilain and B. P. J. Molloy. Uniformity and distinctness of Phyllocladus as evidenced by flavonoid accumulation. Phytochemistry 24 : 2607-2609.

Medan, D. Fruit morphogenesis and seed dispersal in the Colletieae (Rhamnaceae).1, The genus Discaria. Bot. Jahrb. 105 : 205-262.

Orchard, A. E. and J. B. Davies. Oreoporanthera, a New Zealand "endemic" plant genus discovered in Tasmania. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 119 : 61-63.

Patel, R. N. and J. E. Shand. Bark anatomy of Nothofagus species indigenous to New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 511-532.

Patil, D. A. and R. M. Pai. The nectaries in the Agavaceae. Acta Bot. Indica 13 : 289-291.

Includes Phormium.

Perry, N. B. and R. T. Weavers. Infraspecific variation of foliage diterpenes of Dacrydium cupressinum. Phytochemistry 24 : 2233-2237.

Perry, N. B. and R. T. Weavers. Foliage diterpenes of Dacrydium intermedium : identification, variation and biosynthesis. Phytochemistry 24 : 2899-2904.

Philipp, M. Reproductive biology of Geranium sessiliflorum. 1, Flower and flowering biology. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 567-580.

Philipson, W. R. Is the grass gynoecium monocarpellary? Amer. J. Bot. 72 : 1954-1961.

N.Z. Leptocarpus and Sporodanthus investigated to compare with presumed morphological development in grasses.

Powlesland, M. H., M. Philipp and D. G. Lloyd. Flowering and fruiting patterns of three species of Melicytus (Violaceae) in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 581-596.

Praglowski, J. and E. Grafström. The genus Carpodetus (Escalloniaceae): a pollen-morphological enigma. Grana 24 :11-21.

Purdie, A. W. Chordospartium muritai (Papilionaceae) - a rare new species of New Zealand tree broom. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 :157-161.

Schouten, Y. and J. F. Veldkamp. A revision of Anthoxanthum including Hierochloë (Gramineae) in Malesia and Thailand. Blumea 30 : 319-351.

Discusses H. redolens and treats it as A. redolens (M. Vahl) P. Royen.

Sleumer, H. Taxonomy of the genus Pernettya Gaud. (Ericaceae). Bot. Jahrb. 105 : 449-480.

Smith, A. C. Flora Vitiensis Nova: A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only). 3. Lawai, Hawaii, Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden.

St. John, H. Pacific plant studies. 45, Sophora (Leguminosae) in south-eastern Polynesia. Bot. Jahrb. 106 :115-122.

Plants in S.E. Polynesia formerly referred to S. tetraptera are described as 3 new spp. endemic to Polynesia.

Takeda, T. et al. An investigation for the occurrence of C4 photosynthesis in the Cyperaceae from Australia. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 98 : 393-411.

Includes spp. common to N.Z. and Australia. All N.Z. spp. have C3 photosynthesis and non-Kranz type anatomy.

Todd, M. A. A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria. 3, Early 1980-early 1984. Muelleria 6 : 59-78.

Tomlinson, K. L. Comparative anatomical studies in Danthonia sensu lato (Danthonieae : Poaceae). Aliso 11 : 97-114.

Veldkamp, J. F. Anemanthele Veldk. (Gramineae : Stipeae), a new genus from New Zealand. Acta Bot. Neerl. 34 :105-109.

Based on Oryzopsis lessoniana.

Webb, C. J. Protandry, pollination and self-incompatibility in Discaria toumatou. New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 331-335.

Webb, C. J. Fruit flags in a temperate evergreen shrub, Corokia cotoneaster (Escalloniaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 23 : 343-344.

1986 Andrews, S. Corynocarpus laevigatus. Kew Mag. 3 :125-126.

Averett, J. E. et al. Flavonoids and flavonoid evolution in Fuchsia (Onagraceae). Amer. J. Bot. 73 :1525-1534.

Includes N.Z. spp.

Barker, W. R. Biogeography and evolution in Euphrasia (Scrophulariaceae), particularly relating to Australia. In Barlow, B. A. (Ed.) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. Melbourne, CSIRO, pp. 489-510.

Beever, R. E. The species of Cordyline (Agavaceae) on the Poor Knights Islands, northern New Zealand. J. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 16 : 251-258.

Behnke, H.-D. Contributions to the knowledge of sieve-element plastids in Gunneraceae and allied families. Plant Syst. Evol. 151 : 215-222.

Supports recognition of the family Gunneraceae.

Bohm, B. A., K. W. Nicholls and R. Ornduff. Flavonoids of the Menyanthaceae: intra- and interfamilial relationships. Amer. J. Bot. 73 : 204-213.

Includes Liparophyllum gunnii.

Brockie, R. E. Periodic heavy flowering of New Zealand flax. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 : 381-386.

Carlquist, S. and D. A. Hoekman. Wood anatomy of Gesneriaceae. Aliso 11 : 279-297.

Includes Rhabdothamnus solandri.

Carlquist, S. and D. A. Hoekman. Wood anatomy of Myoporaceae: ecological and systematic considerations. Aliso 11 : 317-334.

Includes Myoporum laetum.

Christensen, P. B. Pollen morphological studies in the Malvaceae. Grana 25 : 95-117.

Includes Hoheria spp.

Connor, H. E. and E. Edgar. Australasian alpine grasses: diversification and specialization. In Barlow, B. A. (Ed.) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. Melbourne, CSIRO, pp. 413-434.

Dawson, J. W. The vines, epiphytes and parasites of New Zealand forests. Tuatara 28 : 43-69.

Delph, L. F. and C. M. Lively. Pollinator visits to floral colour phases of Fuchsia excorticata. New Zealand J. Zool. 12 : 599-603 (issue 4 for 1985).

Dickison, W. C. Wood anatomy and affinities of the Alseuosmiaceae. Syst. Bot. 11 : 214-221.

Includes Alseuosmia macrophylla and A. pusilla.

Dransfield, J. and N. W. Uhl. An outline of a classification of palms. Principes 30 : 3-11.

Validates a new subtribe containing Rhopalostylis.

Edgar, E. Poa L. in New Zealand. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 : 425-503.

Fallen, M. E. Floral structure in the Apocynaceae: morphological, functional and evolutionary aspects. Bot. Jahrb. 106 : 245-286.

Slight mention of Parsonsia.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. A new status for the New Zealand mousetail (Myosurus, Ranunculaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 24 : 351-354.

Garnock-Jones, P. J. South Pacific plants named by K. P. J. Sprengel in 1807. Taxon 35 :123-128.

Includes 8 spp. from N.Z.

George, A. S. (Ed.) Flora of Australia. 46, Iridaceae to Dioscoreaceae. Canberra, APGS.

Given, D. R. and M. Gray. Celmisia (Compositae - Astereae) in Australia and New Zealand. In Barlow, B. A. (Ed.) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. Melbourne, CSIRO, pp. 451-470.

Green, P. S. Notes relating to the floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe Islands. 2. J. Arnold Arbor. 67 :109-122.

Refers to N.Z. spp. of Pisonia and Tetragonia.

Haase, P. Flowering records of some subalpine trees and shrubs at Arthur's Pass, New Zealand. New Zealand J. Ecol. 9 :19-23.

Hatch, E. D. Corybas rivularis - `the wet one'. Orchadian 8 : 216-217.

Hayman, A. R., N. B. Perry and R. T. Weavers. Juvenile-adult chemical dimorphism in foliage of Dacrydium biforme. Phytochemistry 25 : 649-653.

Jacobs, S. W. L. and L. Lapinpuro. The Australian species of Amphibromus (Poaceae). Telopea 2 : 715-729.

Jones, J. H. Evolution of the Fagaceae: the implications of foliar features. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 73 : 228-275.

Kircher, P. Untersuchungen zur Blüten- und Infloreszenzmorphologie, Embryologie und Systematik der Restionaceen im Vergleich mit Gramineen und verwandten Familien. (Diss. Bot. 94). Berlin, J. Cramer.

Leptocarpus similis has special emphasis in his comparisons.

Lloyd, D. G. and C. J. Webb. The avoidance of interference between the presentation of pollen and stigmas in angiosperms.1, Dichogamy. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 :135-162.

Includes observations on N.Z. spp.

Narayana, L. L., P. S. Narayana and V. S. Raju. A contribution to the numerical chemotaxonomy of Corynocarpaceae. J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 8 : 249-254.

Nyananyo, B. L. A survey of leaf flavonoids in the Portulacaceae Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 14 : 633-635.

Hectorella and Lyallia had no flavonoids.

Orchard, A. E. Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae) in Australasia. 2, The Australian species. Brunonia 8 :173-291.

Discusses relationships with N.Z. spp.; M. triphyllum (=M. elatinoides auct. non Gaudich.) is included.

Patel, R. N. Wood anatomy of the dicotyledons indigenous to New Zealand. 15, Fagaceae. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 :189-202.

Quinn, C. J. Embryogeny in Phyllocladus. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 : 575-579.

Renvoize, S. A. A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses. 8, Arundinoideae. Kew Bull. 41 : 323-338.

Includes N.Z. Chionochloa rigida and Pyrrhanthera exigua.

Rübsamen, T. Morphologische, embryologische und systematische Untersuchungen an Burmanniaceae und Corsiaceae (mit Ausblick auf die Orchidaceae-Apostasioideae). (Diss. Bot. 92). Berlin, Cramer.

Includes Thismia rodwayi.

Rudall, P. Taxonomic significance of leaf anatomy in Australasian Iridaceae. Nord. J. Bot. 6 : 277-289.

Includes Libertia spp.

Schlessman, M. A. Floral protogyny, self-compatibility and the pollination of Ourisia macrocarpa (Scrophulariaceae). New Zealand J. Bot. 24 : 651-656.

Taylor, P. New taxa in Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae). Kew Bull. 41 : 1-18.

Makes new sections in the genus, 2 of which cover N.Z. spp.

Webb, C. J. Breeding systems and relationships in Gingidia and related Australasian Apiaceae. In Barlow, B. A. (Ed.) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. Melbourne, CSIRO, pp. 383-399.

Webb, C. J. The New Zealand cottonwood or tauhinu (Cassinia). J. Canterbury Alp. Gard. Soc. 5 : 8-9.

Webb, C. J. The genus Gunnera in New Zealand. J. Canterbury Alp. Gard. Soc. 5 :13-14, 19.

Webb, C. J. and D. G. Lloyd. The avoidance of interference between the presentation of pollen and stigmas in angiosperms. 2, Herkogamy. New Zealand J. Bot. 24 :163-178.

Includes observations on N.Z. spp.

West, J. G. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Evolution and biogeography of Scleranthus (Caryophyllaceae) in Australasia. In Barlow, B. A. (Ed.) Flora and Fauna of Alpine Australasia: Ages and Origins. Melbourne, CSIRO, pp. 435-450.

Williams, C. A., J. B. Harborne and P. Goldblatt. Correlations between phenolic patterns and tribal classification in the family Iridaceae. Phytochemistry 25 : 2135-2154.

Includes Libertia spp.

Williams, C. A. and P. J. Garnock-Jones. Leaf flavonoids and other phenolic glycosides and the taxonomy and phylogeny of Fuchsia sect. Skinnera (Onagraceae). Phytochemistry 25 : 2547-2549.

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