Dendriscocaulon dendroides (Nyl.) R.Sant. ex H.Magn.
Leptogium dendroides Nyl., Flora 50: 438 (1867).
Dendriscocaulon filicinellum Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 10 (1888).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Wellington (Port Nicholson). D. Lyall, H-NYL 41030!
D. filicinellum. Lectotype: Same specimen as above.
Thallus erect, to 10 cm or more tall, terete, attached by a strong, root-like holdfast, expanded, coralloid above. Primary branches terete below, basal stalk simple, robust 1-1.5 mm thick and to 4 cm tall, dichotomously or irregularly branching above with small coralloid phyllidia developed at apices. Surface pale fawnish, mottled blue-fawn or leaden grey to grey-black at apices, pale fawnish to dark brown or blackened below, ± glabrous, glossy or matt, wrinkled, grooved or cracked or plane, sometimes with a short, soft, buff pubescene in patches.
N: Wellington (Port Nicholson, D. Lyall, BM). S: Fiordland - Wild Natives River, Dusky Sound, Caswell Sound, Edith River, Lake Hankinson. On damp boulders in shaded habitats of high humidity. Often in association with caulescent species of Sticta especially S. filix.