Poeltiaria corralensis
≡Lecidea corralensis Räsänen, Revista Universitaria (Santiago) 22: 211 (1937).
Description : Thallus white, dingy-white or pale-grey or creamish, areolate; areolae irregular, 0.6–1.5 mm diam., plane, smooth; medulla I – or pale-blue to violet; without a distinct prothallus, or with vestiges of a greyish prothallus sometimes visible at margins. Apothecia to 3 mm diam., sessile, constricted at base, black with a distinct margin, disappearing with age. Exciple large, well-developed, colourless, 180–280 μm thick, ectal zone olivaceous to blue-green, 15–20 μm tall, inner zone colourless. Hymenium 80–135 μm tall, colourless, I+ blue; epithecium olive-green, 10–15 μm thick. Hypothecium colourless. Ascospores ellipsoidal, 12.5–26 × 5–12.5 μm, halonate. Pycnidia immersed. Conidia cylindrical, 8–9(–11) × 0.8–1 μm.
Chemistry : Cortex K−, C−, Pd−; medulla K−, C−, P−; two chemodemes present; the majority without any detectable secondary compounds; some specimens with porphyrilic acid (Hertel 1985b: 310; Rambold 1989: 270).
N: Wellington (S of airport). S: Nelson (Cobb Valley, Aniseed Valley), Marlborough (Branch River), Canterbury (Nina Valley near Lewis Pass, Woolshed Hill, Arthur's Pass National Park, Banks Peninsula), Otago (Arrowtown, Swampy Hill, Dunedin). Also known from southern South America in Argentina and Chile and from Australia (Hertel 1984b, 1987b, 1989b, 2001; Rambold 1989; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Illustration : Rambold (1989: 269, fig. 27).
Poeltiaria corralensis is characterised by: the saxicolous habit; a colourless hypothecium; an I+ bluish medulla; a greenish epithecium; cylindrical conidia; and ±porphyrilic acid. P. turgescens differs in its chemistry (confluentic acid) and in the brownish epithecium. P. corralensis has a southern distribution in NZ (Hertel 1985b: 311, fig. 3).