Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Stereocaulon loricatum I.M.Lamb

S. loricatum Lamb, Lichenologist 8: 61 (1976).

Holotype: New Zealand, Otago. West Matukituki Valley, Mt French, on rock 1600 m. DJ. Galloway, 1967, FH.

Thallus to 3 cm tall, primary thallus ± persistent, of branching, ± dorsiventral, ascending lobes. Pseudopodetia simple, erect, often 1-2-branched at apices, ± continuously corticate, cortex distinctly verrucose-areolate. Phyllocladia absent. Cephalodia sessile, basal or occasionally inserted above the base of the pseudopodetia, pale yellowish or olive green, rounded, corrugate-scrobiculate or even botryose, alga Stigonema. Apothecia terminal, often 2-3-clustered at apices of fertile pseudopodetia, disc black, to 3 mm diam., plane or concave at first with a thin margin but consistently convex and immarginate at maturity. Ascospores 6-8 per ascus, elongate-fusiform, 5-9-septate, 40-70 × 4-6 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, fumarprotocetraric and salazinic (tr.) acids.

S: Arthur's Pass, Western Otago and Fiordland (Dusky Sound). Alpine on schist in Otago and greywacke in Canterbury, in high-rainfall areas, from 850-2200 m.


S. loricatum is closely related to S. gregarium and is often sympatric with it, and with S. caespitosum. It is distinguished from S. gregarium in the following characters: pseudopodetia nearly always irregularly moderately branched and taller, cortex distinctly verrucose-areolate, primary thallus of prostrate to ascending, branching, ± dorsiventral lobes, and different medullary chemistry.

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