Knightiella Müll.Arg.
Thallus foliose, lobate, ± closely attached, orbicular to spreading to 4 cm diam. Lobes rounded, margins entire or incised, slightly wavy, subascendent. Upper surface smooth, matt or shining, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia. Photobiont green ? Coccomyxa. Medulla white. Lower surface pale, arachnoid. Apothecia laminal, sessile or subpedicellate, disc undulate to plane, pink, ± pruinose, with a thin concolorous margin. Ascospores colourless, 1-septate, 8 per ascus.
Knightiella which seems most closely related to Baeomyces, is an Australasian monotypic genus [Galloway and Elix N.Z. J. Bot. 18: 481-486 (1981) "1980"] placed in the family Pannariaceae by some authors and in the Physciaceae or Stictaceae by others, but is still of uncertain taxonomic position. It is rarely found in South I., and is more common on Stewart I., and the Subantarctic Is. Typification of synonyms is given in Galloway and Elix ( loc. cit. ).