Potentilla anserinoides Raoul
P. anserina var. anserinoides (Raoul) Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 54.
Type locality: "Akaroa in uliginosis". Type: P.
Rootstock rather stout, woody, emitting tufts of lvs and slender stolons up to 2 dm. or more long, which root and produce new tufts of lvs. Lvs imparipinnate, up to c. 15 cm. long including slender, sparsely pilose petioles; stipules scarious; lflts 11-15, alternating with minute, incised to entire pairs; larger lflts c. 1-1·5 cm. long, subsessile, oblong-obovate to suborbicular, sharply serrate, glab. or nearly so above, white silky-tomentose below, teeth penicillate. Fls solitary, up to 1·5 cm. or rather more diam., on slender peduncles up to 15 cm. long. Calyx pilose, lobes ovate-apiculate, up to 5 mm. long; bractlets deeply toothed. Petals 5, bright yellow, glab., suborbicular, shortly clawed, up to nearly 1 cm. long; stamens ∞, filaments short. Receptacle villous, achenes subreniform, finally glab.
DIST.: N., S., Ch. Grassland and bog, lowland to montane, from c. 37° southwards.
FL. 9-1. FT. 10-3.