Strigula Fr.
Thallus crustose, foliicolous, subcuticular, usually epiphyllous, ecorticate, effigurate, lobes distinct or entirely confluent. Photobiont green, Cephaleuros. Perithecia convex to conical, totally exposed, partly immersed in the thallus, or totally covered by thallus tissue, perithecial wall K-, dimidiate or entire, usually differentiated into an outer wall (involucrellum) which is black or brown, and an inner wall which is black, brown or colourless. Paraphyses simple. Asci cylindrical or obclavate, thin-walled. Ascospores 8 per ascus, with 1-3 thin, transverse septa. Pycnidia convex. Conidiophores simple, forming conidia apically. Macroconidia simple or 1-7(-9)-septate, bacillar to filiform. Microconidia simple, ellipsoid to fusiform.
Strigula is a genus of c. 12 species of foliicolous lichens included in the family Strigulaceae, of mainly tropical origin and distribution. Taxonomy and relationships of the genus are discussed by Santeson [ Symb. bot. upsal. 12: 136-194 (1952)]. Three species are known from New Zealand.