Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Cercidospora trypetheliza

C. trypetheliza (Nyl.) Hafellner & Obermayer, Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichénol. 16 (3): 180 (1995).

*Lecidea trypetheliza Nyl., Acta Soc. Sci. fenn 7: 402 (1863).

Description : Lichenicolous on thalli of Arthrorhaphis. Perithecioid pseudothecia partially or competely immersed in host thallus, usually one per thallus areole. Ostiole greenish black, minute, papillate to punctiform, 0.05 mm diam., or less, contrasting vividly with yellow-green of thallus. Ostiole greenish black. Ascospores 1-septate, (13–)15–17(–19) × 4.5–5.5 μm.

S: Otago (St Marys Ra. Awakino Skifield, Old Man Ra., Umbrella Mts above Gem Lake, Pulpit Rock, Silver Peaks). On Arthrorhaphis alpina and A. citrinella var. catolechoides, on soil. First collected in New Zealand by the late Dr James Murray. Known also from Asia, Europe, Australasia (Hafellner & Obermayer 1995), the Faeröes Is (Alstrup et al. 1994), the Russian Arctic (Zhurbenko & Santesson 1996), Greenland (Ihlen 1997b; Hansen & Obermayer 1999) and western North America (McCune & Ponzetti 2006).


Hosts : Arthrorhaphis alpina, A. citrinella var. catolechioides.

Illustrations : Poelt & Hafellner (1976: 217, fig. 2 – as * Neonorrlinia trypetheliza); Hafellner & Obermayer (1995: 181, fig. 1).

* Cercidospora trypetheliza is characterised by: the laminally situated pseudothecia (partially or completely immersed in host thallus) with a greenish black ostiole, contrasting with yellow-green of thallus tissue; and 8-spored asci with colourless, 1-septate ascospores, (13–)15–17(–19) × 4.5–5.5 μm.

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