Leptorhaphis haematommatum
Holotype: New Zealand. South I., Canterbury, Bealey Spur near Arthur's Pass, near Grassmere Hut, 800–1000 m, on trunk of Nothofagus solandri [ var. cliffortioides], in swampy forest, on apothecia of Haematomma hilare, 17.xii.1980, L. Tibell 10106, ex Vězda, Lich. Sel. Exs. No. 1833 – GZU. Isotypes– BM, CANB, DUKE, ESS, GZU, H, HO, M, PRM, TSB, UPS, VBI, Herb. K. Kalb, Herb. A. Vězda.
Description : Lichenicolous, a hymenial parasite of species of Haematomma. Perithecia immersed in host hymenial tissue, globose, 90–120 μm diam., with an apical pore. Involucrellum brown, developed at upper parts of centrum. Exciple scarcely differentiated below. Hamathecium richly developed, of branched, anastomosing pseudoparaphyses, 2 μm thick. Asci broadly clavate, fissitunicate, 35–50 × 14–20 μm, 16-spored. Ascospores fusiform, slightly curved, 1-septate, 35–45 × 2–2.5 μm. Pyncidia immersed, developing alongside ascomata, elliptical in section, 50–60 × 25–35 μm, wall brownish. Conidia terminal on conidigenous cells, bacillar, 5 × 0.8–1 μm.
S: Canterbury (Boyle River, Bealey Spur, Cass Hill, Hanmer Springs, Dog Stream). Known also from Queensland where it is a hymenial parasite of Haematomma africanum (Kalb et al. 1995: 206–207).
Host : Haematomma hilare.
Illustrations : Kalb et al. (1995: pls 4–7).
* Leptorhaphis haematommatum is characterised by: the lichenicolous habit (Haematomma hilare as host); immersed perithecia; 16-spored asci; and fusiform, 1-septate ascospores, 35–45 × 2–2.5 μm.