Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Hebe townsonii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan

H. townsonii (Cheesem.) Ckn. et Allan in T.N.Z.I. 57, 1926, 20.

Veronica townsonii Cheesem. in T.N.Z.I. 45, 1913, 95.

V. macrocarpa var. crassifolia Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 505.

Type locality: Karamea Hill. Type: A, 7799, W. Townson.

Erect, rather fastigiately branched shrub to 2.5 m. tall. Branchlets glab., length of internodes c. 3 × diam. Lvs ± erect, 3-8 × 0·5-1 cm., linear-lanceolate, coriac., glab., bright green above, notably duller beneath; lf-bud with long sinus; lamina subacute, entire, margins cartilaginous, slightly revolute; undersurface with regular series of short oblique domatia just within margin. Infls lateral, simple (occ. with subsidiary racemes in lowest bracts in cultivated plants), 3-12 cm. long; peduncle relatively short, almost glab. Fls not crowded, pedicels c. 3 mm. (elongating to 6 mm. in fr.), us. < linear acute ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes 3-5 mm. long, narrow, subacute to acute, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube c. 2 mm. long and broad, lobes c. 6 mm. long. Capsule erect, 4-5 × 2.5-3 mm., acute, us. < 2 × calyx.

DIST.: N. Mt. Messenger, Taranaki. S. North and south of Westport.

FL. (7)-9-11.

"Apparently a distinct simple species distinguished from all other forms of Hebe by the two rows of domatia on the back of the leaf contiguous to the margin".

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