Rhizocarpon convexulum Zahlbr.
Holotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Manawatu Gorge. On rock surface in road cutting. E. Chamberlain W62, W - not seen.
Thallus crustose, spreading, closely attached, tartareous, greyish-white, continuous to areolate-cracked, prothallus indistinct or lacking. Areolae to 1 mm diam., separated by very narrow cracks, plane, smooth, matt. Apothecia numerous, innate, scattered between areolae, disc black, plane to subconvex, epruinose. Hymenium colourless 100-120 µm tall. Paraphyses capillary, straight, not much branched, not swollen at apices. Asci ellipsoid-clavate, rounded at apices, 8-spored. Ascospores colourless becoming brownish, ellipsoid to oval, muriform, cells minute, angular, 27-29 × 9-11 µm, halonate.
N: Wellington. Known only from the type collection.